Sunday, 2007-03-25

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nashsomeone mentioned my name?00:05
fizzleboinkmust have been hours ago00:14
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niphreegood night00:44
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jothammithro: yes it was a bit late for me, i had been playing fallout tactics online with my friends01:01
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mithroDystopicFro: ping?03:56
DystopicFromithro: pong03:57
mithroDystopicFro: have you submitted an application for your "Re: [tp-devel] Ruleset Dev Env and TCPL"03:58
mithroif so - what is your real name?03:59
DystopicFromithro: I was just writing that up now, actually...I was out and about a good chunk of today and finally got around to condensing my thoughts (I'm more of an action action action oops sort of guy sometimes)03:59
DystopicFroJames Gardner03:59
DystopicFroI've got an app in for SQLite persistence already03:59
mithroDystopicFro: ahh - no wonder I was having trouble finding it :P03:59
DystopicFro>.< wanted feedback before I got too deep into it...I initially had a bit of a problem understanding things...too little sleep, too much coffee and no .tpcl files anywhere04:00
nashheyo mithro...04:00
nashYou'll be happy to know I'm trying to nail that FPE now04:01
mithroDystopicFro: it's starting to look good04:01
mithronash: cool04:01
DystopicFro(the second night in a finally grepped the code for "lambda" and was pleasantly surprised that I had just been a goof up to that point)04:01
DystopicFromithro: thanks o.o04:01
nashAlso testing with 8 AIs...04:01
mithronash: ubber cool :P04:01
mithroDystopicFro: I would like to see a little more on the "Forumlar Editor" but the screens and stuff definately are very good04:02
nashInterestingly I'm still getting some failure messages I don't expect04:03
DystopicFromithro: heh, that's where I'm getting hung up a bit. I've been using Arena (simulation design tool) in one of my classes this semester and it has a pretty cool formula editor. It basically lays bare all of the objects in the simulation and gives you access to all their properties. It then also gives you a whole bunch of functions to use on the data as well. So, the property info will be built into the system...all that needs to be do04:05
DystopicFro(gahhhhhh...I type too much for IRC I think)04:05
mithrohe he - I think so04:05
DystopicFromithro: but yea, I don't think I can have a prototype of that running in the next day...that'll take research04:05
mithroDystopicFro: no need to "prototype" just a kind of "mockup screen" or even just screenshots of other applications which do similar things04:06
mithroso we know you have been thinking about how to do it04:06
DystopicFroaye...that's where I was heading...I'll get that stuff on a site that I'll link to off of the ap04:06
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mithroDystopicFro: please put your app in ASAP, your work so far seems very good and we would hate for it to be let down by your application04:08
DystopicFromithro: no pressure, eh? >.<04:09
DystopicFroThe app should be up in about an hour, many thanks for the encouragement04:09
mithroDystopicFro: we'll try and comment on it as soon as your have submitted it :P04:09
nashBlerge... I think i need a -dev version of libgcc04:11
Porthos_nash: I have a couple questions about the comments for my app04:20
nashWell I know the error is something to do with 64 bit unsigned divisions...04:21
nashPorthos_: Fire away...04:21
mithronash: your getting a FPE with unsigned divisions?04:21
Porthos_I'm not very familiar with Stars!, just what info Wikipedia has on it04:22
Porthos_What do you mean by the various points and combinations of points that need to snt to the server?04:22
nashmithro: That is the FPE I was talking about in the server the other night04:23
nashPorthos_: Have a look for the stars! autohost - there are plenty of articles up there about stars04:23
nashHowever the point system for Stars race design is quite complex04:23
nashAnd it can be affected by the values of other things.04:24
nashSo if you race has "Improved Engines" for instance, the cost of factory efficiency may be higher then for other races04:24
nash(That example is wrong BTW)04:24
nashPorthos_: Does that make sense now?04:26
nashBTW: I only use stars as an example04:26
nashas I know it well04:27
Porthos_Alright, so it looks like I need a better idea of what a race encompases04:27
nashPorthos_: Stars is famous for it's race design.04:27
