Saturday, 2007-03-24

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* JLP goes sleeping ...01:24
cherezso long01:25
[1]PorthosGot my application in :)02:25
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mithronash: ping?04:39
nashmithro: pong04:39
mithronash: so many applications :P04:39
nashA suddent storm04:40
nashone is a dupe however04:40
nashmaemo has 904:42
mithroas in the Nokia handheld platform?04:43
mithroI have to say that sf ranking makes no sense04:57
tpb<> (at
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nashmithro: I'm not surprised05:12
mithrohe he :P05:13
mithroahh well05:13
nashSo yes... higher traffic == lower ranking ;-)05:13
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mithronumber of hits has died down a bit05:15
CIA-17[email protected] * web/ (2 files): Updated timeline for Google's changes.05:16
jothamis there a vimrc script to say what function you are currently inside?05:17
mithrojotham: hrm?05:23
jothamvimrc script for python to put the current function name you are inside of in the status bar05:23
nashYes there is - well for C anyway.  There was one with one of the IDEs I saw.  Have you searched
mithrojotham: i would think they would have05:25
mithrothey have things like tabcomplete05:25
tpb<> (at
mithrojotham: how goes your summary screen?05:34
jothamchur nash05:36
jothamjust got back from a bbq, theres some bug with it not finishing round 2, am looking at that atm05:37
jothamhaven't looked at the summary screen today05:37
jothamchur = thanks,cool,ok05:37
jothamkiwi slang mayhaps05:37
mithromaybe like Cheers?05:38
jothami think it's maori derivative05:38
jothambut yeah like cheers05:38
nashmithro: So anyway.. at this point my AI is stuck on a) Floating Point Exception in Server and b) Order delete returning fail messages from the server...05:40
nashThe second I can just ignore.05:40
nashThe first is a bit of a problem05:40
mithronash: any idea where the FPE is coming from?05:40
nashmithro: When I do order submit05:42
nashWhich is partially done05:42
nashSo, if I get enough time... maybe even this weekend05:43
nashmithro: That is human order submit...05:43
mithroit's reproducable?05:43
nashWhich one?05:44
nashmithro: Sorry.. i misread your earlier question.05:44
mithrothe FPE bug05:44
nashYes - the FPE is reporiducable.  Basically I start up the server with a big map, add 2 or more AIs with a short turn...05:45
nashAnd it crashes05:45
nashAnnoyingly the backtrace is garbage :-(  And under a debugger the performance slows enough that I get timing issues instead05:45
nash#0  0xb7d078c7 in __udivdi3 () from /lib/
nash#1  0x085b395c in ?? ()05:46
nash#2  0x085b395c in ?? ()05:46
nash#3  0x00000000 in ?? ()05:46
nashIs the backtrace05:46
jothamhum looks like i need to recompile ctypes05:50
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nashmithro: llnz knows about it06:13
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mithroI don't think one should consider a job the same sort of commitment as a marriage. A job is an involvement, not a commitment. Like a breakfast of ham and eggs: the chicken is involved, the pig is committed.06:26
mithrohe he! :P06:27
nashmithro: he06:27
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mithrohey dmpayton06:54
dmpayton'llo mithro06:58
mithrodmpayton: had any more chance to explore the stuff?06:58
dmpaytonNo. Python is acting funky on the server. For soem reason it doesn't want to run as a CGI.07:00
mithrodmpayton: you have a pmsg :P07:13
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dmpaytonHmm... Servers down?07:29
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* llnz ponders09:49
* dmpayton putzes around in Photoshop09:50
JLPmorning all09:50
llnzhi JLP09:51
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llnzhi sijmen10:03
sijmenI wanted to play a little game of tp but I'm getting 'connection refused'10:06
sijmen(connecting to any of the two demo servers listed)10:07
llnzoh, i'll check demo110:08
llnzdemo1 working again now10:10
sijmencool :)10:10
sijmenBut I recon it's more fun when not playing alone ^^10:23
* dmpayton yawns10:28
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sijmenheey I'm not alone10:41
