Tuesday, 2007-01-30

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jothamhttp://archibase.net/archinews/14101.html <- awesome00:35
tpbTitle: Architecture Portal News: City of the future?! [Pics] (at archibase.net)00:35
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mithrohey people01:14
mithrojotham: ping?01:20
mithro~seen jotham01:20
tpbmithro: jotham was last seen in #tp 45 minutes and 3 seconds ago: <jotham> http://archibase.net/archinews/14101.html <- awesome01:20
mithrotpb: how are you going with the other stuff?01:20
tpb... but how are you mystiqq ...01:20
jothamok, i have been busy with work today01:20
jothambut i've put some time in, will probably be all going this evening01:21
mithrothat would be cool01:21
JLPmithro: yo01:36
mithrohey JLP01:36
* JLP is very impressed with KDevelop 3.4, much more stable and more clean interface among other things02:07
mithroadhoc: can you remind me about the AirStream thing on Wednesday? I'm likely to forget otherwise :P02:42
jothammicrosoft outlooks calander reminder thing = the one good thing about outlook02:44
mithroI could most probably get evolution to remind me03:05
mithrobut i'm not quite sure how03:05
nashmithro:  Click the arrow next to "New" and select "New Appointment"... fill in details including a reminder to annoy you when necessary03:08
mithrodealing with centerlink sucks04:01
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jothamwhat is centerlink06:43
nashgovernment support agency06:46
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llnzis there anything wrong with tpserver-cpp that people would like me to fix before the next release?06:51
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llnz"Running on tpserver-cpp (Version: 0.4.0) playing MiniSec (Version: 0.1) - This is Lee's development game, running the bleeding edge tpserver-cpp"09:04
llnzfrom the metaserver :-)09:05
jothamhey lee09:06
llnzhi jotham09:06
llnzwhat brings you to #tp?09:08
jothamuhm, mithro asked me to create a battle viewer script in pygame09:09
jothamhave been working on it09:09
llnzhehe, cool09:10
jothamwe will see, heh09:12
* llnz remembers he is supposed to be working on fixing the dtd for battle.xml09:28
jothamyeah someone has to write a parser09:36
jothamthat turns the xml into things like this:09:36
jothamround.append(actions.Move('battleship-54-1', (0,0)))09:36
jothambut that's another kettle of weasles09:36
jothamyou could well find my code too extremely gross to use =)09:37
llnzyou have never looked at the code for tpserver-cpp then :-)09:48
* llnz notes he has to make a big change to the dtd and example1.xml10:04
llnzreferences can not be elements, they have to be attributes10:05
* llnz ponders keeping the reference elements and making the actual reference an attribute of that, or removing all reference elements and in the parent object, adding a reference attribute10:08
jothami've built my code to keep track of everything by the reference id10:17
jothami.e. battleship-59-210:17
llnzthat's ok10:17
llnzinstead of10:18
llnzit's now10:18
llnz<reference ref="battleship-59-1" />10:18
jothamthis is how i've been manually reinterpreting it for my own internal use (someone is gonna have to parse the xml into this kind of thing)10:18
tpbTitle: Nopaste - No description (at rafb.net)10:18
llnzthat shouldn't be too hard10:19
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jothamhey mithro10:24
jothambbl bath10:27
llnzhummm.... all ID attributes have to start with a letter...10:34
mithrohey jotham10:36
mithrollnz: hrm?10:37
mithrollnz: useful http://sourceforge.net/projects/dtddoc/ ?10:37
tpbTitle: SourceForge.net: DTDDoc (at sourceforge.net)10:37
mithrojotham: ping me when you get back10:43
llnzmithro: been using xmllint to check dtd and example1.xml10:44
llnzi have it validating now, fairly large change though10:44
llnzfor example, the reference element is now empty, and has a "ref" attribute instead10:45
llnzshall i put them in a paste bin for you to look at?10:48
llnzdtd: http://pastebin.com/87110810:50
llnzxml: http://pastebin.com/87111010:53
tpbTitle: XML pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at pastebin.com)10:53
* llnz notes pastebin is slow10:53
mithromaybe you need to find a better pastebin :P10:57
llnzshould the protocol.xml doc be in a repo called protocol?11:00
llnzor something else11:00
