Monday, 2020-03-09

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-_whitenotifier-3- [yosys] rakeshm75 opened issue #61: Branch: Quicklogic : Missing FIFO ports ( in ram8k_2x1_cell_macro) in the EDIF generated by Yosys -
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clay_1Good morning people!08:03
-_whitenotifier-3- [yosys] rakeshm75 opened issue #62: Branch: Quicklogic : Yosys optimizes the design completely when no IO's/ PADs defined in the design -
clay_1The more I read through the documentation the more I think that there is a typo in glossary.frame and that the  "The 50th payload word is an EEC" should be ECC instead for the error correction code08:20
clay_1is there any way to report that ?08:20
sf-slack<rwinkler> Yes. It is error. You can i.e. make PR with the fix08:22
sf-slack<tmichalak> clay_1: thanks for spotting that, we will fix it. For the future if there is something else you find report it here:
tpbTitle: Issues · SymbiFlow/symbiflow-docs · GitHub (at
clay_1Oh, see, thanks, so no need to do it for this time, right ?08:23
sf-slack<tmichalak> right08:25
clay_1cool :)08:26
clay_1coould you help me running xc7bit2frames ?08:30
clay_1I try the ./tools/xc7frames2bit 1.frames08:30
clay_1but it doesnt work so I suspect I have to do it the $XRAY_something way08:31
clay_1but I dont know what this something should be, is there a list of avaialble keywords08:31
-_whitenotifier-3- [yosys] rakeshm75 opened issue #63: Branch: Quicklogic : Yosys optimizes the design completely -
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clay_1I tried that as well13:46
clay_1$XRAY_XC7FRAMES2BIT 1.frames13:47
clay_1but still didnt work13:47
clay_1I got a "1.frames: command not found"13:48
sf-slack<acomodi> The error you get is because the `$XRAY_XC7FRAMES2BIT` variable is not set. What error do you get when running xc7framse2bit? (without the $XRAY_something)13:57
sf-slack<acomodi> FYI, those env variables are set in `utils/`13:58
clay_1thank you13:58
clay_1you mean when I run this ?13:58
clay_1./tools/xc7frames2bit 1.frames13:58
sf-slack<acomodi> Yeah, (the binary is in `build/tools/ though)13:59
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clay_1I get the "Part file  not found or invalid"14:00
clay_1which indicates that the .frames file is not from a supported part, right ?14:00
sf-slack<acomodi> Try to explicitly provide the part name and part file14:03
clay_1I had the same issue with running the bitread and somebody here sudgested that I do it the $XRAY_BITREAD way, and in this way it worked fine14:03
sf-slack<acomodi> e.g. `--part_name <part_name> --part_file <part.yaml>`14:03
clay_1./build/tools/xc7frames2bit --part_name xc7a35tcpg236-1 --part_file ./database/artix7/xc7a35tcpg236-1part.yaml 1.frames14:06
clay_1like that ?14:06
clay_1./build/tools/xc7frames2bit --part_name xc7a35tcpg236-1 --part_file ./database/artix7/xc7a35tcpg236-1/part.yaml 1.frames14:07
clay_1this gives Unable to open frm file: Frames file  not found or invalid14:07
sf-slack<acomodi> ./build/tools/xc7frames2bit --part_name xc7a35tcpg236-1 --part_file ./database/artix7/xc7a35tcpg236-1/part.yaml  --frm_file 1.frames --output_file <output file>14:08
clay_1that gives the following14:09
clay_1Frame b: found 1 words instead of 101Frame c: found 1 words instead of 101terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::invalid_argument'  what():  stoulAborted (core dumped)14:09
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sf-slack<acomodi> Could be due to a wrong frames file, or incompatibility between the frames file and the target part14:11
clay_1the frames file is created from bitread , is that the correct way to do it ?14:12
sf-slack<acomodi> It would be better to do as follows: FASM file -> fasm2frames -> frames2bit14:13
clay_1ok, I will try it, thank you !14:14
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clay_1the fasm2frames output looks different than the bitread one14:17
clay_1Now it works!14:20
sf-slack<acomodi> Great14:20
clay_1thanks for your help :)14:20
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-_whitenotifier-3- [prjtrellis] cr1901 opened issue #126: Document JTAG Commands -
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sf-slack<aryap> hello! long time listener, first time caller22:58
sf-slack<aryap> are the zynq 7/artix 7 models the most advanced academic models symbiflow has of commercial chips?22:59
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sf-slack<ahegazipro> hey guys how often do you check the pull requests?23:42

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