sijmen"I threw paper! -I threw a rock.."   "low five!"10:42
llnzmithro: 1910:52
sijmenwhat's the app count btw?11:02
llnzmuch better than i expected11:03
sijmenhuh wasn't the 20 mark passed already?11:04
llnzit is higher than 2011:04
sijmenokay the 19 wasn't related to that..11:04
sijmentime to ship the free beer to the twentiest applicant :P11:05
llnz19 is the number of people in this channel11:05
sijmenah okay11:05
sijmeni see11:05
jothammithro the parser doesn't seem to be parsing out weapon points anymore eh11:07
jothamguess i should learn how to use elementtree11:11
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mithrono more apps :/11:34
miChoui've got a problem11:35
sijmenmithro, I saw you fixed the bug report, stupid I didn't notice that mistake in the first place :P11:35
mithromiChou: ask away - I'll have to run away very soon11:36
miChoui try to build tpserver-cpp11:36
miChouand in ./configure i get the error11:36
miChou./configure: line 19692: syntax error near unexpected token `libtprl,'11:36
miChouany idea what's missing to my config, or what should i install?11:36
llnzmiChou: that's interesting11:36
mithromiChou: you need to build and install libtprl11:36
miChouany idea where to found it? It's not in the Kubuntu repository [ok, i know i'm lazy :D ]11:37
llnzmiChou: on the tp downloads page11:37
miChouyeah, found it :D11:37
miChouok, 10x :)11:38
mithrodmpayton: just looking at - I would suggest listing your latest acheivements/employment/etc first and then work backwards11:38
tpbTitle: The Online Portfolio of Derek Mathew Payton (at
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miChouand now libtprl cannot find ncurses :((11:42
dmpaytonmithro / llnz / JLP :
miChouconfigure: error: Cannot find tgetent in termcap or ncurses libraries!11:43
IwanowitchmiChou: search through the kubuntu repositories, amke sure to install -dev packages.11:43
IwanowitchAnyway, I gotta run, train is leaving in, erm, 5 minutes :/11:44
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llnzmiChou: install libncurses5-dev11:44
JLPdmpayton: me like, a great start11:44
llnzdmpayton: looks nice11:44
dmpaytonThe Orders panel will go to the left of the star map, above the Round End notice.11:45
miChoui think a Dubuntu edition would be quite useful. One with all the *-dev packages installed by default :))11:46
llnzmiChou: hehe11:47
llnzmiChou: we are trying to get our packages into debian (and therefore for *ubuntu as well)11:48
dmpaytonI'm goin' to bed folks. The Orders panel will have to wait till tomorrow.11:57
JLPdmpayton: good night11:57
miChouit's pretty annoying11:58
miChoui installed libtpr11:59
miChoubut when running configure for tpserver-cpp11:59
miChoui keep getting this11:59
miChou./configure: line 19692: syntax error near unexpected token `libtprl,'11:59
miChou./configure: line 19692: `PKG_CHECK_MODULES(libtprl, libtprl >= 0.1.2,'11:59
miChouerror XD11:59
miChouand I just wanted to build the server before submitting the application :(12:01
llnzmiChou: did you download a tarball, or pull from darcs?12:03
miChoui pulled from darcs12:03
llnzso you have run
llnz(just checking)12:03
miChou./autogen then ./configure12:04
llnzdo you have pkg-config installed? (apt-get pkg-config)12:04
llnzerr.... apt-get install pkg-config, that should be12:04
miChouit works12:05
miChoualthough it complains about not finding guile nor MzScheme12:06
miChouwhat's that?12:06
llnzthey are scheme implementations12:06
llnzinstall libguile1.8-dev12:07
miChouscheme, as in, the scheme language?12:07
llnzit is the basis of the tpcl language12:08
miChouwell, well... it seems that what i'm learning at school starts to linik to the real world12:08
llnzwe use a very minimal subset of scheme12:09
miChouis there a problem if i'm a TOTALLY ignorant regarding scheme? :D12:10
llnzit's very easy to learn the subset we use, and it is documented12:11
llnzand it's only used for properties, components and designs12:11
miChouso working on the server doesn't require messing with scheme12:12
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec : Lines of Code (at
llnzthat page shows only 32 lines of scheme files, 17526 lines of C++ (with a tiny bit of embeded scheme)12:13
llnz(note that page says lisp, but it is actually scheme)12:13