nashTake a look at the autohost section and you'll see pages and pages on race design04:27
Porthos_ seems to be down04:28
nashgive me a second... I'll find a good article for you04:28
cherezdo the races just vary by their ships, or by more?04:31
Porthos_I'm looking at right now04:31
tpb<> (at
Porthos_So it looks like General Types, Sub-Types, Primary and Secondary Traits, Habitat, and Buildings04:34
nashPorthos_: That's the one I was looking for04:35
Porthos_Which is what I'm aiming for more or less as a standard template04:35
Porthos_And I want to program a hook into the scripting language so that users can add whatever they want04:36
Porthos_Like adding a different resource04:39
mithroPorthos_: i think you need to tackle this problem from two directions04:41
Porthos_I don't see where the client factors into this, the server should handle all of the calculations and send them to the clients04:41
mithroPorthos_: the first one is "Ruleset Designer: Designing Race stuff for a Ruleset" and "A User: Designing a race to play in a ruleset"04:42
mithrowhich are quite different tasks04:42
Porthos_mithro: Correct, but it also says that support in the server and protocols are needed04:43
mithroPorthos_: well currently no server supports even the concept of races04:43
mithroand the protocol has no way for a client to download the information needed  for "A User: Designing a race to play in a ruleset"04:43
Porthos_mithro: I also adjusted the project schedule so I make a few races for a ruleset, and I plan to integrate race support into tpserver04:44
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mithrowhats your Real Name?04:44
Porthos_Craig Mesdag04:45
Porthos_I've changed the app a bit since yesterday04:46
Porthos_Nothing submitted yet though04:46
mithroPorthos_: it would be also good if you could put in the app - what is used for what04:47
mithros/for what/by who04:47
mithroPorthos_: i'll add some comments to the application right now04:48
Porthos_mithro: Can do, the Race Designer is a user tool and anybody who wants to make a race can use it04:48
Porthos_mithrho: Everything else is server side which won't need to be changed a whole lot by a user04:50
Porthos_Thats the plan anyway04:50
mithroPorthos_: comment added05:01
Porthos_mithro: Thanks05:02
Porthos_Hopefully I can keep it under 7500 words...05:04
mithroPorthos_: i think someone discovered there isn't actually a limited05:06
mithrobah, me englirsh is gooda05:06
Porthos_Thats good05:07
mithroPorthos_: don't quote me on that05:08
mithroPorthos_: btw have you tried downloading the stars! demo and give it a go?05:13
Porthos_mithro: Yeah, I'm looking at it now05:13
Porthos_mithro: The editor doesn't seem to be what I have in mind05:14
mithroPorthos_: the editor in Stars! is the end user thing05:14
Porthos_mithro: Right, and I'm aiming for a something that a Designer would use05:15
mithroall these things you select need to be coded05:15
Porthos_mithro: Something like a Race Factory Factory05:16
mithroyeah :P05:16
mithroPorthos_: so you need to be clear which parts you are going to develop and which parts are for who05:16
Porthos_Right, the thing is anybody could download the whole thing when its done, create a ruleset and set of races, and run a server05:17
mithroPorthos_: yes that is true05:17
mithroPorthos_: but then they would be a "Designer" rather then a "Player"05:17
mithroPorthos_: as all the other players of the game will have to trust the Designer05:18
Porthos_Yes, players have very little to do with the whole process, outside of complaining on forums why x is unbalanced05:18
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mithroPorthos_: but it is important that players can create races in the same way they do in stars!05:19
Porthos_mithro: Ah, you said the magic word, I didn't realize that05:20
* nash will be back in an hour or so05:20
Porthos_And made the whole project a magnitude harder05:20
mithroPorthos_: if you arn't going to get to doing that - say so "I can only support 'whole races' at the moment - but will leave room for expansion of the race design idea" or something05:21
Porthos_I just thought the idea was a designer made it and people only played it05:23
mithrowe understand that 3 months is only 3 months :P05:23
mithroPorthos_: yeah, thats what me and nash thought05:23
mithrobut it's a little hard to explain the concept :P05:24
Porthos_I'll try to explain what I have in my head so far then05:25
Porthos_I'm making a Race Designer for Designers that creates a sort of race template, which can then be loaded into a game05:25
