Monday, 2007-03-26

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JLPPorthos_: ah found it00:07
Porthos_Sorry for making you search, I was making dinner00:09
JLPno problem00:09
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DystopicFromithro: I updated my app, thanks for your comments, I was thinking about getting a script together to import the current state of mtsec into the prototype tonight01:25
mithroDystopicFro: cool01:26
mithronash: ping?01:26
nashmithro: pong01:27
nashmithro: You need to put up submission guidelines for teh AI comp01:27
nashI assume you'll need some doco ;-)01:27
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cherezhow are we doing on apps?02:09
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cherez'lo, mithro02:14
nashcherez: We are rolling in apps ;-) Which is good.  And there are a number of good ones02:16
nashIt's going to be very very hard to pick02:18
nashYou'll be happy to know IRC activity is a positive influence02:18
cherezI have been traveling all day, I just now got home02:19
cherezso, how many are we up to?02:19
nashPassed 3002:22
cherezcome on 3402:23
cherezyes, now to ensure only 1 more comes and I win the the bet02:24
nashcherez: Maybe you shoudl cheat ;-)02:25
cherezadd 1 more then DoS Google?02:26
xdotxo_O gl with that02:26
xdotxand hi all02:27
dmpaytonlol, what did you bet cherez?02:27
cherezwhoever guesses closest to the number of apps gets automatically accepted02:27
cherezI guessed 3402:27
xdotxlol, then I guess 3502:28
cherezcrap, I need to DoS it fast, then02:29
cherezcan't be too hard, how much bandwidth could Google have?02:29
xdotxheh, you might need to get a couple friends :P02:30
xdotxweren't they collecting dark fiber a while ago?02:30
cherezdark fiber?02:34
* nash notes the google SoC page is quite slow02:35
cherezjust have to hax0r a couple more ISPs and I've got this pool!02:35
nashShall be back in an hour or so... lunch time02:43
mithronot much of a last minute rush :/04:11
cherezstill... 3 hours left?04:16
mithrostill quite a few hours04:16
mithrowithin the last 24 hours however I think04:16
cherezit's 9:20 pacific right now04:17
xdotxah, that's right. is it midnight tonight, or midnight tomorrow?04:17
xdotxcherez: "Google   Error    Server Error   The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request."04:22
cherezwas that in submitting?04:22
xdotxnah. but about that DoS....04:23
mithroxdotx: thats been happening all week :P04:23
xdotxmithro: heh, good :)04:23
xdotxer, well. sort of04:23
mithroxdotx: it's likely when you submitted it actually submitted04:24
mithrowhere you updateing your application?04:24
xdotxah. it's 17:00 tomorrow for the deadline04:25
xdotxmithro: not yet, been working on it all day today04:25
mithroxdotx: a new application or updating an old one?04:27
mithroor something totally not for tp? :P04:27
xdotxmithro: on the TP app!04:27
mithroxdotx: ?04:28
xdotxwell, on and off.04:28
xdotxer, updating that is04:28
xdotxmithro: I'd like to submit multiple applications but I've got _no_ time during the school year04:29
xdotxmithro: it's a struggle to eat, sleep and go to school. fun things like writing applications have to be squeezed in... i can't wait for summer04:31
mithroxdotx: thats okay, i'm still a student so I know how that feels :P04:31
cherezno kidding04:32
cherezI'm on spring break so maybe I'll have time to do something, when I'm not doing homework04:32
xdotxmy spring break was in the middle of my midterm exams and so half the time was spent recovering from the first midterms, and the later half was preparing for the next ones :P04:33
cherezwow, that is evil04:33
xdotxyeah, seriously.04:34
cherezI have an 8 page report to write, and I'm not sure what it's supposed to be about04:38
jothamnew spaceships tonight i hope mithro =o04:51
jothamoh just some new programmer graphics04:51
jothamcause i need them to be able to rotate04:52
mithrojotham: cool :P04:54
Epyonjotham, you're a gsocer, or a tp programmer?05:30
Epyoncan I see the sample of those graphics? :)05:30
jothamwhen i make them, sure05:31
jothamdon't expect much05:31
Epyonjotham, because if you'd make a list of graphics needed, I might give them  shot, as long as I'll be free to use them in my own non-GPLed projects :)05:31
jothamthis was my last crack at a spaceship, so be wary :p
tpb<> (at
jothamnaah i'm ok making my own for this exercise05:32
jothambut thanks for the offer05:32
Epyonnp ;]05:32
Epyonjotham, what do you work with?05:32
jothamgerman program05:33
Epyonah, heard about it, but never used it.05:33
* Epyon is a 3ds max addict05:33
jothami have to program plugins for it at work05:33
nashEpyon: If you want to do ship designs, my client could yse them ;-)05:33
jothamthat's why i am familiar with it05:33
Epyonnash, up to date I only did starfighter scale ships, and somehow I'm eager to take a look at doing capitals ;]05:34
Epyonbut you'd need a list of needed ships.05:34
nashEpyon: How would you like the list?05:34
nashEssentially min is the ships needed for minisec... Scout, Frigate, Destroyer... A friendly and at least one non-friendly version of each05:35