sijmenTotal estimated cost to develop: $ 2,408,631   :o12:25
miChouhow did you get to that number?12:32
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sijmenit's at the bottom of that page linked above12:34
miChouwould you mind if the PostgreSQL engine will require a specific version of PostgreSQL? (that is > 8, although i think 7.3 will do too :D)12:35
llnzmiChou: if it's in debian, then it's fine12:36
miChoui see that in *ubuntu it's 8.2 already12:37
miChouso i think that it should be in debian too12:37
miChou7.3 is quite old anyway12:37
sijmenI'm horrible at  minisec :P12:41
* llnz wanders off13:00
llnzlater all13:00
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daxxarEvening. :-)13:53
mithroEvening daxxar13:56
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sijmenWhat use is the ship designer in the client?14:26
sijmenIs it just to look at ship stats?14:27
CIA-17[email protected] * battleviewer/ (31 files in 2 dirs): Entities partial cleanup in preperation for summary screen. Round freeze fix. Temporary hardpoints assigned.14:29
JLPsijmen: well in Stars! you had several hull types available14:29
JLPthey become available when you reach a certain level in construction research for example14:30
sijmenah so you could 'buid' your own ships? Like the Earth RTS series?14:30
JLPand then each hull type had different spots for different types of components14:30
sijmenah pretty cool14:30
JLPso you could eqip you hull with components of your choice14:30
sijmenare such things possible to implement already as a ruleset?14:30
JLPi'm not completely sure, i think this is the part where tcpl is used and i guess games can already contain compnents and ship hull designs even with crrent protocol14:31
sijmenand why do all ships show up several times?14:32
JLPwhere? as far as i know no client has support for designs yet14:34
sijmenPython wxWidgets client.. WIndows->Design, then in the treeview14:36
JLPsijmen: damn, i've never even checked here yet :)14:36
sijmenwell it opens again every turn for me :S14:37
sijmenoh that reminds me, gotta file another bug on something else14:37
JLPyeah, you should also ask mithro or llnz about designs, i don't realy know how they are supposed to work, maybe the server creates a copy of design for every player, and now there is no limit in place which would show a player only designs that he should know about14:38
mithrosijmen: because each player has their own "designs"14:39
jotham"The men were paraded blindfolded and made to apologise on Iranian TV before their release was agreed." <- how cold war14:40
sijmenmithro, shouldn't every player have it's own 'folder' in the treeview then?14:40
mithrohey jotham, how goes the battleviewer I saw your push14:40
jothamok, i can't figure out why the weapon points arn't being parsed by your parser script14:41
jothambut i am not very familiar with elementtree14:41
CIA-17[email protected] * web/ (index.php index.php): Small fixes.14:42
jothamalso need to write a singleton factory to push out resources like fonts14:42
jothamwill do that in the morning14:42
mithrosijmen: probably14:42
mithroor atleast some indecation if they are your designs or not :P14:42
jothamare factorys typically singletons?14:42
jothami guess thats improbable14:43
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JLPjuozasg: welcome14:44
JLPjuozasg: are you here for google summer of code?14:44
juozasghey, JLP.14:44
juozasgexactly :)14:45
JLPjuozasg: great to hear14:45
JLPjuozasg: has anyhing from the ideas page cought your eye or do you maybe have a special idea of your own14:45
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JLPcherez: ahoy14:47
juozasgright now I'm still learning about TP. Usually, working on games gives me 1000's of ideas, but I'm still trying to decide if I like any of the suggested ideas because they are usually more urgent and more necessary for the project (and more likely to get accepted :) )14:47
sijmenand more likely to have many proposals already14:48
JLPjuozasg: who knows, maybe you have a brilliant new idea and we don't even know how much we need it14:48
