Tuesday, 2020-12-29

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mithrosyed.ahemd: At the moment is it pretty quiet with people on holidays, I expect that acomodi and litghost will be back in Jan and able to help then02:22
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mithrohansfbaier: You are correct that the 071-dump_all takes a pretty large amount of disk space02:24
hansfbaiermithro: I now really understand the reason for the ticket: In order to build the part for the Nitefury, the fully bonded part had to be built first. It creates a TON of JSON files and hung my linux system because create_node_tree consumed all my 32GB of RAM.02:35
hansfbaiermithro: I think if we could use sqlite instead of JSON that would save a HUGE amount of disk space and memory02:36
hansfbaiermithro: because the data is inherently relational and thus a relational database would be a great fit02:36
hansfbaiermithro: Also sqlite has simple python bindings02:36
hansfbaiermithro: I will look into moving 071-dump_all to sqlite02:37
mithrohansfbaier: Dunno how those work, but it might be a quick solution to put a compression filter on the json output?02:39
hansfbaiermithro: it would be the proper way to deduplicate (= normalize) the data, because each item is stored exactly once02:39
hansfbaiermithro: But in order to to make a database schema I have to understand the logical structure of the data02:40
mithrohansfbaier: Probably - but sometimes starting with an easier solution gets you to the end goal faster :-)02:40
mithrohansfbaier: https://pypi.org/project/compress-json/02:41
tpbTitle: compress-json · PyPI (at pypi.org)02:41
hansfbaiermithro: The compression does not solve my problem: create_node_tree still would have to uncompress everything and then it would take even more memory02:42
hansfbaiermithro: And I am quite reluctant to buy more memory because, now I have 32GB and I even rarely maxed out 16G02:42
mithrohansfbaier: Spin up a cloud machine?02:43
mithrohansfbaier: https://www.lucidchart.com/techblog/2019/12/06/json-compression-alternative-binary-formats-and-compression-methods/ seems like an interesting page02:43
tpbTitle: JSON Compression: Alternative Binary Formats and Compression Methods - Lucidchart (at www.lucidchart.com)02:43
mithroI wonder if we should be using ujson in some places too - https://pypi.org/project/ujson/02:45
tpbTitle: ujson · PyPI (at pypi.org)02:45
hansfbaiermithro: saving space is not the only advantage, you also can create indices for oft used tables, this will speed up the processing of the data by orders of magnitude02:45
mithrohansfbaier: I'm sure that litghost might have some thoughts on that but is currently on holidays until Jan02:46
mithroAnyway, I'm heading out02:47
hansfbaiermithro: I will discuss it in the ticket. I would aim at a proof of concept limited to 071-dump_all02:47
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hansfbaiermithro: sqlite seems to handle large datasets quite well: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1033309/sqlite-for-large-data-sets02:59
tpbTitle: SQLite for large data sets? - Stack Overflow (at stackoverflow.com)02:59
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umarcormithro: what about using yaml and anchors?04:02
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mithroumarcor: I think I would take json+compression over yaml+anchors personally...14:42
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