Porthos_The template will specify all of the types and constraints for races in a game05:26
Porthos_The server is modified to support it05:27
Porthos_And a player application is made so that the players can make new races, and designers can make the default ones05:28
Porthos_mithro: Is this more of what your thinking?05:29
mithroPorthos_: almost05:30
Porthos_mithro: OK, well I have the general idea then, I'll modify my app05:34
mithroPorthos_: it's a little closer to this05:35
mithro1. You make a "Race Attribute Designer" for Designers, that creates "Attributes" which a player might select (For Example "Cheap Engines")05:35
mithrothese modify the gameplay in some way (IE make your engines explode in 10% of the cases)05:35
mithrothey also have "requirements", IE there may be a "Cheaper Engines" which requires you to take "Cheap Engines" first05:36
mithro2. A player application is made so that the player can choose to have a race with "Cheap Engines" and "Super Cool Technology"05:37
mithroso, you still need all your "hooks" and "scripting" stuff to impliment attributes05:37
mithro(ie the cheap engines would need to hook into the move order probably)05:38
mithrothat make sense?05:40
mithroso you where very close to being on the right track05:40
Porthos_If its done the way your explaining it, there's not a whole lot that needs to be customized outside of what is provided05:44
Porthos_A designer only needs to make the race types, attributes, and set required attributes for race, and a score system can decide the validity of races made by players05:49
mithroof course it's a nightmare to balance :P05:54
Porthos_Certainly, but thats up to the designer05:55
mithroyeah, a NMP :P05:55
DystopicFromithro: app submitted, auxiliary website being put together at the moment with screens from Arena and other errata05:57
mithroDystopicFro: okay cool05:58
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DystopicFro(and, yes, it needs a lot of polish, right now it's just an unorganized mishmash)06:15
mithroDystopicFro: it's a pretty strong application so far :P06:23
DystopicFromithro: thanks o.O I hope to improve it tomorrow after a good night's sleep06:31
mithroDystopicFro: adding comments now06:31
mithroDystopicFro: some comments added06:39
nashBTW: Has anyone else got a floating point exception in tpserver-cpp?07:24
nashnormally crashes around turn 10-18 with 8 AIs..07:28
nashmithro: Found that seg fault07:37
mithronash: where was it?07:37
nashI recompiled with a different compiler and strogner debugging options.07:37
nashIt's in Move::getETA07:37
* nash looks closed07:38
nashWell it looks like max_speed == 0 ot something07:39
* nash pulls out ddd07:39
nashOkay... it's weird07:40
nashmax_speed == 0 for some reason07:40
nashthe object is a ship07:41
nashWell it appears to be07:41
nashIt is named like it is a ship07:41
nashHas type 4 - whihc is a ship07:41
nashIts in move.cpp07:42
nashIn minisec07:43
mithrowhich part?07:43
nashI can't see how the bug could be... but I can get it reliably07:43
mithro  if(distance == 0)07:43
mithro    return 1;07:43
mithro  return (int)((distance - 1) / max_speed) + 1;07:43
mithromax_speed is zero?07:43
nashthe /07:43
nashYes - max_speed = 007:43
nashAccording to the compiler07:43
mithrodo you have an optimisations compiled in?07:44
mithromaybe a compiler bug?07:44
nashIt's gcc... I need to have optimisations on for it produce sane/correct code07:44
nashI was using g++3.4.07:44
nashI am now using g++-4.107:44
nashBoth have the error07:44
nashThe only extra flags I'm using (since the build system adds quite a few of it's own are)07:45
nashtranquillity:[~/work/thousandparsec/tpserver-cpp]% echo $CXXFLAGS07:45
nash-g3 -Wall07:45
nashNeither shoudl affect anything07:45
nashOptimisation flags (supplied by configure) are: -O207:46
nashAlso for some silly reason there is a -W.07:46
* nash notes maxSpeed is a non-trivial function07:47
mithroput an assert in maxspeed?07:49
nashTo do what?  Tell me the bug is there?  I know it is there...07:51
nashI'm not sure... I find reading complex C++ types a PITA... but it looks like the fleet contains 0 ships07:51
mithronash: "ds->getDesign(itcurr->first)->getPropertyValue(ds->getPropertyByName("Speed"))" assert that is non-zero?07:53
mithrobecause otherwise it should be 1e10007:54
mithrolong long Fleet::maxSpeed(){07:54
mithro  double speed = 1e100;07:54
mithro  DesignStore* ds = Game::getGame()->getDesignStore();07:54
mithro  for(std::map<int, int>::iterator itcurr = ships.begin();07:54
mithro      itcurr != ships.end(); ++itcurr){07:54
