Friday, 2007-03-16

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mithrohowdy people02:07
jothamam taking my laptop on holiday to the country02:13
jothamno internet02:13
jothamhopefully i'll get time to finish battleviewer02:13
jothamleast that's the plan02:14
jothamjsut got all the stuff installed02:14
jothamwill be back on monday anyway02:14
jothamhope i haven't forgotten any code, using my cellphone to d/l stuff via bluetooth/gprs will be uber slow and pricey02:15
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dmpaytonEww, I hate using my mobile for internet02:16
jothami haven't tried to use it as a modem for my laptop before02:16
dmpaytonSprint charges like $0.15/kb02:16
jothamthat sucks02:18
dmpaytonjotham: so you're part of this project?02:20
jothammithro has me building some graphical tool for him02:20
jothambut it's taking longer than he anticipated :p02:20
dmpaytonAh. So you're not involved in the soc aspect?02:21
mithrojotham: everything takes longer then you expect :)02:21
jothamaint that the truth02:21
jothamdmpayton: no sir02:21
jothamanyway my ride is here, see you sunday nightish02:21
dmpaytontake it easy jotham. have fun on your trip.02:21
mithronash: ping?02:25
mithro /tp/google-summer-of-code-2007.php293(hits) in 1 day!02:32
guitsaruWow, I guess I have a lot of competition.02:33
dmpaytonmithro: FYI, the "Bonus Points" link on the soc page is b0rk3d.02:35
mithrodmpayton: okay02:35
mithro163 exits however :/02:36
dmpaytonInfact, the section is missing entirely.02:36
dmpaytonmithro: As far as the web client goes, what is more developed? libtpproto-php, libtpproto-rb, or libtpproto-py?02:39
mithrolibtpproto-py is fully functional02:40
mithrolibtpproto-rb can connect and download a universe02:40
mithrolibtpproto-php only supports enough to do the metaserver stuff02:40
dmpaytonHmm, alright. Sounds like Python would be the best choice for that, then.02:40
mithrodmpayton: it would be, however it wouldn't take much to fix up the other libraries, most of the "hard" part is done02:43
nashmithro: ?02:47
mithronash: just adding your ideas to the SoC page02:47
nashmithro: Cool02:47
nashmithro: I'm going off line shortly02:47
mithronash: do you have links for Reach for the Stars and Diplomacy?02:47
nashProbably won't be online until tuesday again02:47
nashMove starts soon02:47
nashNo net in the enw place yet02:47
mithronash: :/02:48
mithroI'm guessing things will pick up over the weekend02:48
nashmithro: Probably02:49
nashRFTS: is the wiki page02:49
tpb<> (at
mithronash: could you msg me them so I can put them on the website?02:49
tpb<> (at
mithronash: my other question was, do you have a list of "properties" things had in Stars!?02:49
nashNot off hand - but I could probably generate it over the weekend - I still have Stars! and a working wine...02:50
dmpaytonGiven my experience in web dev (years of PHP, little experience (but a huge interest) in Python), which language would you feel is a better choice for the web interface?02:54
mithrodmpayton: i think that task is up to you to decide :)02:56
dmpaytonMight it be possible to leave that option open in the application to decide later once I've looked at the codebase and have a bbetter idea of what exactly is needed? Or would that cause my app to be passed up?02:58
nashIn that case, just change - we won't hold you too it02:59
dmpaytonSo I could submit my app with python, then later switch to PHP with no problem?03:00
dmpaytonIf needed, of wouldn't just be an arbitrary decision. ;)03:00
mithrodmpayton: if you can justify it, we won't hold it against you03:01
dmpaytonAlright, thanks. :)03:01
mithrodmpayton: of course showing in your application that you have already looked at the code based and figured out which is better would be a huge +03:02
dmpaytonOf course, that's a given.03:02
* nash qwould be surprised if you went with php on the end... the web part is small03:05
dmpaytonnash: I'd only go with PHP as a backup... I've spent years with it and want to learn something new. And I've fallen in love with Python and would love to get more experience with it.03:06
dmpaytonPython is my "go out on a limb, learn something new" option, PHP is my "play it safe, get the project done" option, is what it boils down to.03:07
mithrodmpayton: well, my recommendation would be go and do some research on python web stuff this weekend03:09
mithroand look into the protocol libarires03:09
dmpaytonmithro: I have a few idea's of what could be done with a web interface, but I'll have to actually play the game to see what gameplay is like, and thus see what's needed specifically with the web interface.03:12
CIA-20[email protected] * web/ (20 files):03:13
CIA-20Lots of changes.:03:13
CIA-20 - Added nashs ideas.03:13
CIA-20 - Rearranged the projects into groups.03:13
CIA-20 - Added a little blur about each group.03:13
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mithrohowdy people04:59
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dmpayton'llo tpb06:01
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dmpaytonWb mithro.06:32
dmpaytonmithro: So have many people showed interest in the project yet?06:34
mithroabout 4 people have turned up on IRC06:35
mithrosame number in the forums06:36
mithroquite a few web hits06:36
dmpaytonYeah, I registered on the forums today.06:37
