Thursday, 2022-01-13

*** tpb <[email protected]> has joined #symbiflow00:00
tpb<m​ithro> CarlosEDP: You can use a RPi GPIOs00:17
tpb<C​arlosEDP> I think I might get a Segger...00:40
tpb<s​f-slack> <josfemova> Budget option is to get something like a seeduino xiao m0 and load the cmsis-dap firmware onto it01:12
tpb<j​osfemova> here's the guide in case you are curious,
tpb<t​pb> Title: How to use Arduino Borads as DAPLink Device - Seeed Wiki (at
tpb<s​f-slack> <christian.d.gould> Hi, I'm Christian and I'm interested in helping with the Verilog/VHDL models, I have a ZyboZ20 Board, Lattice IceStick and a ULX3S - anything I can do to help that might use one of those FPGA dev boards?06:17

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