mithro        speed = fmin(speed, ds->getDesign(itcurr->first)->getPropertyValue(ds->getPropertyByName("Speed")));07:54
mithro  }07:54
mithro  return (long long)(floor(speed));07:54
mithrothats the function right?07:54
nashthat looks broken to me07:55
nashoh no07:55
nashIt's fine07:55
nashI'm not sure why the floor call is there07:55
mithrodouble needs to be converted to an int?07:56
mithrowants to floor it07:56
nashIf speed is an integer property it shoudl be stored as a integer.  No need to use doubles elsewhere07:56
mithrodon't ask me :P07:57
nashokay - I'm asserting that speed < 1e10007:58
* nash notes it's hard to get AIs to fight when multiple AIs crash the server...07:59
* nash will probably leave smarter behavious to when he starts doing MTSec suport07:59
nashokay - running again now.08:01
nash8 AIs...08:01
nash30second turns08:01
nashconsole log off...08:02
nashfor sanity08:02
Porthos_Updated my app08:02
nashAnd it slows down the debugger too much08:02
nashPorthos_: Cool08:03
nashWhich one is it again? ;-)08:04
Porthos_Creation of a Race Designer08:04
nashQuestion: How much extra work do you think it would be for rule sets to be written in Lua?08:05
nashAs well as races?08:05
Porthos_Probaly not a whole lot when one is done08:06
Porthos_I thought it would be useful for making weapons, ship, and such08:06
Porthos_Rulesets are also a possibility, but I would be reinventing the wheel...08:07
* nash wonders as he has a few ideas for small rulesets, and he thinks the effort in C++ is too much...but a lua one would be feasible08:07
nashPorthos_: okay08:07
nashLooks good08:08
Porthos_making a new ruleset using the scripting engine might be an option08:08
nashOkay - only thing I'm worried about now is something to test the ruleset in08:09
nashI worry you will need to start that design early so you have a framework to make the rest of the ideas work08:09
nashmithro: Turn 17...08:10
nashAnd boom - turn 18 it fails08:10
nashtpserver-cpp: fleet.cpp:85: long long int Fleet::maxSpeed(): Assertion `speed != 1e100' failed.08:10
Porthos_I'm designing a lua scripting engine for my own game08:10
Porthos_If I play the cards right I might be able to put it in TP without any problems08:11
mithrospeed was zero?08:13
nashPorthos_: Sounds good08:14
mithrohrm how is that possible08:14
nashmithro: Well 1e100 will pobably overflow most 64 bit ints.08:14
mithrofmin must be failing08:14
nashOr the fleet has nothing in it08:14
nashWait a moment08:15
mithro>>> 1e100 < 2**6308:15
mithrochange that to a 108:15
mithrothe fleet has nothing in it08:16
mithroi was reading it wrong08:18
mithroit's quite clear that the "default" speed must fit in a longlong08:19
nashmithro: No.. the default should never be used.08:19
nashThe fleet is empty for some reason08:20
mithronash: in theory :P08:20
nashWell if it is used there is a bug.08:20
mithrothe default should still fit in what you are going to return08:20
nashWhich needs to be fixed08:20
nashCorrect behavious afgter a bug can go jump08:20
nashIt shouldn't get there in the first place08:20
nashYou shouldn't be asking for the velocity of nothing08:20
nashor it's eta08:20
nashIt makes no sense08:20
nashSo some default to try and handle it makes no sense08:21
* nash bets this is related to the strange fleet mithro saw in error.png08:21
mithronash: possibly08:21
nashAt this point the best thing is to try and solve the problem, not paper over it08:21
mithroon a side note - I think I know what is causing an empty fleet - Lee's turn handling is horrible borked hence you are going to get this happening08:22
nashships - the map - has 0 memmbers08:22
mithroIE my guess is that there is a path through either colonise, splitfleet or battle which leaves an empty fleet around08:22
nashWell I never send a splitfleet order08:23
nashSo it's either colonise or battle08:23
nashThere are quite a few combat results08:24
* nash is looking through the message log08:24
mithronash: until Lee sorts out turn processing, this is pretty much hopeless08:25
nashIn that case... my AI is probably not going to be adjusted any more...08:28
nashI'm going to keep working on the client side.08:29
nashBut the ai-smart branch will remain dead08:29
mithromaybe we should all go lich Lee :P08:30
mithroi think lee might think otherwise btw :P08:31
nashAbout the lynching?  Or that it is broken?08:31
mithronash: both :)08:31
nashWell I can show it's broken08:32
nashHell that assert shows it is broken08:33
mithroi mean that the order processing is fundamentally broken08:33
* nash notes that we are going to have quite a few people looking at this soon...08:33