Epyonnash, and I must immidately admit that my designs usualy are more "typical" then what that jotham does :)05:35
Epyonnash, where can I find a list of minisec ships?05:35
nashThat was it above05:36
nashAll 3 ;-)05:36
jothamaye, i'm an admitted fruitcake =\05:36
nashjotham: Are yours up on a site somewhere?05:36
cherezEpyon: scout, frigate, battleship05:36
jothamno i haven't made any, i just made a passing comment to mithro about making some temporary ones tonight05:37
cherezthere's your list05:37
jothamsomething else i recently made
nashEpyon: However to indicate race I'd like to have a patch I can colour code.05:37
jothambut not quite a spaceship05:37
nashSo if you have a mask I can use evas_object_color_set() to colour it appropriately to the race05:37
nash(So basically normal image + mask where I set teh colour for different races) would be great05:38
nashThe mask can/should have a full alpha channel05:38
nashAnd mithro: You still haven't put up the submission details for the AI comp05:38
jothamso tehy are 8bit colors, or many bit with a key color for racial color coding?05:38
Epyonnash, I've sent you my question on private ;]05:39
nashEpyon: Haven't seen it yet05:39
jothamEpyon: you need to be identified with nickserv to message on this network05:39
nashjotham: It's a 8 bit mask essentially - A white mask is easiest05:39
Epyon<Epyon> you want static images right?05:40
Epyon<Epyon> if so, then how big images, so I know what detail level to do them with.05:40
nashSo essentially the engine just does a multuply on the mask by the colour, and then blends it on top05:40
nashStatic for now.05:40
nashI need to to get them integrated by the end of the week ;-)05:40
Epyonwhat will be the target image resolution?05:40
nashSmall - I'll use them on the map itself + the ship view.05:41
nashLargest will be 64x64 I'd image05:41
nashAlso backgrounds transparent would be ideal (use 32 bit RGBA pngs ideally)05:41
Epyon8 bit alpha channel is ok?05:42
nash8 bit alpha channel is perfect05:44
nashEpyon: The evas engine fully supports alpha channels05:44
Epyonnash, say just how big (approx) you imagine those ships (in meters)05:47
Epyonnash, each of them.05:47
nash20, 100, 30005:48
nashHow is that?05:48
EpyonFirst is fighter scale, second corvette scale, and the last is frigatte scale xD05:48
EpyonGood :D05:48
nashHeh ;-)05:48
EpyonOk, I'll take a look :)05:49
nashScout I'd imagine is just a lot of cameras on an engine05:49
nashAnd they need to render to about the same size however - they just need to 'look' smaller/larger - so scout needs to be small and unthreatening05:49
nashFrigate well.. a frigate05:50
jothamhello kitty stickers on it05:50
jotham(the scout)05:50
nashAnd a destroyer, something big and nasty05:50
nashjotham: Works for me05:50
mithronash: hrm - the submissions arn't due till 31st?05:51
nashmithro: I know - but if you put up "must include 200 page treatise on development of AI in human society..." it would be nice to know05:52
Epyonnash, kay, kay05:52
nashEpyon: ;-)05:52
mithroit's a battleship guys!05:52
nashMeh... same diff05:52
nashSmith ignores them anyway05:53
Epyonnash, I'll go for something sphere based for the scout, something assymetrical for the frigate, and blocky/symmetrical for the bship..05:53
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mithronash: remeber fleets can have more then one ship :P06:13
nashmithro: I know06:13
mithrohow you going to handle that?06:13
nashJust need some basic representation for starters06:13
nashmithro: I've got a few things to try to see how it goes...06:13
nashWorst comes to worse.. I'll use the stars hack - a + in the corner to indicate more ships ;-)06:18
nashEpyon: If you want to give me smaller versions as well - if it is easy.06:26
nashElse i can scale easily06:26
mithronash: we should have done a release on freshmeat during the SoC06:26
nashHeh - indeed06:27
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Epyonyou're here?06:34
nashI am indeed06:35
Epyonbasic shape only, no textures06:35
nashThat's fine for now - it will be fairly small06:35
nashHave a mask for colours etc ?06:35
Epyonat 64x64 size I think it would be easier to just render with seperate colors :P06:36
nashEpyon: But then I need the colours before hand06:36
nashThis way the colours can be chosen at run time06:37
EpyonHmm, I think I'll find a solution.06:37
EpyonLet's say that all of the ships will be grayscale, with the "coloured" parts painted with some realy intensive color. Then I'll "seperate" this color into a separate grayscale image in photoshop.06:38
nashYep - use white as the intense colour ;-)06:39
nashOr maybe green to be traditional06:39
Epyonnash, so masking like these parts we'd get ships like this (with green)
EpyonThat's the intended outcome?06:45
Epyon(I'll prepare the mask, no worries)06:46
nashYeah - although, I think your mask has a bit too much alpha in it06:46
Epyonthis isn't the mask ;]06:46
nashI know - just the colour is a little darker in the masked one06:47
Epyonthis would be the mask...
