Saturday, 2007-03-17

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mithrohowdy people05:17
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JLPmorning all07:41
dmpaytonMorning? almost 1am here. :P07:43
JLPdmpayton: hehe, 8:45 am here07:43
dmpaytonJLP: Bah. Curse you all for living in the  future.07:44
JLPdmpayton: doesn't help us much :)07:45
dmpaytonJLP: Well, that's what you get for messing with time. :P07:46
JLPdmpayton: the curse of curiosity :)07:48
dmpaytonJLP: Good thing you're not a cat or you'd be dead. ;)07:48
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* JLP has to go to our LUG meeting, see you later13:08
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clayasaurusjust a reminder - I'd appreciate any sort of answer to my forum inquirey ... thanks ! ~ Clay16:11
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mithroclayasaurus: you should have a reply now17:32
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WilliamCarringtnHowdy, I'm having some trouble getting started developing.20:17
WilliamCarringtnI've gotten the source from darcs, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to run it20:19
llnzWilliamCarringtn: what program?20:21
WilliamCarringtnthe python server20:21
llnzdo you have tpproto-py and scratchpad repositories?20:21
llnzlibtpproto-py, that shold be20:22
WilliamCarringtnnot yet20:22
WilliamCarringtnok, I have those20:23
llnzscratchpad has a "" to set up everything correctly20:23
WilliamCarringtnawesome, thanks20:23
llnzthen have a look at the README in tpserver-py for some idea about setting it up20:24
llnzmithro should be around later if you need more help20:24
llnzor ask on the forums/mailing list20:25
llnzhave to go, bbl20:28
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dmpayton'llo JLP23:27
JLPdmpayton: ahoy23:27
dmpaytonHow goes things?23:29
JLPdmpayton: just got back from the LUG meeting, quite tired23:30
dmpaytonLinux User Group?23:30
JLPdmpayton: yup, LUGOS -> Linux Users Group of Slovenia23:31
dmpaytonAh, cool.23:31
* dmpayton has never used *nix23:31
JLPI'm using Linux almost 100% exclusively for the last couple of years23:33

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