Thursday, 2007-02-01

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nashno luck02:40
nashneed an initrd02:40
jothammithro: am going to have to rename the to battleparser.py02:43
mithrojotham: any reason?02:43
jothammithro: right now when i import parser it imports 'built-in module parser'02:43
mithrodo a darcs mv?02:43
jothamhum that shouldn't be happening actually02:44
jothami wonder whats up02:44
jothamtry import your parser file from another py file in the same directory02:46
jothamthe class doesn't need renaming, just the module as far as i can tell02:46
mithroi bet you don't have a ?02:47
jothami don't, that is accurate, but the manual states:02:47
mithro>>> import parser02:47
mithro>>> parser.__file__02:47
mithro>>> dir(parser)02:48
mithro['Parser', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', 'xml']02:48
jothamwonder what is wrong here02:49
tpbTitle: Nopaste - No description (at
jothamit's a built in module that is getting loaded at my end02:51
tpbTitle: 30.1 parser -- Access Python parse trees (at
jothamthe manual also says not to name things the same as built in modules02:51
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jothami am using 2.4.402:52
jothamusing an wont change anything because no matter what script it is it wont prefer your over the built in module02:53
jothamunless i mangle sys.path which isn't really good-times02:53
jothamunless you know a better way02:55
jothamyou should tell me what to call the file02:55
mithrobattleparser is file02:58
jothamshame TortoiseSVN doesn't do darcs, wonder if there is a nice win32 client02:58
jothami swear i've spent more time fiddling with version control stuff than actually doing stuff =)02:59
mithrodarcs under windows does suck quite a bit03:02
mithrothere was some working going on for a tortiose darcs but it didn't get far03:03
CIA-11[email protected] * libmng-py/ (44 files in 4 dirs): First step in creating a C helper module for speed.03:19
CIA-11[email protected] * libmng-py/ (51 files in 4 dirs): C helper now works.03:19
jothammithro: got a minute?03:21
mithrojotham: was about to go to lunch, but I can spare a few03:22
CIA-11[email protected] * libmng-py/mng/mnghelper/ (9 files): Only do the checks sometimes.03:22
jothamso i am going to ditch using svn for this project, and use ssh+darcs and just learn yet another version control system03:22
jothamso is this how i should proced:03:22
jothamuse darcs to get your current version of the repo from darcs.thousand... and work from that local copy03:23
jothamwhen i want to use it from another linux box, create a patch and apply that to a copy of darcs.thousand... on that other linux box?03:23
mithrofirst thing you need to understand - darcs is a distributed revision control, you can push to any darcs repository - so you can push patches around you local network if you want03:24
mithroIE you could pull directly from the other linux box03:24
jothamso i should get a copy of your darcs@tp repo on both machines and just push patches from one to the other over scp?03:24
mithrodarcs pull ssh://myotherlinuxbox/home/jotham/battleviewer03:24
jothami just want to keep 2 places in sync03:24
mithro(or darcs push to push patches)03:25
jothamok i am going to try that now03:25
mithrodarcs will take care of doing all the scp for you03:25
mithroyou might want to setup passwordless login so you don't have to type your password a hundred times however03:25
jothamthey arn't secure enough for that, maybe if i set up a vpn...but that's just wasting more time =)03:26
jothami'll read about it, it's been a while since i last configured a passwordless login03:27
mithro"passwordless" login with ssh-agent is a good thing to setup and can be quite secure03:27
mithroIE you only type your ssh's key passphrase once for a session03:28
mithroif you are running gnome you probably already have ssh-agent running03:28
mithrothen just a "ssh-add <path to your key>"03:29
mithroanyway I'm heading to lunch03:29
mithrobe back in about 30->1hour03:29
jothamok cheers03:31
mithrohows your ssh-agent adventures going?03:42
adhoc_mithro: pong?03:47
mithroadhoc_: yes?03:48
jothamlibcurl didn't support ssh, saw it was a way old version (i hadn't read RepoViaSSH in the wiki at this point) anyway i am running debian and i tried to upgrade the libcurl, now it's decided it wants to remove the running kernel image before apt will work again, so i am trying to resolve that and figure out why it's magically got out of whack03:49
jothamuh huh03:49
jothamthis box is 4 years old and been abused by 20 or so people, it's probably due a rebuild03:51
jothamthat and it's a pentium II 350 or so =)03:52
mithrohe he okay04:00
mithrojotham: i could most probably give you an account so you could push to
mithrofor that I need you to send me the following details: prefered username, full name, email address, ssh-key04:02
mithroI would also prefer a contact phone number incase something goes wrong04:04
jothamwill email these details now, you want the public key of the linux box i will be pushing from right04:05
jotham(i'm a graphics programmer not a sysadmin...)04:06
jothami have /etc/ssh/ and ssh_host_rsa_key.pub04:06
mithroyou need to generate your own key04:09
jothamwill do04:09
mithrothen send me the .pub04:09
jothamemail sent04:12
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mithrowill setup in about 5 minutes04:17
