Monday, 2007-01-29

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mithrohello people00:39
* nash waves00:54
mithromorning nash, what do you think of the updated MiniSec documentation?00:56
tpb<> (at
mithroScouts should be slightly less useless now00:58
mithroJLP: ping?00:58
mithronash: o and the updated metaserver00:58
mithronash: do you have a ubuntu/debian system or ?01:00
* nash has a look01:01
mithrookay coolo01:10
nashmithro: Looks bertter BTW01:15
mithrowhich one? :P01:15
nashThe minisec one01:17
nashDidn't read carefully however...01:17
mithroonly one major change01:17
mithro(the fact that scouts now allow the whole fleet to escape)01:18
nashYes... Now I can see a reason to build scouts ;-)01:19
adhocmithro: JLP has goone to sleep01:19
mithrohey adhoc01:20
mithroyou new here?01:20
mithroyou here for the AI programming contest, or just generally intrested?01:23
adhocmithro: spoke to you at LCA01:31
adhoc(i think)01:31
mithroadhoc: could have been Lee, I was the one who looked like the Irish Potate Farmer with the beard01:33
mithroadhoc: so whats your main intrest?01:34
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CIA-11[email protected] * tpclient-pywx-dev/ (12 files): A more friendly error message under Debian. (Forward port from stable.)02:19
CIA-11[email protected] * tpclient-pywx/ (12 files): A more friendly error message under Debian.02:19
mithronash: give that a try?02:25
nashmithro: What?02:28
mithrothe new should be more friendly when you don't have the requirements installed02:30
mithroit'll also suggest a bunch of optional extras02:30
nashI should have all the requiements now02:30
mithrodo you have all the optional stuff? find out now! :P02:32
mithroif you do a "python" and everything still works, its good to know I havn't borked anything02:34
mithrooff to lunch02:35
nashlook shortly - lyunching too02:36
CIA-11[email protected] * scratchpad/ ( Start of a development enviroment setup script.03:04
mithro~tpb seen tuna-fish03:05
tpbDunno, mithro.03:05
mithro~tpb seen tuna-fish-03:05
mithro~seen tuna-fish03:15
tpbmithro: I have not seen tuna-fish.03:15
mithro~seen tuna-fish-03:15
tpbmithro: tuna-fish- was last seen in #tp 2 weeks, 2 days, 20 hours, 55 minutes, and 55 seconds ago: <tuna-fish-> here it's the standard, after it there are conversion cources to c++03:15
mithro~seen llnz03:15
tpbmithro: llnz was last seen in #tp 14 hours, 20 minutes, and 42 seconds ago: <llnz> later all03:15
mithroadhoc: btw I'm sitting in the EngMaths building at Adelaide Uni :P03:25
adhochmmm ... just across the road ;)03:30
mithroyour the guy who hanged(?) out with Janet?03:35
CIA-11[email protected] * battleviewer/ (6 files): First specification of the Thousand Parsec Battle Data.05:46
nashmithro: BTW: The metaserver looks good05:47
mithronash: cool05:47
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CIA-11[email protected] * battleviewer/ (9 files): Added my attempt at a DTD for the battle data.06:03
CIA-11[email protected] * battleviewer/ (6 files): Added weapontypes and referenced new graphics.06:12
CIA-11[email protected] * battleviewer/ (13 files in 6 dirs): Graphics needed by example1.xml06:12
CIA-11[email protected] * battleviewer/ (7 files): Fixed a few XML mistakes.06:31
nashTalk to you later06:32
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adhocmithro: that would be yes.08:28
mithroadhoc: okay cool08:28
adhocmithro: ok, so last time we spoke i was asking you about running a game server08:29
adhocmithro: on the Air-Stream wireless WAN08:29
mithrookay, I now have a face to put to your name :P08:30
adhocmithro: and hopefully running a couple of different scenarios or games08:30
adhocmithro: my nick is adhoc, my name is kim08:30
adhocmithro: i'm looking at the downloads page ...08:36
mithroadhoc: I wouldn't say it's all that ready for that type of setup, Lee would be intrested otherwise I think08:36
adhocso i need the python server and the Python TP Network Library08:37
adhocand the Python TP Client library08:37
adhocand the Python wxWidgets client ?08:38
adhoc... hmmm08:39
adhoci'd like to take a demo to the next Air-Stream meeting and show them the good stuff =)08:39
mithroyou'll want the tpserver-cpp08:40
mithrotpserver-py is in a state of flux at the moment08:40
adhocis the wx python client ok?08:41
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adhochi JLP08:44
JLPadhoc: ahoy08:44
mithrothe wxPython client is the best avaliable client at the moment08:47