nashYep - perfect06:50
Epyon(luckily I don06:50
* nash will colour it white - but that is easy06:50
Epyon't even need photoshop)06:50
nashAnd of course the black will be transparent I assume?06:50
EpyonIt's a 256 grayscale PNG06:51
Epyonso black = transparent, the more white the more color.06:51
EpyonThe final files I'll render to 64x64, I guess those will be most useful to you, right?06:52
nashYep - perfect06:52
EpyonOkay, but first I'll do the models.06:52
nashWell the scout is cool06:53
nashReminds me a little of a B-wing06:53
EpyonYeah, it's something between a b-wing and a tie fighter :P06:54
EpyonTo be honest, I consider old starwars as a masterpiece in design, especialy the imperial craft.06:55
nashThey varied, but there was some damn good design06:55
EpyonLike lambda shuttle or the VSD...06:56
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mithrowb cherez07:05
cherezI thought I'd go to sleep, then after an hour I thought I'd come back07:11
cherezso it seems the deadline is the end of March 26th07:11
xdotxpacific of course07:11
cherezoh, 5 pm?07:11
cherezguess I should have read the rules07:12
mithro[16:50] <Anya> 16 hours, 44 minutes, 18 seconds to the SoC student deadline.07:17
mithrofrom #summer-discuss on slashnet07:17
cherezit ends at 5:34 your time?07:25
cherezthat's an odd minute to end on...07:25
nashmithro is really lagged07:25
mithroyes - or Anya's clock is wrong07:26
nashmithro: And you haven't updated the web site yet07:26
mithroopps, I forgot to say yes to the push07:27
CIA-17[email protected] * web/google-summer-of-code-2007.php : Added the extra mentors.07:28
mithronash: your on our sourceforge page now07:29
mithrojotham: you have a sf account?07:32
nashEpyon: How does the other 2 ships go?07:32
jothamuh yes07:35
jothamlet me look07:35
jothammade one the other day07:35
* mithro is lagged by about 30 seconds07:37
Epyonnash, I'm currently working on the frigate. I have a sketch, but I don't know how it will look as a model ;]07:37
EpyonI might have overdone with the assymetrics :P07:38
xdotxalright, i was determined to find it all on my own, but if i'm looking for a complete example of a ruleset, where do i look?07:39
mithroxdotx: which server?07:39
xdotxi'm looking in the cpp server07:39
mithrotry the modules/games/minisec for tpserver-cpp07:39
xdotxin modules/games07:39
mithrothere should be a minisec directory07:40
xdotxbeen looking at that, but can't help but feel like i'm missing something07:40
mithroxdotx: i think your probably missing what hasn't been written yet :P07:40
mithroxdotx: did you try the mtsec one too?07:41
mithrothats a little bit more advanced07:41
xdotxmithro: yep, looked at them both07:42
mithroxdotx: what are you actually looking for?07:42
xdotxmithro: i was considering adding to my proposal: writing a document that provides some better insight to writing a ruleset, as i haven't found anything like that07:42
mithroxdotx: that was kinda expected :P07:42
xdotxmithro: heheh, good07:43
cherezlike a ruleset writing tutorial?07:46
nashEpyon: Cool07:46
xdotxcherez: yeah. i was thinking it be like a tutorial with small examples, tips, tricks, etc07:47
mithrocherez: yeah, the python server needs one too - but it's a little clearer07:47
cherezI have that in my application, I believe07:48
mithroit's not as exciting when you arn't getting new applications :P07:49
cherezI don't think I'd have time to write a good one tomorrow07:50
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jothami'm not much of a spaceship artist08:07
jothamprobe ->
tpbTitle: Imagebin - A place to slap up your images. (at
daxxarWow, this is one of the best parts about flatmates.08:10
* daxxar woke up to waffles and fresh coffee.08:11
nashjotham: Doesn't look to bad to me08:12
jothami know favour primative geometric shapes which lots of people dislike08:13
mithrojotham: what was your sf account again?08:13
nashNeeds a few more polygons the tubes - but at a smaller size it's cool ;-)08:13
jothamjust trying an isometric render08:13
jothamheh i intentionally made everything really chunky08:13
jothami'll figure that out mithro08:13
daxxarmithro: What's the total count up to now? :)08:15
jothammithro: 'jotham'08:15
jothamid 1558824 <- newschool08:16
mithrodaxxar: only 3308:16
mithrojotham: sssh, they'll discover we have been talking in a private channel! ;)08:16
daxxarmithro: Isn't that quite respectable? :)08:17
mithrodaxxar: well it hasn't gone up in the last 12 or so hours08:17
* jotham runs a hypernurbs over it for nash08:18
daxxarmithro: Ah. :-)08:18
nashjotham: waiting for image...08:18
daxxarI'd add another one to the toll, if there were any other ideas I'd been passionate enough to fight hordes of applicants over. ;-)08:19
daxxarThe protocol testing looks neat, but I can't think of any ingenious way of making a testing suite for libraries that's language-independent. :)08:22
daxxarThe 'best' way I can think of would be requiring each library to make an executable that works on STDIN/STDOUT to generate the data, or a naïve client that connects to a fake server.08:23
