Monday, 2007-03-19

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* JLP goes to sleep...01:05
dmpaytongnight JLP01:07
cherezblast, I've run out of ideas for my proposal01:45
dmpaytoncherez: what are you proposing?01:54
cherezMTSec for Summer of Code01:54
dmpaytonWhen lee (llnz) gets on, talk to him. He'll be able to point you in the right direction01:56
cherezalright, still have the rest of the week to work on the proposal01:57
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mithrojotham! did you have a successful weekend?02:00
jothamyeah, i'll submit a patch when i get home tonight, finished the event stuff02:00
jothamany of you read the blog? (pretty nerdy but fun)02:01
tpbTitle: Wohba! (at
chereznow, what good would implementing MTSec do for TP...02:06
mithrocherez: lots :P02:07
cherezdon't suppose you have a list prepared?02:07
mithrocherez: what you looking for?02:13
cherezI'm writing a SoC application to implement MTSec02:15
mithrocherez: well the benifits are mainly in playability02:20
mithroIE we ave a fun game to play02:20
mithrobut it's your application, what do you think the benefits will be?02:20
dmpaytonmithro: Did you change the minisec implimentation? Earlier haveryone has fleets like "[name]'s fleet", and now it's all "Light Task Force Beta"02:21
dmpaytoneveryone had...02:21
mithrodmpayton: you can name your own fleets02:24
cherezmithro: playability came across as the biggest benefit to me too, it might also stimulate improving the protocol, server, and clients, but I don't know enough about them to really say02:25
mithrocherez: yes, once it's fun to actually play, other things will improve02:25
cherezis there anything in the MTSec specification that isn't possible with the current protocol/server?02:27
mithrocherez: not really02:28
mithrosomethings would be slightly easier with protocol 402:29
cherezcould be tough to put this across as a real seller...02:29
mithrobut most things would work pretty well with protocol 302:30
cherezis there any documentation for making rulesets yet?02:32
mithrohrm? the people you have to convince are the tp developers, IE me, Lee, JLP and nash02:33
mithronot google02:33
cherezoh, that's comforting02:33
mithroand we definately understand the improtance of getting some more playable rulesets02:34
mithroand there isn't any current documentation on creating rulesets, would you be intrested in doing it on the python or C++ server?02:34
cherezwhich one is more used?02:35
cherezI've known C++ for 6  years and Python for 502:35
cherezso I'm very comfortable with either02:35
mithrothe C++ one is used more (At the moment), however it's probably faster to write it in python02:37
cherezmaybe I'll write it in Python, then after it works implement it in C++02:37
mithrobut then the python server needs a little work before it's in a place to start writing rulesets, however it's better designed (in my opinoin)02:38
cherezwhat kind of work?02:38
mithroC++ server has some of MTSec already implimented (only a very small part)02:39
mithrocherez: well, i broke it when I moved to SQLAcademy from a MySQL only implimentation02:42
mithroturn generation is the only thing which hasn't been fixed02:43
mithrosorry i'm so in and our, current soldering SMD components02:43
cherezquite understandable02:43
cherezI guess I should propose to add it to the Python server then make C++ a goal if I have time02:44
mithrocherez: that sounds like a good plan02:45
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mithroback (kinda)02:59
dmpaytonmithro: get any apps yet?03:02
dmpaytonAlso, there's something I wanted to discuss with you...03:02
clayasaurus_mithro: what time is it where you are at?03:03
clayasaurus_just curious because when I first woke up you went to bed03:03
mithrodmpayton: not yet03:04
dmpaytonme, clayasaurus_ and JLP were all talking earlier, and I think we all kinda-sorta reached the same conclusion in regards to the designer03:04
clayasaurus_i did?03:04
* clayasaurus_ is confused03:04
clayasaurus_race designer?03:05
dmpaytonThat the designer should be stand-alone, as it seems redundant and repetative to impliment a designer into the client for the users, then have another implementation for the server admins to use.03:05
dmpaytonclayasaurus_: Yeah, I brought it up earlier and you two seemed to agree. Though we never really finished the conversation. *shrug*03:07
dmpaytonI could be wrong.03:07
clayasaurus_I don't think I was part of that conversation, maybe someone else?03:08
* clayasaurus_ shrugs03:08
clayasaurus_Or if i was, don't remember it03:08
dmpaytonCoulda been... I dunno. I never went to bed lastnight..i've been programming and writing for 30+ hours. My brain is fried.03:09
clayasaurus_wow : )03:10
dmpaytonBetween wanting to my soc apps done and the stuff I have for's been crazy03:11
clayasaurus_deadline coming up, or for fun?03:11
clayasaurus_i see03:11
mithrodmpayton: depends what you mean by "race designer"03:12