mithroJLP is writing a KDE 4 based client08:47
adhocJLP: nice work =)08:47
mithroi'm heading to dinner08:47
mithrofollow the getting started page :P08:48
mithrobe back in about 1 hour08:48
adhocmithro: ah huh!08:48
JLPwell, unfortunately not doing much work for the last couple of days, had university work, and I had a couple of exams08:48
JLPso it's hard to find time08:48
adhocJLP: understood08:49
JLPnow i should be free for two weeks, no uni at all and no exams :)08:49
adhocJLP: cool08:50
JLPso i started thinking about the way how to do star map08:50
adhoci would like to setup a server locally08:50
adhocand get other local folks interested in development =)08:50
JLPthinking if it can even be done by using model-videw-controller from QT, where view would be QGraphicsView08:50
adhocJLP: i volunteer/work in a couple of local community orgs08:50
adhocJLP: i'm not up to date on KDE tech =/08:51
adhocJLP: is that different to the Xlib mopdel ?08:51
JLPadhoc: have no idea about the Xlib, never had to deal with it, just started with C++ and than Qt08:52
JLPadhoc: the links about two parts are:08:53
tpb<> (at
tpbTitle: Qt 4.2: QGraphicsView Class Reference (at
JLPbut as far as i can tell, qgraphics view was not exactly designed to take adventage of model-view08:54
JLPso i guess i'll have to somehow improve it to make it work together08:55
JLPso i'm currently reading this article -
tpb<> (at
JLPhope it can be used in my case08:56
adhocwhats the problem with the model-view-controller?08:57
JLPwell, i think the only problem is that it looks like QGraphicsView wasn't made in a way so you could simply plug it into a MVC08:59
JLPso the problem is that a lazy, timeless newbie programmer like me would have to do more work to make it work together :)08:59
adhoctheres probably an easy way08:59
adhochave a look at other applications that do similar things ;)09:00
JLPyeah probably i missed something, i plan to ask people on forums about Qt, they should know better what to do09:00
adhocsounds like a plan =)09:01
JLPalthough this blog about using model for OpenGL view sounds a lot like what i'm trying to do, probably my case is iven more simple as it is not 3D at all09:02
JLPfor now :)09:03
JLPParsek will probably just remain a 2D client like Stars! was09:04
JLPFor 3D client I guess it would be the best to continue work on PyOGRE client09:05
JLPbut first I would have to learn Python and OpenGL09:05
mithroJLP: i'm currently reworking MTSec09:41
mithroI could use your thoughts09:41
JLPmithro: let me check it09:42
mithroi havn't commited my updates yet09:43
JLPmithro: well, i didn't exactly read it very closely when I went through it09:44
JLPwhat i like is that this one has a story behind it :) I think good stories are quite important to get the player into the mood09:46
JLPmithro: oh and i see that there are quite a bit more ships now, nice09:47
JLPthe ship info could be formated in the same way as in MiniSec09:48
JLPAnd it would be nice to put all the numerical info (HP, speed, .....) about all the ships in a table at the end, so that player can quickly compare all09:49
JLPmithro: maybe the part about simultaneous firing can be expanded a bit09:55
JLPis the rate of fire for all weapons/ships the same?09:56
JLPalso, there could be more said about torpedos and missiles, it is not quite clear if those two can be mixed on a ship10:00
JLPso maybe it should be explicitely stated that you can mix torpedos and missiles but that each of these can be of only one type10:00
JLPand than after that you could give an example for a couple of possible combinations for a shipe of some size and what these combinations mean in the end10:01
CIA-11[email protected] * web/dev/documents/ (30 files): Massive MTSec update.10:50
adhocis CIA-11 a bot?10:51
adhocthat announces CVS updates?10:51
tpbTitle: CIA - The open source informant (at
mithroJLP: give that a read10:53
adhocnice =)10:54
CIA-11[email protected] * web/dev/documents/ (minisec.php minisec.php minisec.php): 2007 not 2006 :P10:57
CIA-11[email protected] * web/dev/documents/ (mtsec.php mtsec.php mtsec.php): Added TODO list.11:03
mithroJLP: feel free to tinker11:07
JLPmithro: will check out the updates right away11:12
mithrookay cool11:12
mithrojust doing a little work on the calculations spreadsheet then heading to bed11:12
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adhocmithro: if you are intersted, there is an Air-Stream meeting on Wednesday evenen11:28