daxxarBut both approaches require additional code in the protocol libraries, and both (especially the latter) increase the odds of bugs in other places than the actual protocol library.08:24
tpbTitle: Imagebin - A place to slap up your images. (at
jothamthat's in isometric08:24
jothamit's pretty dark here, my lighting leaves something to be desired08:25
nashjotham: That's cool ;-)08:25
mithrojotham: your on our sf page now :P08:27
mithrojotham: why does an un-maned probe have windows?08:28
jothamwho says they are windows08:28
jothami was thinking collectors of some kind08:28
jothamthat's just the generic team color also08:29
nashI can answer that one... Because it looks better ;-)08:29
jothamyeah there is that too08:29
cherezwow... StumbleUpon is good08:32
cherezI just looked at the suggested friends feature08:32
cherezone of them is a friend of mine08:32
jothamheh, yeah that's like has one of my friends as my nearest neighbour in terms of music taste08:33
jothamtotal chance08:33
jothaminternets a big place08:33
daxxarDoes tpsai-py work? :)08:33
daxxarhmm, seems to work, but requires you to run it for each turn or something? :-)08:35
mithrodaxxar: it doesn't issue any orders08:35
daxxarAh, yes, it only prints the suggested orders+08:35
mithroit just connects downloads the universe and quits :P08:35
mithrodoesn't even suggest orders yet08:36
daxxarHm, okay, prints evaluation of the 'game field'?08:36
mithrodaxxar: not quite sure :P08:36
daxxarSeems atleast to assign priorities to various items (threats, neutral assets, etc) based on how close they are to you and how close you are to it (respectively), then just print the map. :)08:37
daxxarBut I don't know python, so I could be wrong ;)08:37
mithrolong time since I touched it08:38
daxxarYou're the author?08:38
jothammithro could you look at that weaponpoint thing when you have some time08:39
mithrojotham: still at uni08:40
mithrodaxxar: yeah :P08:40
daxxardoes PKG_CHECK_MODULES use the same info as pkg-config?08:40
mithroif it's python, i've probably had something to do with it :P08:41
daxxarAh, ok :)08:41
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nashAnyway - I'm heading home now...08:45
nashI'll talk you all later08:45
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daxxarVariable 'LIBGNUTLS_LIBS' not defined in '/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/libtpproto.pc'08:51
daxxarOutput from pkg-config --list-all after installing libtpproto-cpp from darcs08:51
daxxarllnz: Any suggestions?08:52
daxxarllnz: Should I be using 0.1.0 instead of darcs?08:52
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DystopicFro*grumble grumble* _num-components property defined in minisec but not mtsec *grumble grumble*08:54
mithrollnz: no new applications, still sitting at 33 :/08:55
llnzdaxxar: i'm looking into it08:59
daxxarllnz: Okay. :)08:59
llnzDystopicFro: not a problem to add it08:59
llnzDystopicFro: but the properties and components haven't been worked out for mtsec in tpserver-cpp yet09:01
DystopicFrollnz: very true, but the lack thereof caused problems when I scraped all of the Properties and Components from MTSec into my Ruleset Dev Env.09:01
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DystopicFroso, I just had to delete the dummy prop file that got generated and remove the reference from the scout ship09:02
DystopicFroI just really like the format of that code...09:02
DystopicFroand it's easy to scrape with a perl script09:02
DystopicFrowhere minisec is less structured09:02
CIA-17Lee Begg <[email protected]> * libtpproto-cpp/ :09:05
CIA-17Better file:09:05
CIA-17 Hopefully fixes daxxar's issue09:05
llnzDystopicFro: because mtsec is a much larger game, it has to be more structured09:05
DystopicFroniphree: ahoyhoy >.<09:05
daxxarI feel speshul.09:05
DystopicFroaye, but just from the perspective of a ruleset editor...that structure there is good to follow in generating code...a class to generate Properties, a class to generate Components, it's Property with a function to be called, etc09:06
llnzcool, that would be very good (and is what i would do)09:07
DystopicFrothat's the general thought if I'm able to follow up on my ruleset dev idea, it makes the generation of properties, components and designs almost trivial09:08
DystopicFrothe kicker is in getting a good tool to edit the TPCL code09:08
DystopicFrobut I've got some ideas for that as well09:08
daxxarhmm. still whining about no -lgnutls when I do pkg-config --list-all, though it is installed using aptitude. Let me see if I can figure out why there is no .pc for it. :)09:14
daxxarPackage -lgnutls was not found in the pkg-config search path.09:14
daxxarPerhaps you should add the directory containing `-lgnutls.pc'09:14
daxxarHmm, seems something about the new .pc is a bit borked? :)09:15
daxxarOr -- what do I need to get it to recreate the libtpproto.pc from the .in?09:15
* daxxar does a clean build w/ autogen and configure.09:16
llnzdaxxar: humm....09:19
daxxarNo, still looks for -lgnutls.pc, llnz :)09:19