mithrothe server would always have to verify what ever the designer produces03:12
dmpaytonmithro: Specifically I'm tlaking about the ship designer, as that's what implemented atm. There's a designer in the client, but how does the server admin add them in? through his own client? what if he wants to disallow users from designing their own and only allow them what he creates?03:14
mithrodmpayton: well designing things is a fundamental part of tp, and it's quite different how a server would design stuff verses a client03:18
mithrowhen you designing on the server you have the freedom to add new properties, create totally new components, etc03:18
mithrowhile when in the client you are just putting components together03:18
dmpaytonHuh... Okay.03:21
mithrodmpayton: you understand or not?03:23
mithrowhich is why the component editor - which is used to create new components is probably going to be server specific03:24
mithro(as it needs to create the correct data in the server - and probably produce a little code)03:25
dmpaytonmithro: sounds good03:26
mithroif somebody comes up with a generic way to do ruleset design - that would be cool03:31
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cherezI was thinking about that, actually03:35
cherezgeneric ruleset design03:35
cherezat the least, once MTSec is done it could be remade with a ton of parameterization03:36
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clayasaurus_mithro: would you mind reviewing my application and giving suggestions / criticisms of it? I should send it to [email protected] ? I wonder if I should send it to JLP as well...03:52
mithroclayasaurus_: it may be better to submit it, we can comment on it then - and once we comment you should be able to change it03:58
clayasaurus_mithro: sounds good then03:59
* mithro waits for clayasaurus_ to submit04:02
dmpaytonmithro: I'm only submitting something in the abstract...I really dunno what do put in the detailed. AFAIK, the detailed section wasn't even there last year.04:02
* clayasaurus_ is writing abstract04:03
clayasaurus_err.. the detailed is the actual application, and the abstract is a summary of what the project idea that you are doing is04:03
clayasaurus_for the public consumption04:03
dmpaytonThen I can really just c/p the synopsys into the abstract.04:04
dmpaytonAre you allowed to edit both sections?04:06
clayasaurus_don't know for sure, but I would guess that you could04:07
clayasaurus_Now I will find out if google counts spaces as characters for their character limiting (grr...)04:08
clayasaurus_guess not.. submitted seemd to work :-)04:11
clayasaurus_going to sleep now04:12
dmpaytongnight clayasaurus_04:13
dmpaytonwtf... 502 Server Error when I tried to submit04:13
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dmpaytonmithro: well, even though I kept getting Server 502 errors, it apparently successfully submitted my proposal.04:25
mithrodmpayton: just checking now04:26
dmpaytonAh, you can only change the abstract04:26
mithrodmpayton: well I can see your applications04:27
dmpaytonAh, okay04:28
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mithrowell I see clayasaurus and yours04:32
dmpaytonCan you read them?04:32
dmpaytonor just see them sitting there?04:32
mithroi can read them04:36
mithrocan even submit comments04:36
mithrowill do something tonight04:39
dmpaytonAwesome. Can't wait for your guys feedback. :)04:41
mithrowill comment on it tonight04:49
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JLPmorning all06:32
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mithrohowdy people06:54
JLPmithro: ahoy06:56
mithrohrm, I can't seem to submit any comments06:57
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JLPllnz: ahoy06:57
llnzhi JLP06:57
llnzjust got your message06:57
llnzwill keep an eye out for them06:58
JLPi also have a link to places where TP@SoC is mentioned if you would like to have it06:59
JLPmithro: do I send the list to you too?07:00
CIA-17Lee Begg <[email protected]> * metaserver-lite/ (8 files):07:00
CIA-17Support tp04 documented parameters:07:00
CIA-17 Should support the current set and the new set for registering.07:00
mithrohowdy llnz07:00
llnzhi mithro07:01
mithroJLP: sure07:01
mithrollnz: i'm not sure your patch doesn't does what it should?07:03
JLPsento to Jabber07:03
llnzreally? what's the problem?07:04
mithrowhats this doing?07:12
mithro+               $name_param = 'ln';07:12
mithro+               $next_param = 'next';07:12
mithro+               if(!(isset($_REQUEST[$name_param]) || isset($_REQUEST['sn']) || isset($_REQUEST[$next_param]))){07:12
mithro+                 $name_param = 'name';07:12
mithro+                 $next_param = 'turn';07:12
mithro+               }07:12
mithrollnz/jlp do you see the applications?07:13
mithrothere should be 207:13
JLPmithro: I see 2 applications07:13
llnzmithro: that checks which version of the parameters it's using, and sets the 'name'/'ln' and 'turn'/'next' parameter names correctly07:14
