Friday, 2022-01-14

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tpb<s​f-slack> <christian.d.gould> Hi All, I'm Christian and I'm interested in helping with the Verilog/VHDL models, I have a ZyboZ20 Board, Lattice IceStick and a ULX3S - Happy to help anyway I can!15:55
tpb<s​f-slack> <timo.callahan> Has anyone ever requested A7-15T support?   There is the CMOD A7 from digilent with the 15T part, although it's not in stock currently (   There's a Litex target for CMOD A7-35T, which seems like it could be easily adapted for the 15T part.20:00
tpb<t​pb> Title: Digilent – Start Smart, Build Brilliant. (at
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