* llnz looks for docs on pkg-config09:20
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DystopicFromithro: one of your comments asked if it would be possible to import existing rulesets into my editor...and I'm happy to say that with a little Perl anything is possible09:32
DystopicFro to see the editor with the current state of MTSec loaded in it09:32
tpb<> (at
mithroDystopicFro: cool09:35
* llnz has problems loading that page09:36
* mithro loaded it fine - which is a bit strange :P09:37
DystopicFrobyah, foolish school webspace09:37
DystopicFroah well, off to sleep I go, g'day all09:38
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xdotxupdated my app09:46
xdotx(about time, i know)09:47
CIA-17Lee Begg <[email protected]> * libtpproto-cpp/ :09:48
CIA-17Another attempt to fix daxxar's issue:09:48
CIA-17 Appears that it doesn't need that line at all09:48
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* nash waves09:51
llnzhi nash09:51
nashoh... another application09:52
xdotxannnnd it's bed time. see ya guys09:53
llnzcya xdotx09:53
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mithroooo - 35!10:04
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nashEpyon: ?10:08
EpyonI just noticed that this one's also bwingish...10:09
nashBut quite imperial as well10:09
EpyonI wanted something nicely assymetrical, but I might have overdone it :P10:10
nashnah, it's cool10:10
nashHow does it look at 128x128 or smaller?10:10
Epyon -- previous version10:10
Epyonbetter ;]10:10
nashEpyon: I already looked ;-)10:10
EpyonIt was made having 128/64 in mind -- if it would be higher, then more details should be added10:11
Epyonnash, you're the inquisitive type :P10:11
EpyonI guess I'll try the battleship now.10:12
Epyonthis is fun ^^10:12
Epyonnot to mention that it's "reseach" :P10:13
nashSo can you get the general ship gen to count as research?10:13
EpyonAnd while doing those by hand, I wonder how would the computer do it :P10:14
* mithro doesn't like the head :P10:15
EpyonThe greatest problem is "bool GeneratedModel::isEsthetical()" :P10:15
Epyonmithro, yeah neither do I. I might remodel it10:15
nashEpyon: Thats why you gen multiple, and let people pick ;-)10:15
Epyonmithro, any suggestion for improvement?10:16
nashLooks cool when smaller I think10:19
nashAt 80x80 it looks fine10:19
mithrowell, heading home now10:32
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daxxarWorked great now, llnz :)10:42
llnzthanks for pointing out that there was a problem10:43
daxxarAre there no running testservers?10:43
daxxarMetaserver doesn't report any, atleast :)10:43
llnzoh, i'll restart demo1 again10:44
llnzdemo1 running10:45
sijmenI'm getting timeouts.. they probably blocked that port here :(10:47
nashgood to know tp is popular enough to be blocked ;-)10:50
JLPahoy people and bots10:51
daxxarAhoy JLP10:52
sijmenwell I don't know any other explanation10:52
sijmenhi JLP10:52
sijmenare you here for the Summer of Code? :+10:52
daxxarJLP is a mentor, so you could say that. :p10:53
sijmenI'm off to buy some food..10:53
JLPoh i see 2 new applications10:54
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sijmenJLP: that makes..?11:17
sijmen32 or so?11:17
sijmen2 more and there's a winner11:17
JLPhehe yeah, currently xdotx is the winner11:18
sijmenWell let's hope we've got 36 winners then :P11:18
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sijmenough school assignment example code:  somefunc(std::string*)11:27
CIA-17Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/ (72 files in 2 dirs):11:29
CIA-17Moving frame processing from Player to new PlayerAgent:11:29
CIA-17 Should avoid the re-login segfault, and is clearer for Player. Have been11:29
CIA-17 meaning to do this for a while.11:29
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mithrohowdy people11:42
llnzhi mithro11:43
JLPmithro: ahoy11:43
JLPi see we've got 3 additional mentors11:44
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nashsijmen: Looks like there was a part - 8 people logged out about 2 minutes before you logged in11:58
nashA few just came back...11:58
llnzlooked like a multi-way split11:59
sijmenah okay11:59
sijmena netsplit is when servers from the IRC network lost connection with each other, right?11:59
Epyonnash, still here?12:03
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nashEpyon: Back again.. ues12:05
tpb<> (at
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llnzEpyon: nice12:07
nashThat's cool12:07
nashNice and intimidating12:07
EpyonI only wonder which parts in the frigate and battleship should be "colorable"12:08
nashOnly quibble - going a different way to the frigate12:08
EpyonProbably the "shield generators"12:08
EpyonDue to the texture?12:08
nashThe two round sections seem obvious12:08
nashNo facing to the right - different angle12:08
EpyonThe round sections are "shield generators" in my imagination ;]12:09
EpyonI'll make all facing right12:09
nashCool - that seems to be the best12:09
nashThat would be excellent12:09
