Wednesday, 2019-01-23

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clive_murphy-avhi. is there a laserpointer or slidepointer for presenters?00:16
clive_murphy-av(asking from A2)00:16
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xfxf-phonenothing we have00:20
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xfxf-phoneall rooms good/happy?00:35
lcaav-c3Happy in C300:35
lcaav-c2clive - I have a laser pointer in C2 - you would need ot come and pick it up00:36
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lcaav-a2_All happy in A200:36
lcaav-c2happy in C200:36
lcaav-c1happy in C100:38
wcmckee-phonethe problem with lasor pointer is the video does not pick it up00:38
lcaav-a1all is good A100:38
xfxfhey all, pls remember to put on slide loop during breaks.  at least one room wasn't - it means we're streaming private conversations...00:38
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xfxfalso noticed a few of the handheld mics were put in backwards, which means they don't charge.  double check them - it's possible the MC is putting them in backwards, or people during breaks using rooms without telling us00:39
wcmckee-phonekeynote just edited and moved to encoding.00:46
charcolHooray, go wcmckee-phone !00:51
tumbleweedlcaav-a3: there is a fan waiting for you at the top of the exit stairs00:51
evilRailsI am a fan of that00:51
tumbleweed(the ones underneath you)00:52
xfxffor any of the rooms i've taught how to do manual focus, make sure you're razor sharp with noticing it.  a few of the rooms might be slightly out00:52
xfxf(this is why i generally leave them in auto unless they're hunting constantly, exact focus is harder than it appears)00:53
xfxfif you want to fiddle with focus, coordinate with the room mixer and make sure they swap back to slides first!00:53
lcaav-a3which stairs??00:53
xfxftumbleweed: we may want to be careful where we plug fans in BTW - they may cause electrical noise if on the same circuit as the AV stuff00:54
xfxfif you've collected and dropped off fans, can you find some extension cables (Richard may have some) and plug into a wall socket that isn't the AV circuit?00:54
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xfxf(conversely, maybe there's a socket on the rear wall in those back rooms which isn't on the AV circuit)00:55
lcaav-c3Thurs/Friday are predicted to be 10C cooler than today (31C)00:58
wcmckee-phonetalk id 14578 will need fixed on youtube - made mistake and just put it back from review to encode.00:59
tumbleweedlcaav-a1, lcaav-a2: How hot is it in your lecture theatres?00:59
BenTomI've sorted out a3s fan00:59
tumbleweedBenTom: thanks01:00
lcaav-a3thank you very much!!!01:00
BenTomthere's no fan at a2 yet01:01
tumbleweedBenTom: apparently it was only requested for A301:02
tumbleweedI don't know who made the request01:02
xfxfI've asked for A/C to be checked or turned on for all A rooms with elec directly01:02
xfxfapparently the organisers have asked too01:02
xfxfi suspect I have the direct mobile number of the person it'll be escelated to01:03
xfxfso, we'll see - hopefully it'll be better soon01:03
BenTomthere's a bunch of power boards for the back row that could be used for the fan in a201:04
xfxfthat'd be fine - just as long as it's not plugged into where the A/V equipment is01:04
xfxfit'll likely start causing wierd noise in recordings01:05
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wcmckee-phoneare things encoding? it is taking a long time waiting for keynote01:47
xfxf-phoneask tumbleweed ^01:48
wcmckee-phonetumbleweed: are things being encoded? taking awile to encode the keynote.01:49
tumbleweedwcmckee-phone: they are01:55
tumbleweedwe're doing webm encoding too now, everything takes a lot longer01:56
tumbleweedstill catching up on the last few missing webms, so there's only 1 encoder running for new videos01:56
tumbleweedvs 3 yesterday01:56
xfxf-phoneI'm getting 2 more computers now. Will drop into AV HQ02:00
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tumbleweedxfxf: let me know when they're there02:05
xfxf-phonethey are delivered02:06
xfxf-phonenobody tipped me though, ripped off02:06
tumbleweedMixers: please let me know when your room is finished for tea02:11
pavelowxfxf: c3 looks a little overexposed02:12
lcaav-c3C3 here: Should I turn down front lights a bit?02:12
pavelowyeah, see if that improves it02:13
xfxf-phoneI'll come look02:13
xfxf-phoneBut ya do that too02:13
lcaav-c3Looking better now in c3?02:14
xfxf-phoneYa looks good02:14
lcaav-c3C3 A/V controls just reset and turned all the lights down!  Keep on your toes...02:17
lcaav-a3A3 finish02:17
lcaav-a1A1 finished02:17
tumbleweedcopying A1 and A302:19
lcaav-c2c2 finished02:20
rjhwc3 finished02:21
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tumbleweedC2 and C3 copying02:25
