Monday, 2020-03-16

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wallacejohnZirconiumX: Yes, that is the end goal. To clarify, are you suggesting update all scripts (50ish, not all Python2) in a single pull request? Is that too much change for a single pull request?00:39
ZirconiumXMy personal criteria is not about size but completeness00:40
ZirconiumXI don't see much point in having a state where only *some* files are Py200:40
wallacejohnMakes sense. I will update and test all of the scripts before submitting a pull request.00:44
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ljungkHey, does the Project X-ray stuff work with the Digilent CMOD A-7 board? It uses the same Artix-7 35T that the Arty has.16:02
sf-slack<acomodi> ljungk: Yes, if it is an a35T then support is already there. What may be missing is just the pin mapping. What exact part does the CMOD A-7 have?16:07
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sf-slack<karl.ljungkvist> @acomodi It has this part: XC7A35T-1CPG236C16:08
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sf-slack<acomodi> @karl.ljungkvist Ok, so I think there should be no problem with it and is ready to be used16:11
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mithroZirconiumX: Smaller pull requests are better, easier to convert one script at a time17:32
ZirconiumXmithro: what's the difference between 50 script conversions and 50 script conversions?18:34
hackerfooZirconiumX: The difference is that you can pipeline smaller PRs :)18:40
ZirconiumXThat's what commits are for18:40
hackerfooI agree, I'd rather do a single PR with incremental reviews, but most people won't do this. They only want to look at a PR once.18:42
hackerfooe.g. release early and release often applied to PRs.18:43
hackerfooI'd like to use a PR more as a subscription to work in progress.18:46
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wallacejohnmithro, ZirconiumX, hackerfoo: Regarding the pull request discussion, I'm going to try submitting smaller PRs as I go. I've converted and tested only a handful of scripts so far, so probably better for me as a beginner to get something in the pull request pipeline before I've put too much work into my first contribution.21:11
hackerfoowallacejohn: Sounds good21:12
mithrowallacejohn: Always good to ask the person who owns the repository you are submitting too...21:12
wallacejohnmithro: still new to github -- looks like the vtr-verilog-to-routing repo is owned by a group/org, is that correct? is the owner active on this channel?21:19
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mithrokmurray in #vtr-dev would be the right person, but I'm pretty sure we can say that he would prefer small pull requests21:20
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