Friday, 2020-05-29

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xobsgregdavill: I just merged the eptri cdc stuff. It passes the testbench now (patches pending) with a sysclk of 100 MHz. Still need to feed it a 48 MHz clock. And probably should feed it a 12 MHz clock as well, though I suppose you could just flop it.09:54
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CarlFKkgugala: how do I get to the  console?14:39
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_florent_somlo: i did some testing on Mor1kx:
tpbTitle: Mor1kx support broken by #517 · Issue #544 · enjoy-digital/litex · GitHub (at
somlo_florent_, benh: it's this line:
tpbTitle: litex/common.h at master · enjoy-digital/litex · GitHub (at
somloapologies for not catching it when I reviewed that patch :(15:37
somloMMPTR should always be `unsigned long`, i.e. `unsigned int` on 32-bit CPU/alignment, and `unsigned long long int` on 64-bit CPU/alignment15:39
somlothose are the only options, regardless of CSR_DATA_WIDTH (which indicates how many of the bits within a MMPTR are actually *populated*)!15:39
somloI'll send a fixup PR in a minute15:42
somlo_florent_, benh:
tpbTitle: csr: fix simple accessor alignment by gsomlo · Pull Request #545 · enjoy-digital/litex · GitHub (at
zypsorry, wrong channel16:12
kgugalaCarlFK: what console you want to access?16:26
CarlFKkgugala: the thing that lets me see status and configure things like what input is hooked to what output16:26
kgugalathere is no firmware running on the netv2 now16:27
CarlFKkgugala: on the Opsis, tio /dev/ttyACM0  ... get a prompt, type "version"16:27
kgugalaeverything is configured from the driver16:27
CarlFKah, got it.  I think...16:27
kgugalacan you try different resolution on pi ?16:28
CarlFKmaybe, but I have better hdmi sources.  like my laptop.16:29
CarlFKshoud the netv2's tx hdmi be sending anything ?16:29
kgugalanot this version you have16:30
kgugalawe have a wip version of the transmitter on the v4l2-output branch of the repo you're using16:31
CarlFKI'll ignore that for now16:33
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kgugalaif you have e.g opsis board you can generate a pattern with it16:35
kgugalaopsis can also help with fixing video timings16:36
kgugalaso you can use opsis as repeater16:36
CarlFKshould netv2 (we need a shorter name for that) be sending out edid?16:39
kgugalayes I think it does that16:43
CarlFKopsis out to netv2 in: output0: [email protected] from pattern (underflows: 0)16:45
CarlFKwoot.  gst showing it no skew!16:46
kgugalayou can try forwarding some other video source through opsis16:50
kgugalalike output from a laptop16:50
kgugalaand watch a movie via netv2/pcie in gst ;)16:50
CarlFKis there any compression or anything that might cause artifacts?16:53
kgugalait takes the video as it comes16:54
kgugalauses DMA to transfer the video data over pcie to host memory16:55
CarlFKthats what I figured.  so no point in testing that sort of thign16:55
kgugalathere is no compression there (maybe just rgb888 -> yuv422 conversion)16:55
CarlFKmithro: ^^^ success!16:56
kgugalamovies are for testing thighs like e.g. tearing16:57
kgugala*are good for testing16:59
CarlFK  I made that to help test sync, and the fast moving sweep hand is good for that17:01
tpbTitle: GitHub - CarlFK/clocky: analog clock with sweep hand (at
CarlFKgetting the right wx libs installed  ... grumble17:01
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CarlFKkgugala: hmm, it seems to have stopped updating....17:03
CarlFKopsis uptime on the pattern, isn't ticking any more17:04
CarlFKgst frame counter stopped too17:04
kgugalasth got disconnected?17:05
kgugalalike HDMI cable?17:05
CarlFKI did un/re plug it, and it kept going after that17:06
CarlFKdmesg shows
tpbTitle: Ubuntu Pastebin (at
kgugalathose prints with pll etc means that the device locked on signal (later it prints the delay settings)17:09
CarlFK^c the gst line, re-ran it.  it did 45 frames and stopped17:11
CarlFKoh boy.  did that 2 more times, now it is working again.17:11
CarlFKcpu - 4 cores, each between 10-20%17:12
kgugalaI'd say it's displaying what consumes the cores17:16
kgugaladata is transferred over pcie by DMA in fpga17:17
kgugalaso it does not consume the CPU17:17
CarlFKthe hangs or pause are concerning17:19
CarlFKcpu goes to about 0 when that happens17:19
CarlFKdmesg is full of [67712.275108] x86/PAT: v4l2src0:src:20261 map pfn RAM range req uncached-minus for [mem 0x35e00000-0x35fc1fff], got write-back17:19
CarlFKand this 2x a second: [68401.017895] litepcie ph   -5    1    0 // charsync 111 [8 6 6] // WER   0   0   0 // chansync 1 // res 1280x72017:24
kgugalathe latter means it does not see the video input17:24
kgugalalooks like your stream is no stable17:25
kgugalacan you try different cable ?17:25
CarlFK[m]Swapped cables, and this happened17:30
* CarlFK[m] uploaded an image: 20200529_123052_819113531581712419.jpg (6034KB) < >17:31
CarlFK^c, gst, 44 frames and froze17:38
CarlFKswapped cable from short magic to 3' normal probably to spec, same thing in dmesg17:39
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CarlFKkgugala: fps has dropped to 42 - no clue why.  nothing has changed as far as I know18:12
kgugalaunsure what happened, I was keeping it running for 24h and haven't noticed such issues18:29
CarlFKkgugala: for output, pretty please don't have black be the default for when there is no input.18:35
CarlFKeither color bars or some unique color that makes it obvious where the signal is coming from18:36
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CarlFKthat just landed in the Opsis, it's helpful.  ans surprising because I forgot about it18:37
CarlFKand by "just landed" I mean the patch was accepted in 2019, and someone was able to build it in Jan 2020, and I'm not exactly sure where a working bitstream file is.18:38
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mithroDid I ever share ?20:41
tpbTitle: GitHub - mithro/HDMI2USB-dev-boards (at
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