Tuesday, 2019-01-22

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lcaav-c1ryan here, that opsis is definitely dodgy.  i managed to completely break C1 by unplugging cables and had NFI what cables went where.  it's fixed now with original opsis but have swapped opsis's.  all is in order though on the podium & in voctomix00:13
lcaav-c1let me know if the issue keeps occuring.  the opsis both seemed fine to me00:13
tumbleweedlcaav-c1: :)00:15
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CarlFKxfxf: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/basics/rate-limiting00:31
tpbTitle: Rate Limiting — Twitter Developers (at developer.twitter.com)00:31
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lcaav-c3lost PA in C300:38
tumbleweedxfxf: ^^00:39
tumbleweedis someone helping them?00:39
tumbleweedlcaav-c3:  xfxf is on his way00:40
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keeperlcaav-c1: Yes, it had a 2019 label on the top.00:42
keeperThat opsis was in a3 (for the camera) last time I saw it (sunday).00:42
keeperAnd that was the only one with the input0 firmware from what I know.00:44
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xfxf-phoneall rooms happy/good?01:38
charcolC1 yep01:39
wcmckee-phoneim off for the next hour and a half. feel free to drop off complete recording sheets in av room when you can.01:40
tumbleweedcoffee service ends soon, for the day01:50
xfxf-phoneO O I'm over there now then01:50
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xfxfreminder: if you have a 'false' start (i.e. you hit cut, then there's problems which get sorted out, and then the talk starts), do a cut again and note it on the sheet02:08
xfxfwe ideally want a start 'cut' which is where the talk starts.  if you miss it all good - we can fix, but the videos go up quicker the less editing we're doing02:09
tumbleweedit never hurts to cut too many times02:12
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tumbleweedextra cuts give the editor options later02:12
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tumbleweedalso, cut after the applause, please02:13
tumbleweeda few talks seem to end a little suddnely02:13
lcaav-c3sorry... :/02:13
lcaav-c3will fix on future talks02:14
tumbleweedno worries02:14
tumbleweedminiconfs are where we learn :)02:14
* tumbleweed still start copying C video over02:19
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rjhw@xfxf C3 next talk we have been asked not to stream live.02:23
xfxfSure - put it on stream loop02:23
xfxfMake sure the presenter knows to let the conference organisers (not us) know if they don't want their talk released, so they can update the schedule data02:24
xfxf(They may already have revoked permissions in their dashboard - in which case, that's all we need)02:25
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clive_murphy-avc3 - could we have some help getting sound from latop to PA system02:32
tumbleweedxfxf: ^^02:33
clive_murphy-av*laptop (without 3.5mm out)02:34
xfxf-phoneyou can't. It's 3.5mm only02:34
xfxf-phoneThe workaround is the handheld mic near the laptop02:34
clive_murphy-avcool. will do.02:35
tumbleweedor borrow a USB -> 3.5" sound card02:35
tumbleweed3.5mm even02:36
xfxf-phoneAlso all: people who aren't speakers shouldn't be coming in during breaks and running impromptu sessions using microphones and projectors. They can use the space, but there's no AV. Make sure you all get breaks please :)02:36
tumbleweedfeel free to redirect things like this to the test station02:36
tumbleweedthis is why the test station exists02:36
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lcaav-c1disk usage in C1 has hit 75%03:38
tumbleweedlcaav-c1: thanks03:40
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lcaav-c1xfxf-phone: C1's camera seems a bit over exposed now (on the presenter, not just the background)03:50
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BenTomfyi we don't appear to have a room monitor in c203:53
BenTomprobably not necessary for miniconfs, but dunno if there should be regardless03:54
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xfxf-phonehave pinged LT04:02
xfxf-phonelcaav-c1: I'll come and fix soon04:05
xfxf-phoneAgree it's way overxposrd now, my bad04:05
BenTomall good, they're here now04:07
xfxfhey all, i'm writing up the room allocations now and noticing a few issues04:07
xfxfdo we have anyone from A2 who would be happy to join C1 instead for Wed > Fri?04:07
xfxfalso, Harry (please someone ack if he can see this / has been told), I've put you into C2 for Wed > Fri if that's OK04:08
lcaav-a2(harry) fab04:09
xfxf(people in A2 tomorrow are Clive, Courtney and Tahlia)04:09
lcaav-a2i shall ask tahlia04:10
xfxf(but we only have 2 in C2 - it's best to have only 2 in A2/A3 because it will get rather hot in the back room with more people and it's quite small back there!)04:10
xfxfthanks.  if you'd all prefer to stay there that's OK too, but see above :)04:10
xfxfif any of you have the link on your phone you're welcome to look at the spreadsheet I emailed out, it's updated04:11
xfxfi'll avoid pasting the link here because we shouldn't open the web browser on the recording machines (can cause issues)04:11