CarlFKrails: can you bring back the little monitor and 2 network cables from C1 or 2 or wherever there are some laying about.02:28
CarlFKwe need them to hook up 2 more desktop boxes to do encoding02:29
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lcaav-a1Getting a weird glitch in our display02:52
lcaav-a1Nvm I think we fixed it02:52
lcaav-a1all good02:52
keeperlcaav-c2: Reminder to put stream into stream loop during break.02:56
xfxf-phoneplease make sure you're back at the rooms before break ends all!03:00
lcaav-a3for a workshop, where do we point the camera when participants may not have consented to filming?03:05
xfxf-phoneRecord it like normal, note that on the recording sheet03:06
lcaav-a3we've been asked to not stream the laptop output. IO've put this into stream mode at present03:06
xfxf-phoneWe generally release if the conference says to anyway, the choice to do that isn't up to us03:06
xfxf-phoneSure, stream loop is fine for that03:07
wcmckee-phonekeynote is published03:08
BenTomlcaav-a3: might be better to zoom out a bit rather than keep panning03:11
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lcaav-a3to e fair, he's going to help participants soon so content may be sparse if I don't film the audience, hency my earlier question.03:12
xfxfthe option to release is up to the organisers/presenter, not us03:14
xfxfunless you'be been asked to avoid the audience, or not record it at all, i'd just record it like normal03:14
xfxfalso: we have at least one talk every LCA which initially we're told not to release, but then the presenter changes their mind and wants the video03:15
xfxfby all means though, put stream loop on if a talk on the sheet says 'dont release', or the presenter asks fo that03:16
xfxfwe don't want to accidentally stream talks we're not meant to release :)  but we can always release a recorded video later.03:16
lcaav-a3ok. Im not sure if "normal" in this case is to film the audience, track the presenter where they go or just focus on the front. :-)03:17
xfxf(the stream loop doesn't affect the recordings, just the stream)03:17
xfxffor a workshop where they're all over the place i'd just zoom out03:17
xfxfthey never record well03:17
lcaav-a3Cool. Figured as much but always keen to get input.03:18
lcaav-a3Muted mics as presenters not using them and they were producing hiss.03:19
xfxfcool, in that case, it sounds like you're not recording anything usable03:20
xfxfthat's all good.  just hope they don't ask for the video later ;)  not much we can do about that03:20
xfxf(you would be surprised how many presenters ask for the video not to be recorded, then ask where their video is later...)03:21
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BratNZ2I made the request for the a3 fan as to my knowledge this was the only room that actually was not working in.03:29
BratNZ2my apologies if that was not correct03:29
BratNZ2autocorrect error. I understood ac was not working only in a3 was what I meant to say.03:32
BratNZ2even with ac working, the av room in a3 needed that fan.03:33
xfxfthat rear room sucks, which is why we haven't used it in most of the rooms03:40
xfxfjust nowhere good to put the gear in a2/a303:40
xfxfnp for fan, glad it was organised03:40
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CarlFKdoes someone want me to bring a little fan that will help a little?03:52
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railstumbleweed: whats the hostname of the machine running the projector in HQ?04:12
BenTomlcaav-a3: have you muted audio? might as well stream loop if they're no longer presenting04:15
tumbleweedrails: dunno, it'll be a spare04:15
tumbleweedlabel on the lid04:15
tumbleweedas talks finish, please report that here04:21
tumbleweed(and bring sheets back to the AV HQ)04:22
tumbleweedrails: is C3 done?04:29
charcoltumbleweed: C1 has 131GB left (yellow on the bar)04:29
tumbleweedcharcol: thanks04:30
rjhwc3 done04:30
tumbleweedcopying C304:30
rjhwI think Tony has sheets.04:31
tumbleweedcopying A204:33
tumbleweed(apparently it's done)04:33
tumbleweedlcaav-c2: ^^04:33
tumbleweederr lcaav-a2: ^^04:33
lcaav-a1A1 complete. Will bring sheets over soon.04:35
tumbleweedcopying A104:35
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xfxf-phone@tumbleweed: (and others) as talks end, I'm unplugging our capture devices from power overnight to let them cool down. one of us from core will plug them back in tomorrow morning. it means HDMI won't work until we do04:40
lcaav-c1c1 is done04:41
charcolI'll bring the C1 sheet over04:41
lcaav-a2_Would you like the A2 recording sheets left in A2 or taken back to the core AV room?04:41
tumbleweedxfxf-phone: Ack04:42
tumbleweedcopying C104:43
BenTomlcaav-c1: please stream loop if you're done04:43
tumbleweedlcaav-a2_: please bring them back to the AV room04:43
