Thursday, 2019-01-24

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tumbleweedall recording again00:24
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lcaav-c3C3 has no audio coming over the P/A from the laptop.00:34
lcaav-c3Not essential but if you can help would be good.00:34
railschech the vnc00:35
lcaav-c3C3: fixed!00:35
lcaav-c3All good in C3 now.00:35
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xfxf-phoneall rooms good/happy?00:38
xfxf-phoneremember to double check mic and light levels, they may have changed over lunch00:38
lcaav-c1c1 is good00:38
xfxf-phone(people go into rooms and fiddle)00:38
lcaav-a1a1 is good00:38
lcaav-c2c2 is good00:38
lcaav-a3A2 is Awesome00:39
lcaav-a3Whoops mean A300:39
lcaav-a2everything working fine, except the presenter is using some LED displays... will probably have to zoom in on these to capture them properly?00:39
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xfxf-phoneya they ideally should have told you about in advance so you could coordinate the best place for them to do it... just do your best :)00:41
xfxf-phoneif people are doing show and tell with hardware then zooming in etc is fine, if camera work is a bit wonky that's totally cool00:41
lcaav-a2will do thanks :) any feedback appreciated00:42
xfxf-phonehave some fun doing it :)00:42
xfxf-phoneall volunteers are welcome to come to the penguin dinner tonight by the way - you all get a free ticket00:47
xfxf-phone(sorry I only was just told then!)00:47
xfxf-phone(i paid for 3 tickets lol. oh well)00:47
thepatr1ckLOL, I paid for 1 as well00:48
lcaav-c3Maybe some can use the tickets for their spouse?00:48
xfxf-phonecan all teams pass this info on to the other AV vollies if they haven't seen this?00:52
xfxf-phonewant to make sure nobody misses out :)00:52
lcaav-c2will do00:53
xfxf-phoneother AV vollies in their room I mean00:53
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xfxf-phoneyou're all suspiciously quiet again :). assume all going well?01:13
lcaav-c1all is well here01:13
lcaav-c3Live demo on here in C3!01:14
lcaav-a1all good here, talk finished 10 mins early.01:16
lcaav-a2all well here. Would someone be available to cover me in A2 for the last two talks of the day?01:16
lcaav-c2all good in c201:17
lcaav-c2if needed i can cover in a2 (harry)01:18
BenTomi can cover a201:18
lcaav-a2thanks heaps really appreciate it01:19
xfxfBenTom: ty01:19
rogaall good in c301:25
lcaav-c2can we increase the temperature in C201:39
littletudderslcaav-c2: UC Facilities Management notified and will check.01:48
railslcaav-c2: turn your lights up01:50
railsis dark01:50
railslcaav-c2: oi01:53
lcaav-c2yep on it01:53
CarlFKfyi what twitter returns:
tpbTitle: Ubuntu Pastebin (at
tpbTitle: Rate Limiting python-twitter 3.4.2 documentation (at
CarlFKwhat I was hoping to see.02:03
xfxfright: i suspect the API limit and whatever we've triggered are two distinctly seperate things, though02:06
xfxfthe API is clearly working perfectly, but our tweets dissapear from searches02:07
CarlFKI still would like to see those numbers to be sure, but not enough to spend any more time02:07
xfxfya, fair enough - i think your existing code is fine, for this event i think we just keep doing what we usually do02:07
xfxfbefore next event I want to dig into this a little more02:07
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tumbleweedcopying C2, C3, and A302:17
lcaav-c1c1 has finished02:18
lcaav-a1 a1 done02:23
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lcaav-a2fyi according to the presenter these slides are intentionally glitchy02:39
railsnote that in the sheet please02:42
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lcaav-a2will do02:45
tumbleweedvideo LAN internet is going to go down for a minute02:46
tumbleweedall the IRC clients will reconnect02:47
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tumbleweedwelcome back02:47
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rogalaptop projector display issues in c302:53
xfxf-phone@pavelow: can you go to C3?02:54
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lcaav-a2_we're missing our MC02:56
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lcaav-c3_One of the speakers in C3 left a USB key behind this afternoon.03:00
lcaav-c3_It's on the lectern03:01
tpbTitle: Reviewer · CarlFK/veyepar Wiki · GitHub (at
tumbleweedlcaav-a1_: don't forget to switch back to the camera, when the watcher has had enough time to absorb the slides03:07
lcaav-a1_yep, have been switching to camera when appropriate (usually after 10 seconds when the speaker isn't referring to it)03:11
lcaav-a2_can we have help with hdmi from present03:45
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lcaav-a2_cancel that. All good03:45
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xfxflcaav-a2_: why is the presenter using a handheld mic for audio capture?04:02
xfxfthere's a 3.5mm plug - if it doesn't work call for one of us to help04:02
lcaav-a2_his 3.5mm jack doesn't work04:03
xfxfas in he knows it doesn't work, or you couldn't get audio from it?04:05
lcaav-a2_he knows and told us04:05
lcaav-a2_just before we started04:05
xfxfah, no worries, thanks :)04:05
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xfxfreminder to all rooms, mute the handheld when it's not being used.  we're getting wierd phasing going on (which makes audio sound a little space like) when the handheld is left on during a talk04:07
xfxfif there's two presenters who are using both mics, leave both on :)04:07
lcaav-c1_just turned our handheld off04:07
lcaav-c3_c3: ditto04:08
xfxfif the handheld is out of the dock, you will def notice a difference with it muted and unmuted04:08