mithrowell actually a documents repo would be good11:02
llnzi think the protocol.xml might be better on its own11:02
mithrowell - what about other related documents? such as this one?11:02
llnzwould you like me to setup a documents repo as well?11:02
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llnzfreenode timed out, then konversation crashed11:08
llnzoh, mithro gone as well....11:09
tpbLee has joined on worldforge11:10
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llnznope, mithro not over in there11:12
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mithrosorry, our freenode server crashed11:20
mithroso where where we?11:21
llnzdid you see my suggestion for other names, like xml and dtd?11:21
llnzok, well there they are11:22
mithrolast thing i said was "why do you want a seperate repository?"11:22
llnzdidn't see that either11:22
llnzto reduce the data required for getting the dtd's11:22
llnzso I don't need to get the python library as well11:23
mithrodid you seem my comment about it being annoying to get a whole repository?11:24
mithroi wanted a document repository11:25
mithrowhich would include things like the protocol.* and the battle.*11:25
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mithrowould that be okay?11:26
mithrollnz: the changes where okay11:27
mithrocan you commit them back?11:27
llnzi'll commit them shortly11:27
llnzi guess document would be ok11:28
llnzyeah, you choose11:28
mithrodocuments sounds better11:28
mithromake a directory with "protocol" in it11:28
mithrois there a way to do a "reference" like in svn?11:30
llnzsvn has just one big store for all repos, darcs has lots of small ones (with hard links when possible)11:31
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mithrosorry, went away to do an interview about the ai programming competition11:45
mithrollnz: svn can reference external repositories11:45
llnzno, darcs does not have references11:46
llnzbut all darcs repos start from the same tree (scarey)11:47
mithrohe he okay :P11:48
llnzso i can get the libtpproto2-py repo, then pull in the battleviewer repo, and sort it out from there11:49
llnz(keeping full history)11:49
mithroto create a documents repository?11:50
llnzdo you want to keep the full history (patch log) of the documents?11:50
llnzor just an initial import?11:51
mithrodoesn't bother me to much on the battle.dtd stuff11:51
mithrobut history on the protocol.xml/protocol.dtd would be good11:53
llnzabout to create documents repo, ok?11:53
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mithrojotham: ping?11:54
llnzdocuments repo set up (except for mail)12:03
mithrocan you setup stuff for the battleviewer repository too?12:05
mithrojotham: feel free to bable and I'll read the scroll back later12:07
CIA-11Lee Begg <[email protected]> * battleviewer/ (34 files): Fixed DTD and XML, now validates12:12
jothamrafb.net/paste is nicer than pastebin.com :p12:21
jothamwith svn you can have as many repos as you want, it's just the tutorials usually just make one repo12:22
jotham(just read the scrollback)12:22
jothamanyway i got the lasers drawing, just as lines right now, and they animate before the next 'round' occures, i need to do the damage stuff tomorrow, and probably the other weapon effects...also i think the laser effect ihave right now looks crap12:23
jothambut i was trying to organise the nicest way to lay out the code12:23
jothamso it's a mixture of pressing ahead and pissing around with details12:24
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JLPhello all12:37
llnzhi JLP12:38
CIA-11Lee Begg <[email protected]> * documents/protocol/ (14 files):12:54
CIA-11Fixed XML and DTD, and added parameterset element def and sub elements:12:54
CIA-11 Moved subtype and example elements to the right place.12:54
CIA-11 Added subtype to the DTD and fixed optional parameters12:54
CIA-11 Added parameterset, parameter, descstruct, usestruct elements for describing12:54
CIA-11 order parameters, and soon, object parameters12:54
* llnz wanders off13:03
llnzlater all13:03
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mithrojotham: cool13:25
mithrodon't forget to use darcs record regularly to keep a record of you changes13:26
mithrojotham: btw, have you joined the mailing list? it's really low volume and we would love to see you stick around13:35
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