llnzi see two applications as well07:14
llnzmithro: that code allows both the current set, and the tp04 documented set to be used07:16
tpb<$> (at
mithrollnz: should we just use the new method?07:18
llnzmeans updating all the tpserver-cpp, but i have a patch ready and waiting07:18
llnzbut i'm happy to make the move if you are07:19
tpb<> (at
mithrollnz: i think that is okay07:20
mithrohunk ./index.php 19307:25
mithro-                       $optional_index = array('', 'plys', 'cons', 'objs', 'admin', 'cmt', 'turn');07:25
mithro+                       $optional_index = array('', 'plys', 'cons', 'objs', 'admin', 'cmt', 'next', 'ln', 'sn', 'turn', 'prd');07:25
mithroI think "<td>short (computer) name of the sever</td>" should be compolsury07:29
mithro~seen nash07:30
tpbmithro: nash was last seen in #tp 3 days, 4 hours, 24 minutes, and 27 seconds ago: * nash qwould be surprised if you went with php on the end... the web part is small07:30
mithroand should be == to the name parameter used previously07:31
llnzmithro: i guess so07:31
llnzhumm... somewhat....07:31
llnzi don't think sn (and maybe even ln) will be unique07:32
llnzthey need to be unique on a server (to show the difference between games), but not really anywhere else07:33
mithroI think it needs a little bit more work before we make it "right"07:33
llnztpserver-cpp will always provide ln and sn, defaulting to "Tpserver-cpp" and "tp", respectively07:36
mithrollnz: sorry about being so gruff earlier - was in a bit of a grumpy mood09:23
llnzit's ok09:23
CIA-17Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/modules/games/minisec/ (minisec.cpp minisec.cpp minisec.cpp minisec.cpp minisec.cpp):11:26
CIA-17Add guest account at game creation time, with no planets or fleets:11:26
CIA-17 For minisec, this allows the guest to see everything, but has nothing to play11:26
CIA-17 with. Useful for keeping an eye on AIs during the AI Competition.11:26
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CIA-17Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/console.cpp :11:33
CIA-17Added turn length to output of status command:11:33
CIA-17 Had the data available, might as well use it.11:33
llnzoh, ffs11:33
CIA-17Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/ (17 files in 2 dirs):11:34
CIA-17Updated to lastest published metaserver and discovery parameters:11:34
CIA-17 Changed name to ln and turn to next. Added sn, prd, turn.11:34
CIA-17 Also changed setting server_name to game_name and added game_shortname.11:34
llnzhad to push it, the patch above that one uses something in it11:35
llnzi won't update demo1 until the metaserver can cope11:39
* llnz wanders off11:50
llnzlater all11:50
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JLPt0dd: hello12:53
JLPt0dd: are you here for google summer of code12:57
t0ddunfortunately, I do not know much about Thousand Parsec though12:59
JLPt0dd: great to hear, did any of the ideas catch your eye yet, or do you have some specialy idea of your own12:59
JLPt0dd: noworries, mentors are here to help you get arrounf Thousand Parsec13:00
t0ddI am still reading, but I like the idea of creating a "Reach for the Stars" clone13:02
t0ddsince I have heard of the game.. :-P13:02
t0ddI have plenty of C++ experience too13:03
JLPt0dd: i've also only heard about it, never played it so i can't tell anything about it13:03
t0ddbut yeah, that was the one that caught my eye13:03
t0ddI'd really be willing to work on anything though13:04
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t0ddthe idea of creating a new "ruleset" development environment also seems interesting.. I don't have Lisp programming skills, but I know ML so it wouldnt take long to become familiar with Lisp since they are similar functional programming languages13:05
JLPt0dd: no hurry, just look at the ideas, or maybe come up with your own, and then work on application (or even better a couple of them :))13:06
t0ddI definitely will13:07
JLPcool, and if you have any question don't be afraid to ask, i'll try to answer as best as i can13:08
t0ddthank you13:08
JLPbtw, where are you from13:08
t0ddPittsburgh, PA13:08
JLPnice, I'm from Slovenia (a very small country in Europe)13:09
t0ddcool.. how is it there?13:10
JLPa bit cold an rainy today13:11
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JLPclayasaurus_: ahoy13:59
clayasaurus_hey JLP13:59
JLPclayasaurus_: mithro added some comments to the application14:00
clayasaurus_alright, I'll take a look14:00
JLPclayasaurus_: in addition we were talking that you don't have to follow the Google timeline so closely, only 3 dates are really important: start, interim report, end14:01
JLPclayasaurus_: other dates can be chosen by an student as they fit them14:01
clayasaurus_alright, ... hrm ...14:07
clayasaurus_I know I should be around half way done at midterm time though . . .14:08
clayasaurus_and all the way done at final time14:08
clayasaurus_I will come up with a slightly different schedule implementing mithro's comments and see if that is better14:09