nashAnd yes the shield gens, and possibly the two flat shaded sections at the front12:10
EpyonBut I'll "flip" the frigate model, because it looks better from the single-wing side :>12:10
mithroI like the battleship12:11
mithrowhat was the url for the frigate again?12:11
Epyon -- no textures tough12:11
EpyonBecause on 64x64 they would be barely visible anyway :P12:11
jothamholy moly, the last ep of bsg was good12:12
mithrothe frigate just doesn't look like what I would expect12:12
nashEpyon: Cool12:12
Epyonmithro, well I can remake it ;]12:12
nashThe angle on the battleship is probably the better angle BTW12:13
jothamdid you see my probe Epyon12:13
jothamyour BS is cool btw12:13
mithroEpyon: I don't think your frigate looks "dangerous" enough or big enough to be a capital ship12:13
nashmithro: It's main use is to colonise in minisec ;-)12:14
jothamyeah the frig looks like something someone salvaged12:14
Epyonnash, any chance with going 80x80? There seems to be too much detail lost in 64x6412:14
mithrojotham: what was yours again12:14
nashEpyon: I can try... but I'll probably scale it back for somethings.12:14
Epyonmithro, it looks okay in 80x80 :P12:14
Epyonnash, so I'll supply 80x8012:15
nashEpyon: Cool12:15
nashmithro: We need somewhere to start to store these12:15
mithronash: we have a media repository12:15
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jothammines got nothing on Epyon's12:16
jothamlet me get a linky12:16
tpbTitle: Imagebin - A place to slap up your images. (at
jothamthat was the scout/probe12:27
nashjotham: I think that one is cool12:28
Epyonand a lot more detailed than mine :P12:33
Epyonnash, I did a zipfile with the 80x80 images and masks, should I send it to you or place somewhere?12:35
nashYou chose12:36
nashI'll add it to my source -12:37
tpb<> (at
EpyonHmm, I wonder what licence I should put images created for TP under...12:38
EpyonI could public domain them, but it might be better to make them exclusive to TP.12:39
EpyonAnyway, in this case it's your call, nash.12:40
llnzmithro: ping12:41
nashMaking exclusive to TP is tough to do licence wise12:41
mithrollnz: pong?12:41
llnzmithro: media licencing question from Epyon12:41
nashEpyon: Don't suppose you could give me the masks without the black - actually using it as an alpha mask?12:41
mithroEpyon: GPL12:41
Epyonnash, that would raise the size of the images like 4x times ;]12:42
nashEpyon: No, make it a 1 greyscale with an 8 bit alpha12:42
nashOr an indexed PNG - which can all be whites with different alpha12:43
Epyonnash, And I have no easy way of rendering those -- I'd have to do it in an external program, and the results might be messy :/12:43
nashI can do it hear easily12:43
* nash often has to do such things for work ;-)12:43
Epyon(currently I just substitute all materials for true black when rendering the "color mask")12:43
Epyonnash :)12:44
nashEpyon: Which frigate do you prefer?12:44
Epyonnash, I submitted two because I couldn't decide. The first one I think is more agressive tough.12:45
Epyonand makes an emphasis on it's bwingness :P12:45
EpyonDuh, I realy like doing models. If I only had some artistic sense I'd probably want to do that for a living :/12:46
jothamso the frigate should be a big ship?12:48
jothamnot as big as the bs i realise12:48
jothami guess i should go look at a navy website12:48
Epyondepends, missile frigates are usualy smaller ;]12:49
jothami figured a frigate was comparible to a cruiser12:50
jothambasically something that could attack light craft confidently, and in a pack take on a bs12:50
EpyonWell that depends on what universe we're talking about :P12:51
Epyonor whether the realworld navy :>12:51
EpyonIn StarWars for example, frigates were ships of the 300-900m size :P12:51
EpyonJust before the biggest ships12:52
Epyon(Mon Calamari Crusier and Imperial Star Destroyer)12:52
jothamok so it'd be a safe bet to make it look like a missile boat12:52
CIA-17Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/modules/games/minisec/minisec.cpp : Fix not creating star system, etc for guest in Minisec12:53
EpyonWell, I was thinking more like the Nebulon-B frigate from SW, reduced 3 times in size.12:53
nashEpyon: Starting to integrate now12:53
Epyonnash, just don't overdo with color when colorizing :>12:54
nashI can add alpha to make it less obvious12:54
Epyonnash, yeah, that would be good. They'd look better if the original color is mixed with the players color.12:55
jothamholy crap the wikipedia battleship page has some sweet pics, the USS pennsylvania is hot12:55
* llnz wanders off12:58
llnzlater all12:58
Epyonlater :)12:58
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nashI haven't integrated fully - but that is the edje files for it13:11
* nash is currently trying ot add order processing to his client13:11
EpyonHeh, looks nice :D13:13
Epyonnash, but a little more alpha to the color maps wouldn't hurt :>13:14
nashEpyon: as above - ships2.png13:17
nashThe red and blue are 255,0,0 and 0,0,255 respectively13:17
nashSO they are as bright as you get13:17
nashEpyon: I don't suppose you have enlightenment installed?13:18
