Friday, 2020-07-03

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benh_florent_: hola ! do you happen to know which one is pin 2 on the picoezmate connector ? (the jtag one for the acorn)08:36
benhthe pin on the flash side or tthe pin on the side of the other pico (P2) ?08:38
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benhif you don't know I'll dig out the multimeter... it's just in a box between offices right now08:38
zypI asked the same question a couple of weeks ago :)08:51
zyp12:06:26 < zyp> wiring up jtag to my cle-215 now, can somebody confirm which end of the connector is pin 1?08:52
zyp12:15:33 < zyp> nevermind, I measured it out, pin 1 is closest to the m.2 connector edge08:52
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benhzyp: hehe, so towards the flash chip10:02
benhwith my phone zooming I can see a faint triangle pointing at it which I can't see with my bare eyes so that's matches :)10:03
benhprobably too tired to do a half decent soldering job tonight tho10:03
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benhallright, time to try this thing out, jtag seems to work12:32
benh$ ./ --build --with-pcie --driver12:32 Resource not found: serial:None12:32
benh(skipped the backtrace)12:32
benhI must be missing something...12:32
benhah --uart-name=crossover... should be default for acorn12:34
benhon another note, how does litex --load or --flash work ? openocd ? How do I teach it about my hacked up FTDI JTAG cable ?12:44
benhI've hacked up xc3sprogs...12:44
_florent_benh: yes we should improve default/unsupported config, i have ideas on it but need to work on others things first12:53
benh_florent_: we need a PCI vendor ID :-)12:54
benhor ask a vendor to donate us a few device IDs ;-)12:54
benhinteresting, the horrid fan on that thing speeds up during programming... I thought it was running at a fixed speed of the 3.3v rail..12:54
_florent_benh: it's indeed probably controlled by one IO with a PWM12:56
benhok, I'll look at the schematics again later12:57
benhwhat is that litex_server referenced on the github issue ?12:57
zypschematics says fan gets fixed 3.3V12:58
tpbTitle: litex/ at master · enjoy-digital/litex · GitHub (at
benhzyp: thanks13:01
benhzyp: yeah that's what I thought I remembered... but the fans definitly zip up when programming13:01
benhand a tiny bit on host reboot13:02
benhhaven't managed to talk to the uart yet but I see the LEDs dancing so it's working :-)13:02
zypthat sounds worrying, could be a sign the power supply from the slot is not very well regulated13:02
benhzyp: possibly ... it's a PCIe cable card (one of those cheap one that uses a USB cable), it gets power via a SATA power cable13:03
benhit's a temporary setup... I'll put the toy in a proper slot at some point on a test system13:03
benhthat I can remotely turn on/off13:04
benhI'll probably run a UART on P2 as well, it's 3.3v and my FTDI toy has 2 channels13:04
benhso it can do UART on the one that isn't doing JTAG13:05
benh(afaik the FTDI 2232H is 3.3V IOs and I don't think that ClickUSB thingy has any voltage conversion)13:05
benh_florent_: your kernel driver doesn't build against 5.7 :-)13:07
benhit's missing #include <linux/poll.h> and #include <linux/cdev.h>13:08
_florent_benh: possible, i'm still on an old kernel13:08
_florent_benh: just for info:
tpbTitle: Kernel driver improvements by sergachev · Pull Request #33 · enjoy-digital/litepcie · GitHub (at
tpbTitle: Kernel driver improvements by sergachev · Pull Request #33 · enjoy-digital/litepcie · GitHub (at
benhallright, it works13:09
benhI have the vexriscv console, I'll play with microwatt and clean up my setup later13:09
_florent_but with #33 there is still an issue when unloading, so it's not yet merged13:10
benh_florent_: ah that PR has the fix for the missing includes13:10
benhI could help if I had a bit more time ... maybe ask joel ?13:10
zypbenh, I'm planning to play with usb over P2 eventually13:10
benhthe little spare time I have I want to spend in integrating our interrupt controller in litex13:10
benhand maybe finally spend time on the CSR accessor business13:11
benhzyp: ok13:11
benhdo those Artix support partial reconfig ?13:11
zypAFAIK yes13:11
benhdunno if that's something mere mortals like us can use but it would be nice to have a fixed PCIe UART + management13:11
benhand be able to use that to reprogram whatever we hack on13:12
benhto avoid the jtag cable etc...13:12
benhthat said I know nothing about how you practically use partial reconfig13:12
benhzyp: keep the USB thing optional, I don't want to accidentally fry something with my UART attached to it :-)13:13