JLPclayasaurus_: great,14:10
JLPclayasaurus_: otherwise it is great and this is just polishing it up14:11
clayasaurus_polish = good, it gives my application more chance of 'survival' :) Thank you folks for looking it over14:14
JLPclayasaurus_: no problem, thanks for your interest14:15
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mithroclayasaurus_: ping?17:15
mithroclayasaurus_: just wanted to check that you got the comments okay - just got 502s when submitting them17:18
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clayasaurus_is there anyway for myself to get hold of the pyOgre TP client? Thanks.18:12
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clayasaurusis there anyway for myself to get hold of the pyOgre TP client? Thanks.18:18
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JLPclayasaurus: ping18:25
clayasaurusyou didn't answer me, did you JLP ?18:42
clayasaurusi didn't receive anythign18:42
JLPclayasaurus: wasn't sure you are still here18:42
clayasaurushere :)18:43
JLPdarcs get --partial
tpb<> (at
JLPshoul do the trick18:43
JLPthid creates tpclient-pyogre in the current folder and downloads the files in it18:45
cherezwhat does the python server use pyscheme for?18:50
cherezit's required but I don't see any .scm files outside of the pyscheme unit test18:51
JLPcherez: if i remeber correctly scheme is used to tell clients how designs can be put together18:51
JLPcherez: but to be more correct and to get more extensive explanaiton you should ask mithro or llnz18:54
JLPcherez: maybe it would also be benefical to ask on Forums/mailing lists about what exactly scheme is for, so that it is documented at least in one more permanent place, until we put the proper documentation on the web page18:56
cherezya, I should probably ask my questions there once I have a bit of free time18:57
* cherez curses lab writeups18:57
clayasaurusi have my own blog now :-P19:13
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec Summer of Code Development (at
clayasaurusi figured it would help out my application19:14
cherezthey can't turn you down with a title like that19:15
JLPclayasaurus: awesome19:17
clayasaurusAm I correct to state that python is the language used in TP to 'talk' to the servers?19:22
clayasaurusI am wondering if that just makes me sound stupid :-/19:23
JLPclayasaurus: you mean the way servers and clients talk together?19:23
cherezI haven't observed the protocol yet, but I don't think python code is sent between them if that's what you mean19:23
cherezs/observed/read up on19:23
clayasaurusJLP: yes. or... why is python used in the project, specifically  ?19:24
clayasaurus I thought it might have something to do with client/serv interaction19:24
cherezPython is a productive language19:24
clayasaurusis there a technical reason?19:24
JLPclayasaurus: well client and servers talk by sending packages to each other, and these packages are formated in a way that is specified in ptorocol19:24
cherezmuch faster to prototype and debug than C++, I'd say that's a good enough reason19:25
JLPit also defines what type of packages are possible19:25
clayasaurusdo you know the specific reason, say, pyOgre is used instead of just pure C++ ogre?19:25
JLPand Python/C++/Java/... based client and servers are only responsible for creating athese packages and sending/recieving them and acting as they should when they get the package19:26
cherezjust because it's easier to code in Python than C++, not for any networking benefits19:27
clayasaurusso I could write a pure C++ Ogre 3D client for thousand parsec, would just be slightly more difficult i suppose19:27
cherezif you want to I don't think anyone will stop you19:28
JLPyup as cherez said, different people know different languages so it is good to have different options, but no matter what language they use they all use the same protocol19:28
clayasaurusalright, sounds good19:28
clayasaurusthanks cherez and JLP19:28
cherezclayasaurus, have you used Python before?19:29
clayasaurusto be honest, my experience is mostly with C/C++/D/Java languages. I havn't used python for any large scale projects, no. just as a glorified calculator :-P19:30
clayasaurusbut I think I would be able to pick it up fairly easily19:30
cherezit's very easily to learn19:30
cherezafter you use Python enough, you look for excuses to use it rather than reasons:)19:31
chereznice to know someone else knows D19:31
cherezI was getting to thinking I'm the only one19:31
clayasaurusyou know D, cherez ?19:31
cherezya, I haven't used it on any large projects, though19:31
cherezit's like C++/Java done right19:32
clayasaurusI have a little 2D game project in D that I update about once a week with tiny fixes19:32
clayasaurusonce a week = 2/4 hours on the weekend19:33
clayasaurusused to be more until it started affecting my grades :'(19:33
cherezblasted school19:33
cherezinterfering with important things19:33
tpbTitle: arclib - (at