mithrohey everyone, this is jotham I managed to rope him into doing some work on battleviewer11:28
mithroadhoc: where would it be located?11:28
adhocmithro: there wil be a BBQ11:28
mithroI wouldn't mind joining AirStream11:28
adhocParkside Primary School11:28
CIA-11[email protected] * web/dev/documents/mtsec.ods : Lots of updates to the explosivness calculations.11:28
adhocjust off Glen Osmand road11:28
adhochang 511:28
adhocon the front page;11:29
tpbTitle: Air-Stream | Community Wireless Networking for South Australia (at
mithroJLP: feel free to add things to the todo11:29
adhochi jotham =)11:30
JLPmithro: will do, just finished reading mtsec, looks good, much more interesting than minisec :)11:30
JLPjotham: hi11:30
mithroJLP: i actually quite like the simplicity of MiniSec :P11:30
jothami was tasked with animating some lines, which i will be doing in the next day or so11:31
JLPmithro: yeah less work to do when programming :)11:32
JLPmithro: it's good to have multiple games with multiple complexity levels, so beginners can come in and play simple games and then advance to more complex ones11:32
mithroadhoc: looks good, I'll most probably turn up - will you head to there after work? I'll most probably be at Uni all day11:32
adhocmithro: yeah i will most likely cycle over11:33
mithroi'm kind of osscillation between adding resource transportation or not to MTSec11:33
adhocwill have BBQ provisions too ... somehome11:33
mithroadhoc: ahh okay - I'll catch the bus then - use to go to Glenunga International High School, so know GlenOsmond road pretty well11:34
CIA-11[email protected] * web/dev/documents/ (mtsec.php mtsec.php): More TODO items.11:34
mithrowe have had more then 4700 unique visitors to the Thousand Parsec website this month11:35
JLPmithro: oh, i will also post an announcement about competition on gpwiki11:37
mithroaveraging around 200 a day11:38
jothamso whats the deal with this 100x100 vs 128x12811:38
tpbTitle: Game Programming Wiki - GPWiki (at
JLPi think lee was talking about this site on LCA, that's how i found it and i see they also have a forum where a maybe we could find a couple of potential game developers11:39
mithromaybe post here too ?11:39
tpbTitle: Announcements (at
JLPmithro: yup that's exactly the place i was thinking of11:41
JLPoh and i have found this yesterday :
tpb<> (at
JLPi added tags and windows alternatives11:46
JLPcan't find where to include an icon, probably need to send an e-mail to webmaster11:46
mithroanyway I said I was going to bed11:47
JLPmithro: good night11:48
mithrojotham: you could use a little circle for the torpedo's11:56
mithroanyway I'm really off now :P11:56
adhocits taking eons to download the torrents for the games miniconf =/11:58
adhocnight mithro11:58
JLPadhoc: it was quite fast for me, around 200-250 k/s12:01
adhocJLP: yeah, its ok, just getting impatient =)12:01
JLPadhoc: too bad my ISp has some problems with UL now, usually i coud easily get 80 bot now it only goes around 5 k/s12:01
adhocits crawling down at 0.2kb/s12:01
adhoci'm not familiar with how torrents & trackers & things work12:02
JLPadhoc: well it is quite simple, trackers just keep track of clients that are downloading or seeding a file12:03
JLPtorrent is just an info file that tells trackers and clients some info about the file, for example what the tracker is and how bi the file is or what files are included in the package12:04
adhoci wonder if i can't upload ... no port forwarding going on here =/12:04
adhocand that hurts the downloading action?12:04
JLPthen clients just open the torrent and connect to tracker and ask tracker to send them info about other clients12:04
JLPthen client connects to other peers and starts asking and sending th pieces of file12:05
adhocah ok12:06
adhocthat explains all the stats12:06
JLPyeah, if you are behind firewall and don't have port FW set up it can hurt the speed12:06
adhoci need to sort something out there...12:06
JLPalso don't have upload speed set to high12:07
JLPset it to about 75% of what your max speed on the line can be12:07
adhoccurrently up 3k down 9k12:07
JLPdamn i really need to call my ISP and complain a bit about the UL speed12:10
adhocare they awake yet?12:10
adhocas we are going to sleep about now =)12:10
JLPi'm even thinking about increasing it to 128 kB/s12:10
JLPi do a lot of seeding of Linux distributions and stuff like that12:11
JLPadhoc: it's 13:12 here in Slovenia12:11
adhocah ok12:11
adhoc1 pm?12:11
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