mithronash: yeah :)08:36
nashmithro: I meant that in a bad way08:37
nashWe need to make sure this is solid before we unleash the hordes08:37
mithromaybe they will all give up and work on tpserver-py :P08:39
nashKeep dreaming ;-)08:40
mithrookay i've found the problem08:44
mithronash: in tpserver-cpp08:48
nashmithro: Cool08:49
* nash had just pushed and was looking at what he needed to do for the AI comp entry08:49
mithrowell I think08:49
mithronash: can you test the following...08:51
mithronash: if you send a ship and colonise something, the fleet does disappear right?08:54
nashNormally - as far as I know08:54
nashI haven't looked close enough to notice it not08:54
nashHowever if I'm issuing a move order I must have got an update on it08:54
nashbbs - then I'll apply your patch08:56
mithronash: i belive the following occurs09:01
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mithrois it possible, you are trying to colonise a planet which is colonised by someone else?09:01
nashmithro: Could well be09:02
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mithroseems like the correct time in the game09:02
mithrois there a way to assert with a particular message?09:02
nashif (somecondition) assert(!"message"); ?09:03
nashWhat code are you looking at?09:05
mithroit appears that the object will do combat09:05
mithroand then doesn't check the object is destoryed09:05
mithroput this assert on line 13509:06
mithro      assert(fleet->totalShips() > 0);09:06
nash135 is "int shiphp = 2000000;";09:06
nashSo after that?09:06
mithrono hold on09:07
mithroline 13209:07
* nash wonders how the ETA code comes into this...09:07
nashhow do I turn off console log?09:08
mithronash: because an empty object still exists - so you tried to send it somewhere09:08
mithrohence the ETA code borks because it has an empty object09:10
nashokay... 8 clients, 10 seond turns09:10
mithroso I'm trying to track down how the empty object started to exist in the first place09:10
nashShould barf within a 2 minutes09:10
mithrolog_level = 309:11
mithrothat should get rid of most of the output09:11
mithro(in theory)09:11
nashOkay the speed assertion tripped, not the colonisation one09:12
nashOn turn 13.09:12
nashThats a new record09:12
* nash wonders if he should try 16 or 32 clients instead ;-)09:13
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niphreehi all09:44
nashhey niphree10:01
nashSoC I assume?10:01
niphreeyes :]10:04
nashSorry - I'm in the middle of dinner10:04
nashIs your application in?10:04
niphreewell - I just have breakfast :]10:05
nashOther side of the planet10:05
niphreeno - I must first check something - :/10:05
nashStill be here in 30 minutes or so?10:05
nashWhat is it you need to know?10:05
niphreehmm.. I'm just trying to connect to server (but I'm using php and Frame class ;) )10:06
mithroniphree: the libtpproto-php is pretty primatitive :P10:07
niphreewell, true ;)10:07
mithroyou should be able to connect to a server and possibly login10:09
niphreehm.. I just want to see how I can connect using php - so I can tell I can do this in my application :]10:09
mithroniphree: well, you'll have to open a socket connection and use the Frame classes to create and parse the output/input10:10
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JLPhello all10:29
mithrohey llnz10:31
mithrowe found the source of nash's bug10:31
llnzhi mithro, JLP10:31
llnzcool, what is it?10:31
mithroan "empty" fleet10:31
mithrowell thats our current theory10:32
mithroit's caused by GetETA doing a div by zero as GetMaxSpeed is returning 010:32
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nashtpserver-cpp> tpserver-cpp: minisec.cpp:484: virtual void MiniSec::checkGame(): Assertion `fleet->totalShips() > 0' failed.10:45
nashmithro: That's with your patch10:45
mithroso atleast we know it's definately a fleet being empty10:45
mithroniphree: how did it go?10:58
mithronash: now we have to find out where it's occuring10:58
mithrowill ave new patch for you soon10:59
mithrollnz: ping?11:06
llnzsorry was not paying attention11:07
mithroso um, we definately know after turn processing we are getting a fleet which has no ships left in it11:07
mithrollnz: can combat remove individual ships? or does one side just get totally destoryed?11:08
llnzi can, it's suppose to check if it empty though11:08
mithrollnz: where does it remove ships?11:09
mithroi can't make any sense of the combat :/11:10
llnzFleet::hit (line 106 of fleet.cpp)11:10
llnzfor example: line 13211:11
mithroahh Fleet::hit11:11