EpyonI don't know what it is ;]13:20 Evas, Edje & Ecore are what my client are written using13:21
EpyonYeah, looks better.13:21
nashIf you look up a bit you'll see some shots of my client13:21
EpyonIt's free?13:22
nashWhat is free?  E is, the E libs are, and my client is.. yes13:22
nashBSD + Attribution13:22
nashSo not to stallman's satisfaction... but as liberal as you get without reaching the public domain13:23
EpyonAaaah, let me guess... the libs are *nix only?13:24
nashEpyon: Not quite13:25
nashThere is a win32 port, a OSX port, a symbian port...13:25
EpyonBut it's a normal library right? So the client will be portable?13:26
Epyoncool :)13:26
nashI hopefully will get it to a nokuia 770 shortly13:26
nashStill the win32 port is a bit of a pain to get to work I believe13:27
nashFor now I'm mostly worried about unix - inc osx13:28
EpyonWell, I'm a win only person :(13:28
nashMy condolances13:28
EpyonWell, not because of choice :P13:28
nashDual boot :-)13:29
EpyonI do have a linux on another partition -- but too much hassle to reboot :/13:29
EpyonEspecialy when downloads and torrents are running.13:30
EpyonI will however put up another box for a linux server, so I might as well connect to it.13:30
EpyonAnd the reasons I can't switch to linux are two -- Photoshop and Max :P13:31
EpyonSure there are GIMP and Blender. But both while giving similar capabilites (especialy GIMP, Blender is still far behind Max), lack the streamlinig that allows realy rapid work.13:32
nashWell part is you need to use gimp in a fairly different way13:33
EpyonTrue, but I finally learned it :P.13:34
EpyonStill, I'll do every task a lot faster in PS.13:34
Epyonnash, did anyone else signup for EliteSec?13:51
* nash looks13:52
nashJust you...13:53
nashAnd you never answered my questions...13:53
EpyonI know, still thinking :)13:53
Epyon(seriously tough, I was busy the last two days :/)13:54
tpbTitle: W W W . E N L I G H T E N M E N T . O R G (at
nashYou only have a few hours left14:12
nashBefore apps close...14:16
nashTo answe the question ;-)14:16
EpyonThe submission date is closing in a few hours.14:16
nashYes... We'll be doing selections tomorrow evening14:16
EpyonAs I understand, the "detailed inspection" time starts afterward...?14:16
EpyonI did however try to answer the question, and posted a comment.14:17
nashJust then?14:17
* nash grumbles at stupid SoC page that keeps timing out14:18
EpyonInterim Period: Mentoring organizations review and rank student proposals; where necessary, mentoring organizations may request further proposal detail from the student applicant14:18
EpyonThat's between 26 March and 11 April.14:18
mithroEpyon: we'll be doing the "review" tommorrow at 8:00pm my time14:18
EpyonHeh, you're not wasting time :P14:18
nashGive everyone a head start14:19
nashAnd thats why we have been asking people a lot with their applications14:19
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IwanowitchHeya... how many? :P14:36
nashIwanowitch: Don't know... code, keeps timing out...14:37
mithronash: 3614:37
IwanowitchAh, the final rush...14:37
Epyonmithro, that doesn't look good for us applicants :P14:38
mithroEpyon: I dunno, the people who have been hanging out on IRC seem to have generally better applications14:39
EpyonSay, like half of those is good, and you get 6 slots...14:39
Epyona 3D client application will be chosen for sure.14:40
IwanowitchPerhaps they'll just roll 6d36 or something :P14:40
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Iwanowitch(yeah, technically, that's wrong, I know)14:41
nashIwanowitch: Actually we have set a game of 36 AIs...14:41
nashThe last ones left standing14:41
mithronash: btw, how goes the AI?14:41
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Epyona MDIP client application probably also.14:41
nashmithro: Improving display of orders as we speak14:42
IwanowitchThat's a good idea... Are spectators allowed? :P14:42
nashAnd general object interface14:42
nashThen order submit, and it's general release time ;-)14:42
mithronash: how goes the AI? have you managed to get 32 to play out yet?14:42
mithroor has tpserver-cpp not been able to keep up?14:42
Epyonmtsec and another technical, that leaves two slots :P14:43
nashI tried 1614:43
nashIt was messy14:43
mithronash: how far did you get?14:43
nashI ran out of RAM ;-)14:43
nashToo many ships after about 50 turns14:44
IwanowitchEpyon: I don't really think there are a lot of MIDP client propsals... I only know of one (=mine :)14:44
nashmithro: I don't want to make it smarter... It's already a major PITA to play against14:46
mithronash: make it smarter - then we can tune it backwards14:46
nashmithro: I'm kinda waiting for MTSec for that14:47
EpyonIwanowitch, I'd say you have pretty good chances then, as long as your application is well written :)14:47
miCh0uso, competition is getting tighter and tighter?14:48
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* miChou wonders if any of the tpserver-cpp improvements will get accepted :P14:49
nashmiChou: I hope so14:50