juozasgperhaps, depends on your philosophy. last year I applied for ogre to implement a ruby wrapper (which turned out to be pretty popular idea on the forums), but it got refused because it wasn't a core need. so this year I'm being more careful14:50
cherezJLP: how many applications are we up to?14:50
JLPcherez: 25 (4 of them are not written well yet)14:51
JLPso effectively 2114:51
sijmenthat's pretty much14:51
JLPjuozasg: it can't hurt if you try14:52
sijmenthat was my mindset, too. If one of my proposals get accepted, that would be great. If not, I'll have a nice, long, vacation14:53
JLPor you can still work on what you propsed even if google doesn't accept you, if it is a popular thing people will maybe join you and help you14:55
miChouwhich one of you started the discussion on orthogonal persistence yesterday?14:55
JLPmiChou: i think it was nash14:55
* miChou has to remember to enable logging14:56
mithromiChou: nash :P14:56
juozasgWell, if you think so, I'll indulge my imagination for my TG proposal and write a safe one for some non-game mentoring group. But now I have to do more research and playing14:56
mithromiChou: see the topic14:56
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mithroLogs -
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miChouooo... haven't noticed :D14:56
juozasghow man slots do you expect to get?14:57
sijmenJLP, yeah, but then I will not do it during vacation14:57
JLPsijmen: well whenever you feel like it14:59
JLPjuozasg: have no idea how many google will bless us with15:01
miChouhere comes another one15:02
miChouhope that 25 will be my lucky number :D15:02
JLPmiChou: you mean 2615:03
miChouoops, you're right15:03
miChouit seems i have a problem with 20-related number these days (I could swear that 25 was monday :D )15:04
mithroJLP: ping?15:05
JLPmithro: pong15:05
mithrosijmen: you using the precompiled versions?15:12
miChouwho's taking care of the applications? I mean reviewing and stuff15:20
mithromiChou: the mentors15:20
miChouand.. are there any mentors around? :D15:20
JLPmiChou: yup, mithro and me are currently here15:22
miChouok, i just wanted to know who i could ask regarding my app :D [comments, things not clear, that kinda' stuff]15:23
JLPmiChou: i'm already writing comments, should be added in a few minutes15:25
miChouis that  a good thing? :D15:26
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sijmenmithro, I'm using the latest precompiled Windows release15:33
JLPmiChou: my comments added, and yeah it is a good thing, now you have time to improve the application based on comments and make it more professional and stronger15:34
miChouJLP: ACK15:36
miChouJLP, I have a tiny problem though: how should I include the requested details? (as the application form now only allows me to change the abstract)15:37
cherezmiChou: you can change it after it is commented on15:37
JLPmiChou: hm as far as i know after a mentor coments on it it should be editable15:37
miChoudamn, I'm stupid15:37
miChouyou're right15:37
miChoui was all over the "omg, I can't edit my app" from the discussion lists, that i haven't even noticed the detailed descriptioni going Read/Write again :D15:38
* miChou needs a hot cup of 0xC0FFEE15:39
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JLPnerve: hello15:48
JLPnerve: here to join the google summer fo code party?15:49
nerveyes, actually :)15:50
nerveJLP, how did you guess?15:51
EpyonEveryone that comes here recently is for GSOC ;]15:51
jothami come here for the atmosphere15:52
JLPnerve: well currently not a hard guess :)15:52
JLPnerve: anything from the ides page that especially interests you?15:54
nervejotham, and the good beer too, of course15:54
nerveI like the new client proposal15:55
mithrojotham: it's it a bit late for you?15:55
nervewhen i saw TP on happypenguin (a while ago now), i tired installing a client- and it was giving me issues15:55
nerveI had hopped there was an clean client that you could just use and get into a game15:56
JLPnerve: don't forget that there is also an option to improve the current python/wxwidgets client15:58
mithrothere should be a "Be mithro's minion for 3 months" idea :P15:59
JLPnerve: but in any case, feel free to look around, ask questions here, and then start working on an application as soon as possible so there is time we comment on it and help improve it16:00