jothamthere is a typo in the xml, the mithro side has mng instead of png04:25
jothammaybe it isn't a typo, i don't know, but the graphics do not exist04:25
jothammng is the animating PNG eh04:25
jothamfor now i'll just use the PNG04:25
mithromng is an animated PNG :)04:25
mithrojust use the png for the moment04:25
jothamwonder if pygame supports an MNG04:26
mithroit doesn't04:26
jothamtoo bad04:27
mithro :P04:27
tpb<> (at
jothama lot of tongue :\04:28
mithroahh well, P is easier to type then ) :)04:28
mithrojotham: your account should be setup04:29
mithrotry sshing to darcs.thousandparsec.net04:29
jothamthis is right eh: ssh -i tp-ssh-identify darcs.thousandparsec.net04:31
jothamit doesn't like my password04:31
jothambut it's the passphrase i used04:31
jothamssh -v doesn't show anything odd04:34
jothamtoday is really a really ungood day :\04:36
mithroFeb  1 04:32:11 verbal sshd[12903]: error: PAM: Authentication failure for jotham from 203-97-254-40.cable.telstraclear.net04:37
mithroFeb  1 04:32:13 verbal sshd[12906]: (pam_unix) authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser=  user=jotham04:37
mithroyou might need to give it the full path to the key?04:37
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mithrossh -v will give you more information04:38
jothamyeah i was, i just abreviated it for the sake of the channel04:38
jothamyanqui:12451$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/for-thousandparsec-darcs-identity [email protected]04:38
jothamyeah like i said a few minutes ago, ssh -v doesn't show anything odd04:38
jothammaybe i didn't create it right, i created it like it is described here:
tpbTitle: RepoViaSSH - DarcsWiki (at
jothamstep 6.04:40
jothamnevermind, i'll worry about it later, this is just taking up lots of time04:42
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jothamback to battleviewer, i see you have round.number and round.actions, should i make sure the rounds are appended based on 'number' or just take them sequentually in the order they iterate through in the rounds list object04:44
jotham<round number="1"> <--04:46
mithroyeah - I'm going to change that04:46
mithroit's a name04:47
jothamso the order they should occure is the order they show up in the rounds list? rather than me sorting based on that parameter04:47
mithrobtw, with regards to your ssh login - it appears you are trying to use password login rather then keyed login04:48
mithroif you are getting a "Password:" prompt it's not using your key04:49
jothamyeah it says in the verbose output that it's falling back to the key04:49
jothami have to go home from work, i will try again when i get home, does my ssh argument string look wrong?04:49
mithromaybe the mailing mangled the .pub04:52
mithrocan you resend it as an attachment?04:52
mithroactually try again now04:53
CIA-11[email protected] * web/dev/documents/ (7 files): Fixed the component section to be a lot clearer.04:54
mithroI need to head off in about 30 minutes04:59
jothamsorry was riding home from work05:01
jothamit works now05:01
jothamquestion, was i not meant to add a passphrase when i generated the key?05:02
mithroyou could if you want05:02
mithrobut you'll need ssh-agent running if you want to not type it a bazillion times on a push05:03
CIA-11[email protected] * web/dev/documents/mtsec.ods : Added calculation of maximum number of weapons on each ship.05:03
mithrodarcs push ssh://[email protected]/var/lib/darcs/repos/battleviewer05:03
jothamthere are a couple of ways to make it more obvious which way the lasers are going. i'll just go over my thoughts05:03
mithroi would recommend having a pass phrase and ssh-agent running - much more secure05:03
jotham1) the lasers could appear to come from multiple points on the hull to one point on the enemy ship (we could define a list of weapon hardpoints for each ship model)05:04
jotham2) the damage animations will show over the ship being hit05:04
jotham3) basic particle effects on the ship being hit05:05
jotham4) laser may animate 'outward' (As if the laser light was traveling far below the speed of light05:05
jotham5) the lasers may be slightly wedge shaped (not very asthetically pleasing)05:05
jotham1, 2, 3 are what i was going to do05:05
mithroi'm pondering removing the pixel points in the fire/destination and making it part of the entity description05:07
jothamrandomising the destination point a bit would look nice as it would appear (if the weapon was many fine fast beams) as if the hull was being straffed05:08
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jotham_changed clients, since the kernel upgrade the other machine has been funny05:08
mithrojotham_: i'm happy for you to suggest changes to the example1.xml to make life easier :P05:09
mithromaybe define "fire points" as part of the entity description and then only have fire from->to rather then the pixel stuff05:10
jotham_yeah i like that idea05:10
mithrojotham_: done :P05:10
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mithrojotham: hows it going?05:21
jothamam just getting the parser linked into the battleviewer05:22
jothamthen i can either work on getting damage to show up, or work on improving the laser effects05:22
jothami would also like that hardpoint stuff added05:22
mithrogot 5 minutes, I'll do it right now :P05:23