mithro /tp/google-summer-of-code-2007.php375 hits06:37
dmpaytonWonder how the other organizations are doing, comparitively speaking.06:37
mithrocurrently trying to do a quick user manual06:38
dmpaytonHeh, bet that's fun.06:38
dmpaytonI'm trying to get through some stuff for work so I can get started on my app...06:39
mithronow i'm going have to keep all you SoC people straight06:39
mithrodmpayton: which one are you again :P06:41
dmpaytonDo you mind if I ask about how many projects you plan (or are allowed) to take on?06:41
dmpaytonMy name is Derek, btw. Derek Payton (if that wasn't too obvious...)06:42
mithrodmpayton: well, previous years have been allocated projects proportional to the number of applications they have recieved06:44
dmpaytonSo basically a sliding scale, dependent of the number of apps recieved? I'm sure the number of mentors avilable would have something to dow ith it aswell, no?06:45
mithrowe have 4 mentors06:46
dmpaytonRight. You, Lee, JLP, and Nash.06:46
mithroso it'll probably be a maximum of 4-5 projects06:46
mithrobut in reality it's up to Google06:46
dmpaytonI'm guessing this is the first soc you guys have been part of?06:51
mithrofrom what I understand the smaller projects are much easier to get accepted for06:52
dmpaytonReally? I would think that it would be the other way around, with larger, more well known orgs being accepted easier.06:54
dmpaytonEspecially if it's something like Apache Foundation or PHP Group or Python Group, etc, where it's an entire company built upon F/OSS (as opposed to people who just work on OS in their spare time)06:55
mithrodmpayton: it appears that bigger projects get a disaproprtiant number of applications06:55
dmpaytonOh, you're talking about students get accepted to smaller projects easier, as opposed to the larger projects that are flooded with student apps.06:55
mithroplus they are more likely to have the "wanna bes"06:55
dmpaytonYeah, that makes sense.06:56
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dmpayton'llo llnz.08:22
llnzhi dmpayton08:22
dmpaytonHow goes things?08:23
mithrollnz: lots of traffic on the lists and on IRC the last 24 hours :)08:24
llnzfine thanks08:24
llnzmithro: i see :-)08:24
mithroanything more for the SoC page?08:25
mithrollnz: you should be accepted as a mentor now too08:25
llnzhummm... let me catch up and see08:26
mithrodoing a tpclient-pywx "manual"08:26
dmpaytonbrb, reboot08:50
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CIA-20[email protected] * web/documents/ (tpclient-pywx-manual.pdf tpclient-pywx-manual.pdf): First 6 pages of tpclient-pywx Manual.09:21
CIA-20[email protected] * web/ (4 files): Fixed up email address and such.09:21
* llnz answers a student who emailed him10:04
mithrollnz: you got a private email? encourage him to use the list or forums10:07
llnzyes, will do10:08
llnzi am a mentor for tp SoC, just had a look10:08
mithrollnz: yeah10:09
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JLPmorning people10:16
mithromorning JLP10:16
llnzhi JLP10:20
JLPmithro: you are registered at some Stars! forum?10:23
JLPdid you post about TP at SoC10:24
JLPi'm also thinking of sending a news item to Linux gaming news sites10:25
mithrowhich Stars! forum btw :)10:26
llnzi'll post a news item on our SF page in a minute10:26
mithrowe really need a program which syncs our news to the sf page10:27
llnz> The Thousand Parsec project has been accepted as a mentor organisation for Google Summer of Code (SoC).10:30
llnz> This year a project you work on can be for Thousand Parsec. We have added a special page setup for you to see what type of ideas you could work on. It is at
llnz> Applications close on the 24th of March, so you better get cracking! Applications which are submitted sooner will get more consideration and more likely to succeed (however don't rush them!).10:30
llnz> Thousand Parsec is building a framework for creating Turn Based Space game, using Python, C++, C, Ruby, PHP and Java.10:30
tpb<> (at
llnzIs that ok? Mostly from our news item10:31
JLPI would move the description of TP to the beginning10:32
llnznow the second line (paragraph)10:36
JLPi've also started to write something yesterday, for news sites:10:39
llnzoh, that reminds me....10:40
JLPThousand Parsec is a vibrant free and open source project, creating a framework for 4X (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit and eXterminate) space strategy games. We are happy to announce that this year we are also participating in Google Summer of Code as a mentoring organisation. We have prepared a special page with information and ideas for students, who would like to work on a task for Thousand Parsec.10:40
JLPthe dedline is missing and some encoring words like it will be fun, new experience, joins us is missing10:41
JLPsomething like10:44
JLPJoin us, it will be fun, you'll gain a new experience, learn something new and if you finish successfully you can even get 4500$. The dedline for submissions is 24th of March.10:44
llnzadd "And play games" in there too :-p10:45
JLPyeah good point :)10:46
llnzwhen you have something somewhat ready, let me know because I have someone to email that I met at LCA that is interested in writing about TP10:47
llnz(he writes for
JLPfor example, the whole text:10:47
