Saturday, 2021-05-08

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nickoeohh,... mmm, if I use cdc.source.ready to incremente the addr  it work! ... I am not sure why that is... mmm08:46
zypbecause ready indicates when the receiver is ready for a new address09:00
zypso incrementing the address only when it's ready for a new address makes sense09:00
nickoeah, right. I am still not very intuitive to the signal names and directions :S09:01
nickoeyes! I understand that, but I clearly mess it up sometimes :D09:01
nickoeI think my thinking was that, if the sink is ready to receive,... but that signal is the ready signal in the middle of the chain instead of the end where I want to control it from09:05
nickoeif that makes any sense at all09:05
zypeach element in the pipeline only needs to consider the flow control signals of the elements it's directly adjacent to09:06
zypthe bottleneck in your pipeline should be the DAC, since it's running at a fixed rate09:07
zypthe DAC will be fed by the DMA as fast as the DAC is ready to receive new data09:07
zypand then the DMA will be fed with new addrs as fast as it is ready to receive more addrs09:08
zypthey will then naturally end up averaging the same rate, but since the DMA works in bursts, it'll also be ready for new addrs in bursts, not at an even rate09:09
zypand due to the flow control signals it should just work out09:09
nickoeso is this correct signals used in the If?
zypmaybe, I haven't studied the full picture of your application :)09:10
nickoeI mean this is the whole chain
nickoedma -> cdc -> dac09:11
* nickoe really needs to clean it up a bit now09:13
zypyou should probably not do anything about cdc.source there, cdc.source is in the other clock domain09:13
zypif I'm reading it right09:13
nickoeWith that code it appears to work good, as, ...09:17
nickoeand now when I remove it it ALSO works :S odd09:17
nickoeBut finally it looks like I wanted it to two weeks ago. zyp Thank you very much for your help! I owe you a keg of beer.09:18
nickoezyp: Can I detect in a Module if this is a simulation?09:26
nickoeah, never mind, I don't need to09:27
nickoeI just have the signalsin the simulation _io09:27
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nickoemmm, right now the analyzer does not dump a lot over jtag10:35
nickoeIt just does: [uploading]...       [>                    ] 0%         [writing to dump.vcd]...10:36
nickoecalling litescope_cli without args do seem to dump stuff10:40
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nickoezyp: For soe reason it just appears to be happy to consume addresses a bit too much
nickoeI wonder why the dma.sink.ready has that strage pattern with one high cycle, one low, then a couple high.11:50
nickoeThat is on hardware. The sim looks good.11:52
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nickoeit is a bit hard to compare the traces
nickoeat littele bit more
nickoeSo on the target it appears that the dma.sink.ready signal is flopping a bit onre14:04
nickoea bit more14:04
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nickoerestulting in the address being updated14:04
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chgavilanahi, over linux, gpioset work for all here? for me just gpio-hammer work for gpio on linux-on-litex-vexriscv using GPIOOut16:44
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nickoechgavilana: What are you talking about?21:18
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chgavilanain linux_on_litex_vexriscv project, what command do you use to control the gpios ?, is that sysfs is no longer in kernel 5+21:40
nickoeDunno, I am not really using the linux stuff in litex at the moment, but can't you just enable sysfs, evne though it is 5+?21:44
nickoeI am not sure what the replacement for sysfs is.21:45
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