jothamit's up to you what you want me to work on next (out of the two things i mentioned)05:23
mithrojotham: i would like damage to show up first05:25
mithrobut ultimately I'm happy for you to work on stuff you want to do05:25
mithroprogress is progress as far as I'm concerned :P05:25
mithroplus it's just something which is a bit of eyecandy so eye candy improvements are definately good05:26
mithroo, could you put a delay between rounds too?05:26
jothammaybe you should make a wish list05:27
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CIA-11[email protected] * battleviewer/ (21 files): Changed to weaponpoints on the entity.05:43
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mithrojotham: there you go05:45
jothamdamn your y isn't a multiple of 128 :p05:46
jothami'll just do 400+128 for the y height05:46
mithrofeel free to change the .xml file to make it right :P05:47
mithrollnz: can you check that the dtd still matches the file with the weaponpoints changes?05:47
llnzshortly, yes05:47
mithrollnz: thanks05:47
mithrohave to run now05:48
CIA-11[email protected] * battleviewer/ (WISHLIST WISHLIST): Added WISHLIST.05:48
mithrojotham: there is a WISHLIST for ya :P05:48
mithroi'm sure there will be more in the near future :P05:48
mithroanyway really must fly now05:48
mithrobe back in about 4-5 hours05:48
llnzdtd does not match05:50
llnzwill fix05:50
CIA-11Lee Begg <[email protected]> * battleviewer/ (6 files): Fixed dtd and xml (again)05:54
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CIA-11Lee Begg <[email protected]> * documents/protocol/ (30 files):06:39
CIA-11Added OrderParameters, fix ups, and empty ObjectParameters:06:39
CIA-11 Added readonly attribute to the different types, made enumerations have a style06:39
CIA-11 (list, mask or single), added useparameters and descparameter (note plural and lack,06:39
CIA-11 only describe one parameter at a time)06:39
CIA-11 Removed the Object "subtypes", have a new plan.06:39
CIA-11 Uncommented Order frames.06:39
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llnzbut not for long, not feeling well09:41
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llnzlater all09:46
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jothamdamn, anyone familiar with darcs around10:34
CIA-11[email protected] * battleviewer/ (7 files): Added round delay11:23
CIA-11[email protected] * battleviewer/ (35 files): battleviewer- parser integration11:23
jothamwoo it worked11:23
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jothamhey mithro12:02
mithrohey jotham12:04
mithrojust replied to your email12:04
mithrojotham: your up a little late?12:06
jothamyeah just got up, am feeling sick12:07
mithrojotham: thats not good :/12:07
jothamanyway, back to bed - i finally got the bot to give me some love12:07
jotham00:24         CIA-11 |  [email protected] * battleviewer/ (7 files): Added round delay12:07
mithrohave a good night12:08
JLPhi all12:22
mithrohey JLP12:23
JLPmithro: do you by any chance know if lee sent news about the new version to vatious news sites?12:27
mithroi doubt it12:27
mithroyou seem to have become our official news distributor :P12:28
JLPhehe, one has to do the promotion, so i'll do it anyway and send the news out12:29
mithroJLP: it's been really helpful12:29
JLPi know servers are not terribly excited but anyway, there are a lot of changes12:29
JLPand yeah every exposure for the project is helpfull12:30
JLPi've also been reading about making RPMs for Mandriva and writing Ebuilds for Gentoo12:31
JLPso I might give it a try and try to make packages for TP subprojects12:31
JLPI also have access to an openSUSE 10.2 box so I will also try this after Mandriva12:32
JLPand I've finally got some feedback about my plans about the best way of programming a universe view in qt 4.212:33
JLPso I'll also start working on this today or tomorrow12:33
mithroi've most probably got an openSUSE packager12:34
JLPoh great, so i'll have more time to concentrate on mandriva, gentoo an programming12:34
JLPwhat about *ubuntu?12:35
JLPdebian is probably very much the same?12:35
mithrothats coming12:35
JLPgreat to hear, it is very important to make it real simple to install servers and clients12:37
JLPbtw, i'm also trying to convience my sister if she could draw anything for TP12:37
JLPshe is a bit into graphic design (heck she started studying it last year)12:37
mithrohe he that would be cool12:38
JLPshe just got a wacom graphire 4 tablet yesterday, damn this thing is so much fun, a lot easier to draw than with mouse12:39
JLPis there anything that would be needed more than anything else when it comes to graphic design?12:41
mithroalien pictures are good12:41
mithrothings which we can put around the website12:42
JLPsome banners and buttons for TP would also be nice I gues12:43
mithroI was thinking more like city scapes12:44
JLPah yes, these would be cool yes12:44
JLPsomething like this maybe :
tpb<> (at
JLPshe has this for her background on one of the desktops12:45
mithroyes - but less square :P13:01
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JLPhi mithro21:29
jothamsup mithro21:32
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jothamis there something like ^a (jumps to the *beginning* of the line in bash) that jumps to the end?21:58
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JLPjotham: Ctrl+E ?22:47
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