Wednesday, 2020-05-13

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zypdaddesio, not if you take the arm out of the equation completely07:46
zypthink of it like this; if you have a fpga without external memory and an arm with external memory, you'd still presumably need the memory in your laptop07:47
zypso if you move the memory to the fpga, throw out the arm and connect the fpga directly to the laptop, you're not really increasing the need for memory07:47
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lewmpkis there documentation for installing symbiflow? cant seem to find it anywhere15:02
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sf-slack2<kgugala> @lewmpk please take a look on
tpbTitle: GitHub - SymbiFlow/symbiflow-examples (at
sf-slack2<kgugala> this repo provides some examples and short guide how to use the SymbiFlow toolchain for xc7 devices15:21
sf-slack2<kgugala> travis CI in that repo builds those examples so you can also take a look on it15:21
tpbTitle: symbiflow-examples/.travis.yml at master · SymbiFlow/symbiflow-examples · GitHub (at
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shaprCan I use nextpnr to optimize the layout of the furniture in my apartment?17:52
* shapr blames the silly remarks on too much coffee17:52
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hackerfooshapr (IRC): What are you trying to optimize? Be careful, or your furniture will end up HeAPed together in a blob.18:20
shaprhackerfoo: ha!18:25
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