benhisn't USB 5V ?13:13
_florent_benh: sure no problem, that was just for info, i haven't been able to look at it yet13:13
zypbenh, VBUS is 5V but signalling is 3.3V13:13
benhzyp: ah ok13:14
benhallright, bed time ! at least the toy works ! I though I'd never get it, it took 2 month to arrive13:15
benhFabien (the seller in France) had given up and refunded me !13:15
benhI'm too nice, I sent him his money back via paypal :)13:16
benhthis is the best bargain you can get for such a big Artix I reckon !13:16
benhthere's a guy on evblog talking of doing a base board to host it that would provide a PCIe clock and a host slot13:16
zypyeah, mine also took over a month13:17
benh_florent_: I'm thinking ...maybe mithro can get us some PCI device IDs...13:17
benh_florent_: we could do simpler than DT initially maube ... a little ROM that has the CSR "base" and a table of 8-bit IP "ID" (0 = nothing, 1 = UART etc..)13:18
benhor something simple like that13:18
benha full DT would be better but runtime DT innjection in Linux isn't really a thing yet13:18
benhfrom there the driver would pop sub-devices for the various functions on the card exposed to PCIe and match them against the exact same driver we would use for native litex SoCs13:19
benhanyway, food for thoughts13:19
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somlo_florent_: interesting... with SDCARD_MULTIPLE_BLOCK_SUPPORT undefined, the standard upstream (i.e., not linux-on-litex-vexriscv) build doesn't hang, and instead loads *very* *slowly* (testing w. nexys4ddr & rocket)15:25
somlogot lost in the sauce trying to compare what is being built with linux-on-litex-vexriscv vs. the default upstream. Maybe I should compare the csv files, but not sure that's all there is to it in terms of side-by-side comparison15:26
somloanyway, I gotta go afk for a few hours, during which I'll see if the blob actually loads without corruption :)15:27
_florent_somlo: with SDCARD_MULTIPLE_BLOCK_SUPPORT undefined, it should be at least as fast as SPI mode16:04
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_florent_somlo: if you have time, i would be interested by some feedback with uptstream litesdcard/litex18:13
_florent_somlo: the gateware changes should alsmost be done, i'll continue on next monday18:14
mithrobenh: Are you suggesting that Google could donate some? I feel like it might be easier to get IBM to do so? :-P18:42
mithroBut if you do actually have a concrete request I can look into it18:59
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somlo_florent_: the mystery as far as I'm concerned is what (and how to narrow it down precisely) is the difference between an upstream build (with vexriscv) and a nexys4ddr build in linux-on-litex-vexriscv... I get lost in the python inheritance relationships, but that's where I'm sure we (I) will find why the latter works (and fast), while the former hangs...19:16
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satnavHello, I have SPI flash populated in my evaluation board with ICE40HX1K as FPGA. I did SPI flash XiP according to the example in example but I have issues when I running my soc python script and let LiteX build it. it fails in bios linking phase.22:42
satnavthese are the error22:42
satnavriscv64-unknown-elf-ld: ../libbase/libbase-nofloat.a(progress.o): in function `show_progress':/home/barakg/playground/litex/litex/litex/soc/software/libbase/progress.c:44: undefined reference to `__muldi3'/home/barakg/playground/litex/litex/litex/soc/software/bios/Makefile:68: recipe for target 'bios.elf' failed22:42
satnavcan someone tell me why it fails or encounter with this problem and knows how to solve it?22:43
satnavthis is the code
tpbTitle: #!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import os from migen import * fro - (at
somlo_florent_: with litesdcard b55de0e and litex 2bfa372b, I get fast loading of boot.bin from sdcard with vexriscv (linux variant)23:10
somlodoesn't yet work well with rocket -- there's some weird slowness with outputting progress on boot.bin. Probably some 32 vs 64 bit thing, I'll try to figure it out over the weekend23:12
satnavthere's an option or flag to compile only the bios?23:19
satnavwithout the gateware23:20
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benhmithro: not at this point, but if LiteX SoCs as PCIe slaves is something that potentially takes off, we might want to see if we  can snag an ID from somebody23:46
benhmight even be in the LF/RH space23:47
benhas long as it's one and we have another mechanism on top for the device to self-describe23:47
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