xfxfthe issue is both mics will pick up the speaker at different distances, it will sound a bit wierd, noticable if you're wearing headphones04:08
lcaav-c1_i realise the difference now!04:09
xfxfrad.  sorry it took me until Thursday to discover this was happening (haven't had a chance to review videos directly until now)04:09
lcaav-c1_all good04:09
lcaav-a1_A1 done, will bring the sheet to AV room?04:21
xfxf-phoneyes please04:24
tumbleweedlcaav-a1_: thanks!04:30
tumbleweedA1 copying04:30
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lcaav-c2_C2 finished04:35
lcaav-c2_will bring sheets over04:35
tumbleweedC2 copying04:36
tumbleweedlcaav-c2_: stream loop please, not blank04:36
lcaav-c2_nice try04:37
lcaav-a2_a2 finished04:38
lcaav-c1_c1 is finished04:40
wcmckee-phonecan c1 bring sheet here04:40
wcmckee-phonemy legs are sore04:40
lcaav-a2_we'll bring sheets04:40
tumbleweedA2 copying04:40
tumbleweedC3 copying04:42
tumbleweedA1 copying04:43
tumbleweedlcaav-a3_: it looks like they're done. Can we stream loop?04:43
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tumbleweedlcaav-a3_: I'm just going to do that04:47
xfxf-phoneI'm running around to all rooms and checking mics and grabbing any missing rec sheets04:47
xfxf-phoneI can set all A to stream loop, am here04:47
wcmckee-phoneim missing a2 morning. they told me they brought it here but cant find it04:48
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wcmckee-phonei as not here when they brought it :(04:49
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wcmckee-phonesorry i mean a304:50
xfxf-phoneit's here. They never brought it over04:50
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wcmckee-phonec2 afternoon need to work on cut times. I'm having to add lots of time to the talks and they don't mention it on the timesheet.15:46
wcmckee-phonenvm, it's the  > button in veyepar that is not working correctly - there is no end time for it to move to.15:50
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CarlFKwhat isn't working?18:55
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CarlFK[m]charcol talk into edits?19:54
CarlFK[m]I'm about to print  another for today19:54
lcaav-c1talk into edits?19:57
lcaav-c1ohh, still a work in progress19:58
lcaav-c1"T" keyboard shortcut still not working on C1mix20:12
xfxf-phonelcaav-c1: working now?20:31
lcaav-c1nup, been using the mouse20:31
xfxf-phonewierd. I'll look at morning tea20:34
xfxf-phoneall other rooms tested ok? need any help?20:37
BenTomyep, pavelow and I have checked them20:39
xfxf-phoneawesome, ty20:50
wcmckee-phonei have arrived. going to start reviewing20:50
xfxf-phoneawesome, thanks20:52
xfxf-phonetumbleweed: was anything done with re-encoded review1's that have previously seen email state?20:53
xfxf-phoneI'm going to start pushing up >24hr old review2's after first session starts20:53
tumbleweedxfxf-phone: not yet20:56
xfxf-phonenp, let me know when you do. fyi @wcmckee-phone there's gonna be videos in review1's that you've already reviewed - I believe you can ignore them for now, new videos or edits can def be done though20:59
xfxf-phoneand ya later on today we will def grab more than just you doing this. we need to deal with any of the normal/harder videos too - want to get as much as possible into review2 by tonight as we can21:00
xfxf-phone(everything gets packed up tomorrow)21:00
tumbleweedxfxf-phone: honestly, it's probably easier to review them than to tdo this21:00
tumbleweedI'm tempted to just do review21:00
xfxf-phonesure, if that's easier, I'm ok with that21:00
xfxf-phonewhatever doesn't make people's life hard21:00
tumbleweedxfxf-phone: mind if I ask craig miller about poor performance to the LCA mirror? looks like shaping21:01
xfxf-phoneabsolutely, go for it21:01
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lcaav-a3_CarlFK here - just 2 talks in here in A3 today?21:14
tumbleweed2 double-length talks21:15
tumbleweedalso, I can't parse your hangouts message21:15
lcaav-a2_tumbleweed: thats because the font is wrong21:16
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tumbleweedall review_1 done21:36
xfxf-phoneall rooms good?21:39
lcaav-a2_A2 happy21:39
lcaav-c3_C3  good.21:39
lcaav-a1_A1 speakers laptop21:39
lcaav-a1_power plug does not fit21:39
lcaav-a1_in the socket thingo21:39
tumbleweeddo they have enough battery?21:40
lcaav-a1_yep 100%21:40
lcaav-a1_should be foine21:40
lcaav-c2_c2 good21:40
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lcaav-a3_a3 is good21:46
lcaav-c1c1 is good21:50
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tumbleweedCarlFK[m]: need more video
tpbTitle: veyepar: BlueHackers: a decade (at
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xfxf-phoneonce setup, can all rooms confirm all ok/happy?22:37
lcaav-c2_from C2 room monitor:  The room monitor comments at the start of the last talk needs to be cut out for legal reasons22:37
lcaav-c2_C2 all good22:41
lcaav-c1also a friendly reminder to check your phone is on silent/do not disturb (yes, personal experience talking here :()22:42
lcaav-c1we have low volume into the mixer22:43
lcaav-c1but we need to have the lapel at full volume which is causing some ringing in the room22:44
lcaav-c3_C3 happy22:44
lcaav-c1(by mixer I mean voctomix)22:44
BenTomwe've brought the mic level down a bit, seems fine now22:47
xfxf-phonelcaav-c2_: please note that on the sheet22:53
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railslcaav-a1: cameraman nice work, but zoom out if he's walking out of frame so much23:27
xfxflcaav-a2_: speaker constantly walking out of frame, pls don't let that happen23:27
xfxfsorry, a1, ignore a2 :)23:27
xfxfwhat rails said23:27
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