mithrollnz: i think this is caused by in colonisation11:13
mithronash: can you scatter the assert(flee...) thing around colonisation?11:13
nashmithro: Which assert?11:14
nashmithro: llnz: BTW: 2911:15
mithroassert(fleet->totalShips() > 0)11:15
llnz3 ones i haven't seen yet11:15
mithroJLP: ping?11:16
JLPmithro: pong11:16
mithrowow, we are all here, to the batcave! (if you have time)11:16
niphreemithro: I have .. problems ;) one server: no php5 O_o and connection problem, second server: connection problem11:21
mithroniphree: have you managed to get a socket connection?11:22
niphreeI've got: connection timeout error (in socket_connect function)11:23
mithrowhere are you trying to connect to?11:24
mithrodemo1?11:24 (
mithrowell you might try the right port :P11:24
niphreehmm :> oO :D11:25
mithrollnz: how goes your conversion to the better way of doing turn gen?11:25
nashtpserver-cpp> tpserver-cpp: minisec.cpp:484: virtual void MiniSec::checkGame(): Assertion `fleet->totalShips() > 0' failed.11:26
nashSo same - didn't trip it in colonise11:26
mithronash: hrm it didn't die in colonise?11:26
llnzmithro: waiting the close of the ai comp11:26
nashmithro: Nope11:26
mithronash: okay will have new patch soon11:26
nashllnz: blerg :-(  Making AI compe harder when it keeps breaking11:27
niphreemitho: - connected11:27
llnznash: was going to run the ai comp on the server tagged the day it closes, and not any updates after that11:27
mithroniphree: yay!11:28
mithronash: new patch11:43
nashmithro: Can I apply that patch over the top, or do I need to make a pristine checkout first?11:56
mithroyou need to reverse the first patch11:56
mithrothen apply that11:56
mithro(i think11:56
mithrouse darcs revert11:56
nashWow.. turn 8 it barfed12:00
nash2007-03-25 22:03:17 < Debug > Combat r1 1, r2 212:01
nash2007-03-25 22:03:17 < Debug > Empty shot list from fleet 212:01
nashtpserver-cpp> tpserver-cpp: minisec.cpp:484: virtual void MiniSec::checkGame(): Assertion `fleet->totalShips() > 0' failed.12:01
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nashmithro: llnz: Any idea?12:02
mithronash: it didn't die in the combat?12:03
nashLooks like it did12:03
nash2007-03-25 22:03:17 < Debug > Combat start12:03
nash2007-03-25 22:03:17 < Debug > Combat r1 0, r2 212:03
nash2007-03-25 22:03:17 < Debug > f1 hit by 0 shots from d212:03
nash2007-03-25 22:03:17 < Debug > f2 hit by 1 shots from d112:03
nash2007-03-25 22:03:17 < Debug > Combat r1 2, r2 112:03
nash2007-03-25 22:03:17 < Debug > f1 hit by 0 shots from d212:03
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nash2007-03-25 22:03:17 < Debug > f2 hit by 1 shots from d112:03
nash2007-03-25 22:03:17 < Debug > Combat r1 1, r2 212:03
nash2007-03-25 22:03:17 < Debug > Empty shot list from fleet 212:03
nashtpserver-cpp> tpserver-cpp: minisec.cpp:484: virtual void MiniSec::checkGame(): Assertion `fleet->totalShips() > 0' failed.12:03
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mithroi was hoping it would die in12:04
mithro+bool RSPCombat::isAliveCombatant1(){12:04
mithro+  if (c1 != NULL && c1->getType() == obT_Fleet)12:04
mithro+     assert(((Fleet*)c1)->totalShips() > 0);12:04
mithro+  return (c1 != NULL);12:04
niphreemithro: about starmap - all information (coordinate) are in planet, galaxy.. objects ?12:04
llnzmithro, nash: I think i've found the problem12:11
llnzchecking it now12:11
nashllnz: Sweet12:14
CIA-17Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/modules/games/minisec/fleet.cpp :12:18
CIA-17Hopefully fix empty fleet mistake/crash:12:18
CIA-17 Makes sure that combat knows if the fleet is empty. Crash can happen after12:18
CIA-17 the last shot in combat destroys the last ship in the fleet.12:18
llnztry that12:18
nashpulling now12:18
llnzthe cause of the bug fits the pattern of usage12:19
nashletting it run12:21
nashif it gets to turn 20 without a crash with 8 AIs it is probably safe12:21
nashTurn 12... looking good12:22
nashllnz: BTW: Do you want to fix getETA?12:23
nashSo it throws an exception or something for fleets with 0 ships12:23
nashturn 2012:24
llnzan exception would cause the server to exit12:24
mithronash: still working?12:25
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* llnz wanders off12:51
llnzlater all12:51
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sijmenIsn't there some kind of highspeed sever with 2 minute turns or something?13:17
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niphreeok, I submited my application15:08
niphreewaiting for comments15:09
JLPniphree: cool, i'll review it in a couple of minutes15:10
niphreeJLP: thx15:12