lcaav-a2_A2 stream looping04:43
lcaav-a2_Will do04:43
tumbleweedcopying A304:44
lcaav-c2C3 finished04:48
tumbleweedlcaav-c2: I think you're C204:49
tumbleweedalso, stream loop please, not black04:50
tumbleweedcopying C204:50
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lcaav-a3A3 finished, already stream loop04:55
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CarlFKAPPEND --- debconf/priority=high auto=true netcfg/dhcp_timeout=60 fb=false  url=storage partman-auto/disk=/dev/sda grub-installer/bootdev=/dev/sda hostname=encoder2 domain=local.lan hw-detect/load_firmware=false preseed/early_command="anna-install eatmydata-udeb"05:24
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wcmckee-phoneI have left comment on a few videoss that are in review1 that need youtube refresh. They are all from Tuesday18:47
CarlFKwcmckee-phone: which ones?18:50
CarlFKand good morning18:51
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wcmckee-phonetalk id 14485 is very quiet. its in review 1 and im going to leave it for now19:02
wcmckee-phonefor refresh: 1455919:02
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wcmckee-phone14601 14583 14578 1455919:03
wcmckee-phonegood morning19:03
wcmckee-phonei have left comment on quiet video19:04
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lcaav-c3only 91.66 GB of space left on /srv/video19:36
lcaav-c3we just got a popup19:37
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lcaav-a2_Hi, we don't yet have recording sheets for A2. Should I fetch them from core, or will some poor soul be running them oaround?19:46
lcaav-a3A3 is also missing recording sheets. (at present).19:48
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railslcaav rooms: sheets are en route19:51
lcaav-c3There's no recording sheets in C3 either.19:52
railsthey are en route to you.19:52
railsrooms: please turn on the stream loops19:55
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lcaav-a3rails: is a3 blanked?20:10
lcaav-a3I hope so.. it looks blanked here20:10
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tumbleweedlcaav-a3: what does that mean?20:17
tumbleweedwhat looks blanked?20:17
tumbleweedI assume you're sitting at vocto, which never looks blanked20:17
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CarlFKtumbleweed: that was me. you can ignore it.  i'm slowly catching up.20:41
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lcaav-c3Did you guys reboot the Voctomix laptop in C3?  It looks fine.20:51
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xfxf-phone@tumbleweed: @rails : ^^20:55
keeperI've been hearing a faint, high-pitched buzz in C1 during the keynote.20:56
tumbleweedlcaav-c3: I did20:58
lcaav-c1her hair is rubbing against the mic20:58
keeperSeparate to that, but I can't seem to hear it anymore.21:01
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tumbleweedcopying C121:11
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lcaav-a3A3 is feeling pretty cold21:26
xfxf-phoneWill tell an organiser21:27
xfxf-phoneall rooms should have all volllies in by now all...21:32
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lcaav-a2we have slides on projector currently but they are not showing up in voctomix21:39
lcaav-a2is someone able to come help please?21:41
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railstumbleweed or pavelow ^21:41
wcmckee-phonecan 14547 be moved to front of encode que?21:42
xfxf-phoneComing to a221:42
lcaav-a2thank you21:42
lcaav-c2When will Mega65 be up on Youtube?21:43
lcaav-c2it was a question from a person in the audience21:44
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wcmckee-phonewhats id for it21:44
wcmckee-phoneor name of talk21:44
lcaav-a2tumbleweed: ryan here, i know i'm being paranoid, but can you ssh into all grab machines and be doubly sure the video save script is writing to disk OK21:45
lcaav-a2debugging some wierd issues in here that appear to be related to what we did this morning21:45
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lcaav-c2c2 has no mc21:46
lcaav-a2also all rooms: the test you should do in the morning includes plugging your laptop into the HDMI. testing the mics only isn't enough :)21:46
lcaav-c2who organises this??21:46
lcaav-a2oh no MC.  i misread as no mic ;)21:46
lcaav-a2the organisers - not us.  annoying :(21:46
lcaav-a2they will likely appear - eventually :/21:46
xfxf-phone@pavelow2: sorry for making you run there!21:48
pavelow2all good21:48
lcaav-c1I can't get the cut list to appear21:49
lcaav-c1there's a terminal window showing file listings, and it looks like it is creating new files when I push T though21:50
BenTomthere's a scissors icon in the tool bar down the bottom, that should bring the list up21:51
lcaav-c1BenTom: thanks, that worked21:51
