Wednesday, 2007-01-31

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jothamhey sorry my inet went down05:28
mithrojotham: thats okay05:28
jothamdid you check out my website mithro05:41
mithrono, i must have missed that comment05:42
tpbTitle: index of /~jotham (at
jotham...and like everyone in the world, i need to update it =)05:42
mithrojotham: wow, you do some cool stuff :05:46
mithrojotham: fixed the coordinates, you can pull the changes if you want05:51
mithrodarcs pull05:51
mithroi'm dieing to see a battle occur :P05:55
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mithrojotham: feel free to email me patches any time06:02
jothamwill do, probably an hour or so06:05
jothamgotta cook the woman dinner06:05
mithroi'm heading off now06:05
mithrobut i'll be back later06:05
mithrobtw you can use darcs send to send mulltiple patches06:05
mithroshould have the parser hooked up sometime tonight06:06
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mithroadhoc_: ping?07:31
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llnzanyone have a reason for me not to release tpserver-cpp?08:08
CIA-11Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/ (ChangeLog NEWS Preparing to release tpserver-cpp 0.4.009:03
CIA-11Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/: (log message trimmed)09:04
CIA-11Much better Avahi support, implemented own AvahiPoll API:09:04
CIA-11 By using the Poll API, tpserver-cpp only wakes up when it needs to. The09:04
CIA-11 API required a set of timers, taken care of by the new TimerCallback, and09:04
CIA-11 the watches using Connections and the Network main select loop.09:04
CIA-11[Get the active read set of fd's after processing the timers09:04
JLPmorning all09:22
llnzHi JLP09:24
CIA-11Lee Begg <[email protected]> * web/ (6 files in 2 dirs): Releasing tpserver-cpp 0.4.009:27
tpbNew news from TPServer-cpp 0.4.0 released.09:31
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CIA-11Jure Repinc <[email protected]> * web/news/ ( Add a couple of links09:48
* llnz is working on the protocol doc09:54
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JLPmithro: hi09:59
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* llnz is working on the protocol doc10:00
mithrollnz: okay cool currently at an AirStream meeting10:01
mithrojotham: ping?10:01
llnzmithro: cool10:01
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CIA-11Jure Repinc <[email protected]> * web/dev/documents/ (15 files): Update to MTsec document: Moved Ships section before Combat, updated Table of Contents.11:31
CIA-11Jure Repinc <[email protected]> * web/dev/documents/ (29 files): More updates for MTsec document: Table headers and other little fixes.12:33
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JLPmithro: there is one thing i noticed when updating MTsec document12:37
mithroJLP: fire away12:37
JLPmithro: it is said that a player loses also when all his frigates are destroyed12:38
JLPmithro: because it can carry colonisation module12:38
JLPmithro: but now the module can also be on other ships if i understand correctly, not only on frigates like in minisec12:39
mithroyes, that needs to be fixed12:39
JLPok, so it should say that if you don't have any ships with colonisation module left12:40
JLPi just wasn't sure if this or if still only frigates can carry the module12:40
CIA-11Jure Repinc <[email protected]> * web/dev/documents/mtsec.php : A fix for losing condition: Now many different ship types can be equiped with the colonisation module, not only frigates.12:48
mithroi need to fix the component section of mtsec12:50
mithroJLP: did you check out the spreadsheet?13:13
JLPmithro: which one?13:14
mithrothe mtsec one?13:14
CIA-11[email protected] * battleviewer/ ( Changed to Unix linebreaks.13:14
CIA-11[email protected] * battleviewer/ (example1.xml example1.xml example1.xml example1.xml): Fixed the positions.13:14
CIA-11[email protected] * battleviewer/ (14 files):13:14
CIA-11 First test submit13:14
CIA-11[email protected] * battleviewer/ (15 files): Big update from jotham.13:14
JLPmithro: oh not yet, i didn't even notice it13:16
JLPmithro: will do right now13:16
mithroI'm going to try and get the numbers right using that13:17
JLPwe have dinner now, be back later13:32
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mithroJLP: ping?15:21
mithrojotham: if you doa  pull you will get a parser now15:44
CIA-11[email protected] * battleviewer/ ( Requirements file.15:46
CIA-11[email protected] * battleviewer/ (7 files): Split out pixels and better print output.15:46
CIA-11[email protected] * battleviewer/ (13 files): Working parser for battle XML data.15:46
JLPmithro: pong15:50
mithroJLP: heading to bed now15:50
mithrowanted to know your thoughts on the spreadsheet so far15:50
JLPon weapons page, for missiles, what are the nuumbers in row to the right of Name | Size | .....15:53
mithroThen the kilotonnes of that explosive which fit in the missile15:54
mithroIE 0 Tonnes of Uranium fit in an Alpha Missile15:54
JLPwhat about the 4.0 above that15:55
JLPah i get it now, stupid me15:56
mithrothats the size per ton copied from resource page15:56
mithrothe second lot of numbers is the "total explosivness" if the missile/torpedo was fully packed with that explosive15:57
mithroI think i need to redo way combat works - I don't think it's working how I want it too15:59
mithroIE you need to figure out the amount of damage before you can see who you fired the torpedo at - as explosiveness and armour both effect the amount of damage, etc16:00
mithroanyway I should be in bed16:00
JLPgood night16:01
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mithrojotham: ping?22:46
jothammithro: ?22:51
tpbmithro: is this ok, jotham22:51
mithrojotham: you get my email?22:57
mithroeverything okay?22:58
jothamyeah am at work atm22:58
mithrothats okay22:58
mithrojust checking, feel free if to email me if you run into any problems23:01
mithrojotham: did you get any chance to checkout the parser?23:01
jothamno been at work23:01
mithrojotham: okay cool, I should be around tonight if you want to look at hooking it's output together with your graphical display23:04
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