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JLPniphree: done, i've added a couple of comments, now you can edit and improve the application based on these comments15:37
JLPbtw i've just got some idea for metaserver stuff, i was thinking if it would be nice to add some Jabber/XMPP Publish-Subscribe (PubSub) support to it so that players could get notifications about new games right into their Jabber clients :)15:39
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miChouhow many apps already? :)15:55
JLPmiChou: ahoy15:56
JLPwe're up to 30 now15:56
miChounice :)15:57
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JLPbtw, i have something to ask all applicants, do you get an e-mail notification or something when a mentor comments the application?16:13
miChoui know i did16:14
JLPnice, because what i'm missing is a notification when a student edits application and some diff would also be nice to get at the same time :)16:15
miChouso you don't receive an email when an student updates his app?16:17
miChounor when he makes a comment?16:17
miChouwell then...16:17
miChouI have updated my application :D16:18
JLPmiChou: ok thanks for notification, will review once more just in case i've missed anything16:20
miChou10x alot :)16:22
JLPmiChou: i think it is ok, maybe some other mentor has something to add16:27
miChouok :)16:28
miChouI'll be around for a few more hours16:28
miChouso please feel free to ping me16:28
miChoui'd be most pleased to work with you16:29
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JLPfizzle_: ahoy17:11
fizzle_JLP: hey17:20
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niphreeJLP: I uppdated application17:53
niphreeJPL: I also added notification via jabber17:54
niphreeJLP: I'll be back in two hours17:56
JLPniphree: ok will check it out17:56
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niphree|AFKJLP: thx17:56
JLPoh and welcome shaddy17:56
* shaddy waves hello17:57
JLPshaddy: are you here to joinn the summer of code party17:58
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JLPshaddy: so did any of the ideas from the soc pages catch you attention or are you still exploring17:59
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shaddyJLP:I will be clear.18:00
shaddyJLP:I havent done any game programming yet.18:00
JLPshaddy: where we all have to start somehwere :)18:00
shaddyJLP:But I am a kind of reasearch worker and have been doing lot of research on protocols(Networks mainly) and I am very good at C,C++, algorithms etc.18:01
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shaddyJLP:So is there anything for me???18:01
JLPshaddy: hm hard to say for me, i guess you have to look for yourself and see what you would like to do the most18:02
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JLPshaddy: or even better, you can come up with your own idead that would be helpfull to the project18:03
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[1]fizzle_hmm connection weird today :\18:14
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sijmenPassed 25 yet?18:31
JLPsijmen: yup, up to 30 now18:33
JLP6 of them are not good18:33
DystopicFroJLP: how does that work, exactly? the number of "good" applications a project get determines how many slots it gets?18:37
JLPDystopicFro: not sure, i guess it depends on that and on the number of applications other mentoring organisations get18:38
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JLPIwanowitch: ahoy18:41
miChouIwanowitch: hello18:41
IwanowitchSo... How many applications? :)18:41
sijmen30.. wow!18:42
sijmenhow many hours left?18:42
sijmenIwanowitch, 3018:42
IwanowitchIf I'm right, about 12 hours left?18:43
IwanowitchOr is it till the end of the day? That would be 36, then.18:43
Iwanowitch30 is nice... Would we make 37? :P18:44
sijmenwhat timezone was that in?18:44
sijmenwgy 37?18:44
Iwanowitchsijmen: Pacific.18:44
IwanowitchAnd because I guessed 37 :)18:44
DystopicFro5PM PST on March 26th, so, 29 and a half hours.18:44
sijmenthat'll be past midnight tomorrow here in the Netherlands18:45
DystopicFrod'oh....7800 characters on my application...I hope Google doesn't notice!19:02
miChoupray the webapp doesn't crop it19:02
DystopicFroYea...that'd be real nice of them...cut me off mid-paragraph19:03
DystopicFro*shakes fist at Google in rage*19:03
sijmenDystopicFro, can't you make it a bit shorter or put some details somewhere else?19:03
DystopicFrosijmen: I already have an auxiliary website with screenshots and a more in-depth discussion of a part of my proposed project19:04