xfxf-phoneall rooms good/happy?21:54
lcaav-a2all good here thanks21:54
lcaav-c3C3 happy21:54
lcaav-c1C1 happy21:54
xfxf-phoneany rooms only have 1 person? (All should have at least 2)21:54
lcaav-a1a1 good or happy21:55
lcaav-c2c2 good21:58
xfxf-phonelcaav-a3: not happy? 😆21:58
wcmckee-phonekeynote is encoding. if can push to front that be great22:02
xfxf-phoneDid I leave my black backpack in one of the rooms?22:09
xfxf-phoneWill go poke next break regardless22:09
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lcaav-c1My T key isn't creating cuts - the button on screen does22:34
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xfxflcaav-a2: you can zoom in a bit.  you're wasting some space at the top of the frame - maximise the person in the frame without having to pan/zoom a lot22:46
xfxfall rooms, remember if a person is talking with their hands, ensure their hands are *within* the frame, not partially choped off22:47
xfxflcaav-c3: you could zoom out a little given the above22:47
lcaav-c3OK now?22:47
lcaav-c1the podium confidence display has ended up pushed up which is obscuring the presenter a bit - should someone jump up and tilt that down?22:48
xfxfwill confirm when the stream catches up, it's about 30 secs delayed22:48
xfxflcaav-c1: during next break yes22:48
lcaav-c1ok, will leave it until then22:48
xfxflcaav-c3: you're now wasting a lot of space at the top of the frame.  remember how I said it was easy to accidentally put the presenters face in the middle of the frame?  that's what you're doing now ;)22:48
xfxftop of head should be more towards top of frame22:49
xfxflcaav-a3: you're also not using a lot of space at the top of the frame - move the camera down a little, zoom in22:49
xfxfc1/a1, your camera framing is pretty decent22:50
xfxflcaav-a2: awesome, that looks much better, thanks :)22:50
lcaav-a1thanks, jimmy tries22:51
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xfxfall good, we're all learning :)  just providing feedback from what i'm seeing22:51
lcaav-c1appreciated here too22:51
xfxflcaav-a2: i reckon you could pan the camera down a little at the existing zoom to get the card in it.  his head can be near the top of the frame, we don't need a big gap22:55
xfxflcaav-a2: or alternatively, zoom even more in again.  there's a lot of 'empty' space in your frame and tim isn't moving that much22:55
lcaav-a2what about his arms getting chopped at the top? we not worried about that?22:56
xfxfif he's putting his arms in the air a lot, ya we care, if it's only super occasionally, not really.  from what i'm seeing there is still plenty of room22:57
xfxfthat said, you're seeing more than me, i'm only seeing the mixed output22:57
xfxfwhat you have now is fine, but just suggestions to make it a big better22:58
xfxflcaav-a1: i know tumbleweed showed you PiP yesterday, but please still do full screen switching too.  occasionally the PiP will cover up something in a slide22:59
xfxf(my personal preference is no PiP, so keep it to a minimum)22:59
xfxffor this talk may as well keep doing what you're doing, more advice for future videos22:59
lcaav-a1ok. we do switch to full when appropriate (when the slide has been on the screen for a long time, when it covers any slide content, etc.). Will use it less from the next vid23:01
xfxfya there are times where it's useful, but you don't want it for an entire talk23:01
xfxfat the zoom level you're at, the presenter's face will look fairly blurry on the final youtube encoded videos, is too small23:02
xfxffull screen switching is easy and generally works well23:02
xfxfthis does look like a super slide heavy talk though23:02
tumbleweed+1 to not using it for the whole talk (unless the speaker is changing slides a lot, and the text is always in the middle)23:05
lcaav-c1just now when there was music playing from the video I could no longer hear the speaker talking in to the lapel23:07
lcaav-c1the lapel was still unmuted & volume on it hadn't been adjusted23:08
lcaav-c1(music playing from a video on the speaker's laptop)23:10
tumbleweedxfxf: that's one for you23:11
tumbleweedwell, really for the venue probably23:11
tumbleweedI'd suggest not playing music and talking at the same time,23:12
lcaav-c1I'd agree, but we will likely need to inform speakers about that23:12
tumbleweedit worked for the c64 talk23:12
lcaav-c1maybe it's when the laptop output is over a certain level)23:13
xfxf-phoneI'll speak to Richard23:17
xfxf-phoneAre you sure it wasn't muted by accident?23:17
lcaav-c1100% sure23:17
wcmckee-phonekeynote and bugs in your server are encoding now. I will take a bit of a break this afternoon once they are in review223:26
tumbleweedcopying C1-C323:35
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tumbleweedcopying A1-A323:53
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