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clayasaurusit actually has a pretty nifty 2D physics system in progress, already supports boxes and circles and quadtrees, and is based off of the Erin Catto's 2D physics demo19:39
tpb<> (at
cherezthat's pretty sweet19:40
clayasauruserin catto recently updated his Box 2D, I'm hoping he added polygon support but I'll check his slides now19:41
cherezman, next time I write a 2D game I have to try this19:42
clayasaurusand to port the code to D, I had to create a Red-Black tree. of course, being lazy, i used public-domain red-black tree code written in C, then turned it into a D template19:42
cherezI feel an urge to make Jenga now19:43
* cherez goes to class19:47
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clayasaurusthe joys of wireless networking20:05
JLPclayasaurus: :)20:06
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* dmpayton yawns20:35
JLPdmpayton: ahoy20:38
JLPdmpayton: i've added some comments to your application20:40
dmpaytonJLP: I saw. :)20:40
dmpaytonin the process of editing it now20:40
JLPdmpayton: cool20:40
dmpaytonI'm going to keep a blog for soc, but I'm debating on whether to use WP or roll my own.20:41
JLPgreat to hear, clayasaurus used blogspot20:42
dmpaytonDid he end up doing the 3d client?20:46
JLPdmpayton: yeah he submitted application for 3D client20:48
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dmpaytonI think I'm gonna roll my own... I have almost 2 months to do it, and it'll be a nice project to get to know web.py20:49
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clayasaurusgrr 502 server error for resubmit of my app21:36
cherezI think someone else complained about that yesterday21:36
cherezthe mentors still got it, it seems21:37
clayasaurushrm.. weird21:37
JLPyeah sometimes we get it sometimes not, sometimes comment gets posted even if there is this error sometimes not21:38
cherezwhen should we have our proposals in by?21:39
cherezI know the 26th is the deadline, but would it be better to be earlier?21:39
JLP24th march21:39
cherezyou're my hero21:39
cherezdoes it matter when as long as it's by the 24th?21:39
clayasaurusyay i dil it21:40
JLPi think it is 23:59 by Pacific time21:40
clayasauruscherez: submitting earlier increases your chances and gives mentors a chance to review the app21:42
JLPclayasaurus: yup, even not polished up application is better than none21:43
clayasaurusmy app is re-submitted now :-P just making sure you know21:48
JLPclayasaurus: noted, will check it out in a few minutes21:49
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* nash has finally returned22:33
nashOnly for a few hours... no web at home still...22:36
cherezI'm out of things to write for my application...22:37
nashIs there a draft online or something?22:38
cherezI haven't put it up yet22:38
cherezJLP: ping22:40
JLPcherez: pong22:40
cherezI have a draft of my application sort of ready22:41
cherezshould I submit it now then revise it?22:41
JLPcherez: yes, that would be the best22:41
JLPso that all mentors can see it and comment it22:41
JLPand before hitting submit be sure to copy the text, just in case you get a 502 error and it eats your text22:42
cherezI don't know whether BF experience is a good or bad thing to mention on this application22:45
dmpaytonI lvoe that language22:46
dmpaytonlove even22:46
nashcherez: From TPs point of view the most important thing is that you can complete the project.  Else it will make it hard to be accepted for SoC next year22:46
nashcherez: I'd leave it out... except if you have a list of proficient languages.  However these days I think they are becoming less relevant22:47
dmpaytoncherez: the most important thing is that you list your experience with the language(s) you'll be using.22:48
cherezI've learned a lot of languages though the only relevent ones seem to be C++, Python, and Scheme22:48
nashAny other system languages may be useful22:49
nash(BF is not a system language before you ask...)22:49
nashNor is intercal22:49
cherezI have experience with C also22:50
cherezwell, assembly too, but not for serious work22:50
nashC is worthwhile  - please don't list as C/C++ - that tells me you know C++ only ;-)22:51
cherezthat is quite true22:52
nashYou can pick I'm primarily a C programmer - my bias shows22:52
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nashBTW: Is someone here wccarrington?23:11
cherezalright, I'll be submitting this then23:15
* cherez holds his breath23:15
cherezI didn't get an error23:15
nashcherez: You didn't want to send it round somewhere first?23:15
cherez...I sure hope not23:16
cherezI hope I didn't mess up, then23:16
cherezJLP: ping23:17
* dmpayton needs to control the flow of time23:40
cherezplease do23:48
nashAnd let us know...23:50
dmpaytonI have my soc apps, school work, and work work all due this I'm moving in approx. two weeks, so there's all that to deal with.23:55

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