nervei'll keep that in mind, why does writing a new client involve creating a new protocol?16:00
mithronerve: it shouldn't16:01
JLPnerve: it shouldn't, maybe only a new protocol library (if you don't use python or c++ one)16:01
* mithro is heading to bed16:02
mithrohave a gnight people16:02
JLPmithro: sleep well16:02
mithrowonder how many apps we will have when I get up16:03
JLPmithro:  be scared, be very scared :)16:03
nervenight night16:05
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Iwanowitch___Something really sick happening here :/16:34
DystopicFroIwanowitch: you're growing a foot like a mollusk?16:35
cherezdid you look in the back of the fridge?16:37
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niphreehi all17:08
JLPniphree: hello17:12
JLPniphree: what brings you here?17:13
niphreeJLP: google summer of code17:14
JLPniphree: hehe, i thought so :) welcome17:15
niphreeJLP: are all people here becose of soc ? :>17:17
JLPniphree: not all, but many17:17
JLPniphree: so did any idea from the soc page cought your attention, or are you still exploring to see what would be the most interesting to you17:20
niphreecan I ask you a question about metaserver ?17:20
niphreeJLP: I think about metaserver-project and a "PostgreSQL persistence module for tpserver-cpp"17:21
JLPniphree: sorry, i've been away for a few minutes17:30
JLPniphree: and you can ask about metaserver, i'll try to help te best wax i can17:34
niphreeJLP: I was looking into repositorie for metaserver files. and there's no DB.php file in /metaserver-lite17:40
niphreeJLP: this file is included in index.php.17:41
niphreeJLP: Is this to provide portability ?17:42
JLPniphree: i'd guess that this is more something for the future when we would also like to gather some statistics about servers and then save the info into a database17:45
niphreeJLP: ok.17:46
JLPniphree: i think it would be the best to wait for mithro to come online, could be quite a few hours, or just ask this in a forum17:46
niphreeJLP: ok. thx17:48
JLPniphree: DB.php could also be a PEAR DB module17:50
miChouJLP: ok, fixed it17:55
niphreeJLP: hmm... I never work with this. I'll google it ;)17:56
miChouJLP: should be better now17:56
miChouthere are a lot of things that seemed obvious to me, but now that I think of it , it's clear that these weren't obvious to anyone else :)17:57
miChoui think i'll go have a little snack now. Hope I'll get positive feedback when I come back :D17:58
* miChou went to POP some_corn17:58
DystopicFroJLP: ahoyhoy?18:22
JLPDystopicFro: ahoy18:22
DystopicFromind if I get a quick opinion from you...again, sadly outside your area of expertise...but you seem to be around when I'm around >.<18:23
JLPi'll try to help18:23
DystopicFroAs a basic interface for a Property/Component editor, I put together the following. The idea being that the program will store Properties and Components in its own format, keep track of what properties exist and what components exist, and ultimately allow a fairly simple GUI to edit everything, and then with the functionality to output code formatted after that found in mtsec.cpp (where each prop, component and design gets its own in18:25
tpb<> (at
DystopicFrobasically...again...I crave instant feedback...since mithro and llnz aren't around and they're the ones I should be directing this at >.<18:26
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JLPDystopicFro: i'm not sure i can help here, i guess i will one day have to check out scheme to see what tcpl is all about and hot it is then used18:27
DystopicFroah well, thanks for your attention, though o.O I'll stop pestering18:29
JLPDystopicFro: if you will not be here and mithro or llnz show up when i'm here i'll point them to the screenshot18:30
JLPthey will also probably see it in irc log18:30
DystopicFromany thanks...I'll just keep plugging along, then...get something substantial going18:31
JLPDystopicFro: no problam, glad to help if i can18:33
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sijmenevening ;)20:26
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miChougood nite ppl21:20
miChouc u tomorrow21:20
* miChou goes have a shower & a nap21:20
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