Wednesday, 2022-01-12

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tpb<C​arlosEDP> Hi all, I've been playing with Quicklogic toolchain and looking into filling the gaps in FuseSoc/Edalize integration with containers...17:56
tpb<C​arlosEDP> I've collected a couple of issues related to Symbiflow for QL... can I post them over here?17:56
tpb* C​arlosEDP sent a code block:
tpb<C​arlosEDP> These are the topics I've I found and some linked issues... might need some help on how to tackle some of them17:57
tpb<m​ithro> @CarlosEDP Go ahead17:58
tpb<s​f-slack> <carlosedp> back here to slack… IRC on Element is kinda buggy :)18:01
tpb<s​f-slack> <carlosedp> ```- FuseSoc/Edalize container workflow     - How to identify in the Edalize launcher script which container family to use (Eg. Symbiflow for xc7 or eos) since it only receives the command being called (`symbiflow_synth`, `symbiflow_pack`, etc...)? Maybe pass some environment variable?     - The variable should match the naming from - Symbiflow containers are only initialized thru18:01
tpb<t​pb> Title: HDL Containers (at
tpb<s​f-slack> profile.d so it requires running the commands thry bash unlike Trellis/Icestorm which the tools are already in the path.     - Use a container Initialization before each tool (`bash -lec`). Would be easier if image already had path initialized since we need in shell mode which is insecure due to wrap command in commas.     - Ref. - EOS scripts18:01
tpb<s​f-slack> `symbiflow_write_bitheader` / `symbiflow_write_bitstream` are still using env vars so won't work with Edalize/FuseSoc. Script still not present in the images.     - Refs:         - Merged PR fixing scripts:         - Quicklogic wrapper scripts in last packages doesn't support command line arguments correctly -18:01
tpb<s​f-slack>         -  Symbiflow_write_binary not added to package for Quicklogic #224 - - Error in clock macro with new pin names:```18:01
tpb<l​ambda> yeah, the bridge isn't currently propagating messages from IRC to matrix18:01
tpb<l​ambda> ah, now it is again!18:02
tpb<s​f-slack> <kgugala> @carlosedp I think bunch of those issues are in pending PRs bumping the EOS-S3 support in upstream SymbiFlow18:03
tpb<s​f-slack> <kgugala> we need to land them :)18:04
tpb<s​f-slack> <carlosedp> yes, some are :)18:04
tpb<s​f-slack> <carlosedp> like the helper scripts and clock macro I believe18:04
tpb<s​f-slack> <kgugala> yep18:04
tpb<s​f-slack> <carlosedp> I already have the Qomu added to my sample blinky project that can be run thru Edalize but due to some of these issues, the fully containerized flow is still not working …18:05
tpb<s​f-slack> <carlosedp> XC7 flow is perfect18:05
-_whitenotifier-700a- [symbiflow-arch-defs] mithro opened issue #2363: Check-status CI job is failing? -
tpb<s​f-slack> <carlosedp> Can I use OpenOCD to write the bitstream to Quicklogic eFPGAs?20:36
tpb<s​f-slack> <kgugala> yes20:36
tpb<s​f-slack> <carlosedp> I saw a symbiflow_write_openoc util… but dunno what are the config files for it20:36
tpb<s​f-slack> <kgugala> it writes the whole script20:36
tpb<s​f-slack> <carlosedp> ah nice!20:36
tpb<s​f-slack> <carlosedp> because I’ve used before20:37
tpb<s​f-slack> <carlosedp> in `--mode fpga``20:37
tpb<s​f-slack> <kgugala> we also made a zephyr FPGA controller - you can use it to load bitstream over uart20:38
tpb<s​f-slack> <kgugala> see
tpb<t​pb> Title: Antmicro · Zephyr FPGA controller (at
tpb<s​f-slack> <carlosedp> cool because the default firmware is based on freertos I think (which I dislike) :)20:39
tpb<s​f-slack> <carlosedp> I understood that only flashing the bitstream, the default bootloader from the MCU takes responsability of clocks and etc… right?20:40
tpb<s​f-slack> <kgugala> yep20:40
tpb<s​f-slack> <kgugala> actually no, zephyr can handle all20:41
tpb<s​f-slack> <kgugala> so you can replace the original soft with zephyr based20:41
tpb<s​f-slack> <carlosedp> sweet!20:42
tpb<s​f-slack> <carlosedp> gonna look into it :)20:42
tpb<s​f-slack> <carlosedp> til now, i just used the MCU to enable the clocks20:43
tpb<s​f-slack> <carlosedp> took me a while (and some sweat) to understand how it all worked :)20:43
tpb<s​f-slack> <kgugala> aren't openocd script doing that?20:44
tpb<s​f-slack> <kgugala> the generated one20:44
tpb<s​f-slack> <carlosedp> never used openocd on it…20:45
tpb<s​f-slack> <carlosedp> only the tinyfpga python script20:46
tpb<s​f-slack> <kgugala> I see20:46
tpb<s​f-slack> <carlosedp> I was afraid of overwriting the bootloader and messing things up20:46
tpb<s​f-slack> <kgugala> the script generated with the tools should only load bitstream and set basic chip settings (like e.g. pinmuxes)20:47
tpb<s​f-slack> <kgugala> it should not touch the software20:47
tpb<s​f-slack> <carlosedp> nice!20:47
tpb<s​f-slack> <carlosedp> I think it is also only on quicklogic fork (not upstream yet) …20:48
tpb<s​f-slack> <carlosedp> since I use the hdlc/containers .. they still don’t contain them20:48
tpb<s​f-slack> <kgugala> i think it is a part of the pending PRs20:49
tpb<s​f-slack> <carlosedp> oops, just saw I need a Segger JLink to use OpenOCD … I don’t have one20:49
tpb<s​f-slack> <carlosedp> thought it would work thru serial (like Arty for example)20:49
tpb<s​f-slack> <kgugala> no, you don't20:50
tpb<s​f-slack> <kgugala> you need any SWD capable programmer20:50
tpb<s​f-slack> <kgugala> can be an ftdi based20:50
tpb<s​f-slack> <carlosedp> nice!20:50

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