JLPThousand Parsec is a vibrant free and open source project, creating a framework for 4X (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit and eXterminate) space strategy games. We are happy to announce that this year we are also participating in Google Summer of Code as a mentoring organisation. We have prepared a special page with information and ideas for students, who would like to work on a task for Thousand Parsec. Join us, it will be fun, you'll gain a new10:47
JLPexperience, learn something new, play games and if you finish successfully you can even get 4500$. The deadline for submissions of student applications is 24th of March.10:47
JLPllnz, mithro: is that Ok to submit to news sites?10:50
dmpaytonQuestion... If someone works on implimenting MTSec as a project, then won't all work on the different clients be kinda moot, since they'll instantly need to be upgraded from MiniSec to MTSec at the end of the summer?10:50
dmpaytonAssuming the work on MTSec goes smoothely and is completed10:51
llnzJLP: fine by me10:51
llnzdmpayton: the clients should be general enough10:51
llnzthe protocol enforces making things general10:51
mithrodmpayton: the clients already support everything needed by MTSec10:52
dmpaytonI see. So the client and the server are pretty much stand-alone and can be worked on with affecting the other too much?10:52
dmpaytonmithro: Gotcha.10:52
dmpaytonworked on without*10:52
mithrodmpayton: Thousand Parsec is designed so that any client can connect to any server no matter the ruleset10:52
dmpaytonI see. Neato.10:53
dmpaytonIt's 4am and I'm out of tea. My work is done for the night. Hopefully I can finish it up tomorrow so I can start messing with TP and begin my application.10:54
dmpaytonCatch ya guys later.10:54
llnzcya dmpayton10:54
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mithrodmpayton_: good luck11:02
JLPmithro, llnz: also don't forget to blog about TP @ SoC :)11:05
llnzhehe, i just have11:05
JLPllnz: cool :)11:06
mithroJLP: you check out the manual?11:22
JLPmithro: not yet, i'm submitting the new around :)11:22
CIA-20[email protected] * web/documents/tpclient-pywx-manual.pdf : New version of the manual.11:27
CIA-20[email protected] * tpclient-pywx/doc/ (75 files in 2 dirs): Source for the manual.11:35
JLPmithro: manual looks nice, i even found out something new, about the Shift key in for messages window11:42
llnzshift key?11:42
* llnz goes to read it again11:42
llnzahh, i didn't know that either11:44
mithrodo you know the order window has copy and paste support?11:46
llnzwell, i hadn't remembered it11:46
mithroall the screenshots needed are there11:47
mithrojust need to add in the rest of the text11:47
JLPmithro: hm i didn't know about copy and paste11:48
mithroyou can even copy and paste from one object to another11:49
JLPnice trick :)11:50
mithrodunno if it still works :)12:00
mithroi think I might go play computer games12:10
mithros/computer games/computer games I didn't write ;)/12:11
* mithro drops a pin12:21
* llnz finishes writing emails12:26
llnzabout tp0412:27
* llnz wanders off12:33
llnzlater all12:33
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daxxarBah, I've really grown a disliking to this uriel-character in the GSoC channel14:20
daxxarAll I ever see him do is talk about how much every language, concept and software sucks, and he's supposed to be a mentor. :S14:20
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clayasaurus is mind boogling :o16:34
tpbTitle: Parsec - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at
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mithrohi mattn218:32
mithroyou intrested in the SoC?18:32
mattn2no sorry18:33
mattn2i just saw some screenshots of your game and thought, let's join18:33
mattn2because i'm currently working on planet rendering, too18:33
mithrojust intrested in the project in general?18:34
tpb<> (at
mithromattn2: that looks pretty cool18:34
mattn2light is still missing - calculation of sun pos and so on18:34
mithrowell, i need to head to bed18:35
mattn2are you using opengl for rendering your planets - or is this all 2d?18:35
mithromattn2: the current client use uses 2d animations18:35
mithroif/when there is a 3d client it would probably be opengl18:35
mattn2i'm just searching for someone who can help me with the 3d math for the globe... i'm too stupid to get that :-D18:36
tpb<> (at
mithrothere are our current reals18:36
JLPmattn2: maybe you could find some help at Celestia project18:36
JLPthey do a lot of planet rendering :)18:37
mithromattn2: llnz might be able to help to, he did a 3d ray tracer18:37
mattn2JLP, thanks18:37
mithroanyway I must go to bed18:37
mattn2mithro, thanks, too ;-)18:37
mithrosee ya!18:37
mattn2 =>
tpb<> (at
mattn2all our models are opensource - maybe you will find some of them useful18:39
tpbTitle: UFO:Alien Invasion (at
JLPmattn2: thanks for the offer, i'm sure we'll keep this in mind, artwork always comes in handy18:41
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* JLP has a dinner, be right back19:02
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CIA-20Jure Repinc <[email protected]> * web/ (4 files):22:39
CIA-20A couple of fixes for the SoC page: - Hide Bonus points link from Contents22:39
CIA-20 - Fix link to Ideas in Contents22:39
CIA-20 - Links for tpserver-cpp and tpserver-py were exhanged22:39

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