DystopicFroI guess I'll just have to move more stuff over to that site19:04
sijmenwhoa, you've got a pretty extensive plan then19:04
DystopicFroyea...Ruleset Development Environment, wrote up a quick and dirty prototype in Java too19:05
DystopicFrothough mithro seems most excited about the possibility of a TPCL Expression Editor19:05
sijmenpretty cool19:05
sijmenI wanted to do the same thing at one point but didn't really feel like doing it after all19:06
DystopicFrowhat have you submitted apps for, if you don't mind me asking?19:06
sijmenthree clients :)19:06
DystopicFroah, very cool, that seems to be a popular project, though...lots of 3d clients19:06
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DystopicFroa good web client would be really cool, though19:06
DystopicFrothen all you need is a browser19:07
sijmenfirst was a native Mac client proposal, with some ideas target especially at usability. mithro didn't really seem to like the idea of a Mac-only version so I also submitten on for Gtk, with many of the same UI features (not nearly all though)19:07
sijmenand a web version19:07
DystopicFroah, that sounds cool19:07
DystopicFroI'm not all too familiar with ASP.NET though19:07
sijmenI think this game has very much potential as a web game, more than client19:08
sijmenit can basically can do the same as any other web language.19:08
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[1]fizzle_JLP: I have sent in my 2nd application19:08's got a lot of great potential19:08
JLP[1]fizzle_: i'll take a look19:09
sijmenI think that as a desktop version it should also have an optional (server-side option) 'finished turn' function19:10
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sijmendoes that make 31? :)19:10
sijmenmy chances slim every hour..19:11
DystopicFrosijmen: yes, I think it's the little details like that that really need to be worked on to polish things up to gain wider appeal19:11
DystopicFrothat and adding new, functioning gametypes19:12
sijmenI tried playing a few Minisec games but got bored by the 20 minute turns19:12
IwanowitchI wonder... If one made the round times really small, would you have a real-time strategy game?19:14
JLPsijmen: yup minisec is more of a quick game that doesn't need too much thinking, something like a bit more advanced konquest from kde19:14
sijmenpretty much yeah19:14
sijmenthat was about Iwanowitch comment19:16
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sijmenI actually prefer Konquest above Minisec19:16
IwanowitchYeah, it's a lot more fun without the perfect knowledge.19:16
JLPi agree with both of you :)19:18
sijmenI used to play it with a friend back when I was using KDE, we'd cover our fingers while typing the numbers :P19:18
sijmentyping 001 so it would say *** making the other think we sent hundreds of ships19:18
IwanowitchHeh, great :19:19
sijmenthen sending 99 ships to some other place.. great times19:19
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sijmenI'm gonna remake Konquest as .NET app tomorrow if I find the time.19:24
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sijmennight all20:06
sijmenseeya tomorrow when the 50 mark is breached20:07
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jothami need to make some dummy graphics21:41
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IwanowitchCome on... 4 more...22:21
IwanowitchWell, even more would still be better, of course :).22:21
JLPhehe we'll have to recrute some more mentors :)22:24
mithroJLP: feel free to add comments to new apps22:30
mithrorunning away now22:30
mithrosee ya22:30
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miChoumithro: c u22:36
dmpayton33 apps?22:41
JLPdmpayton: yup22:46
dmpaytonHow many are decent, solid apps?22:46
JLPi'd say 2722:46
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JLPatrader42: welcome23:44
atrader42thanks :)23:44
JLPatrader42: are you here for summer of code23:45
atrader42I just recently found out about the project through summer of code, so I'm poking around to see if I can work with you folks23:45
atrader42I'm interested in the 3D client particularly23:45
JLPyeah, a very popular item23:46
atrader42I'd believe that....working with 3D engines is a lot of fun and can make for some really cool results23:46
JLPwell if you go for that one, you better prepare some extremely good application :)23:47
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JLPPorthos_: need to refresh my memory, what application did you submit23:59

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