Wednesday, 2020-12-30

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sf-slack1<mithro> @acomodi / @kgugala FYI -
-_whitenotifier- [sv-tests] caryr opened issue #1241: CI runs are taking significantly longer to complete -
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sf-slack1<kvasarnomad> Yello. I have always been interested in FPGAs since I heard they existed and thinking of getting into it finally. The problem is that I always end up overthinking which artitecture, platform and vendor to go with, like with all my hardware projects, sigh. I know both the Lattice iCE40 HX and Xilinx Artix-7 kinda works with Linux and have at least partly open source software. I'm interested in CPU and SOC21:23
sf-slack1development, mainly prototyping my own kinda MCU's, or use a RISC-V arch (as I described, have a hard time deciding on which vendor and arch to go with all my embedded projects, maybe only my "own" is good enough for me? :face_with_rolling_eyes:)  I have both a board with an iCE40 and Artix-7 in mind to order, can I do any CPU/MCU/SOC development with the iCE40, or do I need at least a Artix-7? The iCE40 is tempting as I would21:23
sf-slack1like to do mostly tiny footprint projects but unsure if I actually can fit any projects.21:23
yeticheck github for riscv fpga projects and look for an ice40 tag?  there are some implementations fitting on these...21:35
yetibut I'm still in the led blinker toddler group... so that's all I can say21:36
yetiok... on full moons I seem to understand serial io... occasionally21:37
zyp@kvasarnomad you might want to also consider ecp5 based options, IME the open source support is as good as it is for ice40, and the capabilities is an order of magnitude higher :)21:53
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umarcorI'd go with one UP5K and one ECP5. Later, maybe, if you want to try a different vendor (the main one in the industry), Artix-7.22:24
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