Thursday, 2019-12-05

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keesjI was wondering about
tpbTitle: litex/ at master · enjoy-digital/litex · GitHub (at
keesjthere dqs_p and dqs_n and clk_p and clk_n are used13:34
keesjthe clk_p/n are a differential pair (why are they not defined a "subsignal"13:35
keesjand dqs_p and  dqs_n are.. different pairs of differential signals.13:35
keesjon the ddr3 chips I am looking at they are called LDSQ and UDLS (lower an upper byte data strobe)13:36
keesjis there a reason for those names e.g.  dqs_p and dqs_n13:37
futarisIRCcloud_florent_: A question from hudson (spispy developer) regarding LiteDRAM:13:56
futarisIRCcloudI need to look into it.  Do you know how many cycles it takes to deliver a read? Most of the DRAM implementations I saw had fairly deep pipelines for their arbitrators and interfaces, which made them unsuitable for spispy.  Others had hardcoded refresh logic that wasn't easily circumventable, or logic that closed pages too quickly for repeated reads.13:56
_florent_keesj: sorry, i'm not sure to understand the question14:03
tpbTitle: Snippet | IRCCloud (at
_florent_here the first p/n pair is P(N2)/N(N1)14:04
keesj_florent_: I am wondering about the name. I don't understand why it is called dqs_p14:06
_florent_futarisIRCcloud: i would need to know the DRAM configuration to provides latency cycles and the requirement for spispy but it should be possible to use LiteDRAM (with eventual minor tweaks)14:10
_florent_keesj: dqs is commonly used for the data strobe signals14:11
keesjfutarisIRCcloud: I think that hudson explained that for spi the data is expected to be retured the next clock cycle just after the address is sent. DDR itself (the sate machine) takes quite a few cycles (bank select) and such. This is I think where the times gets spent. I don't really know about the performance of the bus itself14:16
keesj_florent_: and any idea why _p ?14:18
_florent_keesj: but i also remember seeing somewhere that they were knowing the address access pattern and were using that to improve latency (pre-opening rows for example)14:20
_florent_keesj:  _p = positive / _n  = negative14:20
keesjright but in this case dqs_p is not positive. it is a denominator for the upper data strobe line (for the upper 8 bits)14:49
daveshaheach dqs is usually a differential pair14:49
daveshahN2 would be lower DQS positive and U2 upper DQS positive14:50
keesjthanks I understand it now! the dqs_p contains a list of the positive parts and if there would be 4 lanes it would contain 4 items... In the orange crab the lines are caled UDQS (differential UDQS+ and UDQS-) and LDQS (differential LDQS+ and LDQS-) so the dqs_p wound become "DQSL+ UDSQ+"14:54
tpbTitle: GitHub - gregdavill/OrangeCrab: ECP5 breakout board in a feather physical format (at
keesjminus the typo14:55
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