IwanowitchEpyon: also, I don't know about 6 slots... There will be 800 students in total in the SoC, and there are (quick guess) 125 organizations.14:50
IwanowitchAnd I don't think TP is one of the largest of those.14:50
* nash wants some other people to submit tpserver-cpp bugs14:50
* miChou is away (last hours applications :D )14:51
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Epyon800 students, 139 orgs...14:52
nash7 hey?14:53
mithrobut some orgs will get less and some more14:53
EpyonBut Iwanowitch is right - I doubt it will be equal share for everybody :/14:53
mithroie KDE had 200 applications a while ago14:54
EpyonAnd that 800 is unsure, 2006 had 630...14:54
* miChou considers not even sending that application any more :-s14:54
mithromiChou: they are likely to get quite a few slots however14:54
miChouwhy that?14:55
mithromiChou: slots are proportional to applications14:55
miChoumithro: to the total number of applications or to the toal number of let's say.. good applications?14:56
mithromiChou: not sure :P14:56
miChoumithro: well, what would life be like without a little mistery from time to time :P14:57
* miChou goes back to Plasma applications14:57
nashAnyway - bed soon15:05
nashSo good night peoples15:05
nashEveryone who applied for SoC - good luck!15:05
Epyonnash, no chance for a comment on my comment? :/15:12
nashEpyon: I couldn;t load it before... looking now15:12
nashSo we should do the EliteSec so you do a 3d client & procedural as well right?15:13
miChou'nite nash15:15
nashThat was to Epyon15:16
nashIwanowitch: Procedural == procedural content15:16
Iwanowitchnash: textures, planets, names, that sort of stuff?15:17
nashIwanowitch: Yes, and ships15:18
nashNames not so much - talk to Epyon, it's his proposal15:18
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nashEpyon: No comments at this point15:18
Epyon"<nash> So we should do the EliteSec so you do a 3d client & procedural as well right?"15:19
EpyonNot exactly ;]15:19
nashJust the 3d client then?15:19
EpyonBut I would probably do normal 3D content for EliteSec and other current secs15:19
EpyonAnd try to get in touch and cooperation with the 3D client dev15:20
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supervillainhello, can the thousand parsec be a standalone client for a warcraft clone. (SoC)16:26
Epyonsupervillain, realtime?16:27
Epyonthen the answers "no" :(16:34
EpyonTP is a turnbased protocol.16:35
Epyon(wonder wether this is an intentional abbrevation)16:35
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daxxarWhat happened to the topic?17:34
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* Epyon giggles.17:58
EpyonGoogle maps are fun :P17:58
EpyonWith the SoC application I added my location with an estimated accurancy +- 4 meters :P17:59
cherezthat is fun18:01
cherezthat's about how close mine is18:01
cherezbut it's in a 7 story building18:01
Epyonmine is 5 story18:02
EpyonBut I've taken into account which room I am usualy sitting in ^^18:02
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cherezpesky campus firewall19:19
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fizzleboinkhey guys21:36
miChouhi, fizzleboink21:37
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cherezhi-ho, nash21:51
* nash guesses cherez is in a different part of the planet to nash21:51
cherezquite possibly, since I was having a midnight snack when you were getting lunch yesterday21:51
nashNot even 8am here...21:52
nashabout to have a phone conference with poeple on the other side of the planet21:52
nashAnyway - meeting time... back shortly21:57
cherezdoh, wrong window21:58
daxxarls: #tp: No such file or directory22:14
cherezdrat, I hope the mentors don't read that22:15
cherezman, we do need a better client...22:16
cherezpywx is pretty clunky22:16
cherezanyone used tpserver-py?22:25
cherezdinner time22:32
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IwanowitchSo... Is the application time almost finished?22:41
Iwanowitch75 minutes left if I'm right...22:43
IwanowitchI'm not going to wait for it I think.22:43
IwanowitchBe seeing you all.22:44
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mithrothe deadline is has been extend22:46
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mithroWe'll be accepting student applications through 16:00 UTC tomorrow,22:51
mithroTuesday, March 27th, which is 9:00 AM Pacific for those of you22:51
mithrotracking by California time.22:51
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nashmithro: So what is the new target... ;-)22:53
mithronash: i think we should go ahead like planned22:53
mithrosuppively the 502 errors should be fixed too22:53
mithrowe are up to 37 now22:54
nashI'll believe that when I see it22:54
nashSo many I haven't read yet22:54
Toddmithro: I know this is late, but I updated my application to include specific dates if you have the time to look at it.22:55
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xdotxmany last minute applications?23:52

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