lcaav-a2tahlia will move to c104:24
xfxf-phoneno worries - thankyou04:25
lcaav-a2all good04:25
xfxf-phoneI'll chuck the allocations sheet up on the projector tomorrow morning too during morning briefing04:25
BenTomall done in c204:36
BenTomI'll drop the sheets at hq04:38
xfxf-phoneexcellent, ty04:39
lcaav-a2just finished in a204:39
lcaav-c1all done in c1, wcmckee-phone just picked up our sheets04:39
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tumbleweedcopying from C1 & C204:40
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tumbleweedlcaav-a2: please use stream loop not stream blank04:41
tumbleweedcoping from A204:43
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wcmckee-phoneeveryone can stop looking for my laptop charger, tumbleweed had taken them.04:56
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CarlFKupload_formats=webm mp405:17
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tumbleweedCarlFK: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_test_image05:59
tpbTitle: Standard test image - Wikipedia (at en.wikipedia.org)05:59
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wcmckee-phonePlease try to cut when the clapping dies down - just watched another video where it was cut as the speaker was being thanked for speaking and before the claps.12:04
wcmckee-phonealso got another where you stay on the same slide for seven minutes without switching back to the speaker. It's over a third of the talk.12:09
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CarlFKI cant login to https://login.linux.conf.au/manage/private/login or https://login.linux.conf.au/idp/profile/SAML2/Redirect/SSO?execution=e1s219:33
tpbTitle: linux.conf.au SSO - Stale Request (at login.linux.conf.au)19:33
CarlFKanyone which is odd.  anyone else having issues?19:33
tchaypoWhat error are you getting? It’s working for me19:35
tchaypoThere’s an auth failure in the logs but I’m not sure if it’s recent or you19:36
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CarlFKtchaypo: that was likely me "         The password you entered was incorrect.     "19:38
CarlFKtchaypo: never mind.  dug up my pw, it's wokring now.  FF's memory is going bad :p19:42
tumbleweedpost_yt got a little stuck last night, unsticking it19:47
tumbleweedmissing webms are part of the problem19:47
tumbleweedCarlFK: Gen-Z has a end-of-file cut19:49
lcaav-a2_We have an issue where we only get audio from laptop (3.5mm) and we only get projectors for hdmi19:55
keeperlcaav-a2_: Please elaborate, what do you expect to happen, and what's happening instead.19:56
xfxf-phonethat is normal - audio over HDMI won't work, you have to use the 3.5mm cable..19:56
xfxf-phoneI'll come over to A2 soon though19:57
BenTomwhen HDMI is selected on the lecturn the projectors work, when laptop is selected the projectors stop working but the 3.5mm audio works19:58
xfxf-phonehmm, something changed then. Will get AV tech to come over and look19:59
xfxf-phoneCan you stay there?19:59
keeperYou should always be in laptop mode.19:59
tumbleweedor HDMI mode, I think?20:00
xfxf-phoneTech coming over now20:00
keeperAh right, some rooms are different. Ignore me.20:00
lcaav-c2c2 recording sheets needed20:04
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lcaav-c3c3 recording sheets needed20:08
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tumbleweedxfxf-phone: darn, I thought we had another day's grace, but C1 ran out of space overnight20:09
tumbleweedso, no video of the opening20:09
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lcaav-a2_we've also got a hiss; both mics are off and 3.5mm is unplugged20:10
tumbleweedlcaav-c1: stream live20:10
tumbleweedI've freeed 93G an C1 by deleting after-hours video20:11
xfxf-phoneHi all, we're starting to notice prod uction issues in recorded videos nobody reported to us.  Audio problems (wear your headphones while mixing always!!), slides or camera being left on for over 5 minutes without switching, etc20:17
xfxf-phonePlease make sure you are always paying attention - it's easy to get engrossed in the talk and forget to look at the mixing computer or the camera20:18
wcmckee-phoneive arrived in av room20:29
lcaav-a2_xfxf-phone: we've got a hiss in a2; doesn't appear to be mics or 3.5mm20:38
xfxf-phonewhat happens if you mute all 3 inputs?20:39
lcaav-a2_nice, it was the lecturn20:39
lcaav-a2_... which is already removed - should we just keep it muted?20:40
tumbleweedyes, mute it20:41
xfxf-phoneYa keep it muted. This goes for all rooms20:44
xfxf-phoneAssume phantom power on that line is causing the sound20:45
thepatr1ckxfxf-phone: has dynamic contrast ended up on again in C1?20:47
pavelowYeah, not much contrast on the dark images on the slides20:48
tumbleweedthey've encoding the HDMI signal down to something for the long runs (over ethernet), it looses some detail (and dynamic range, by the look of it)20:51
xfxf-phoneCan someone take a photo please20:53
xfxf-phoneOf both projectors20:53
xfxf-phoneOf the issue occuring20:53
thepatr1ckI have a photo but only shows one projector & confidence display20:54
xfxf-phoneI need more than that - next time you see it pls take a photo20:55
thepatr1ckHard to do from this angle but will try20:55
xfxf-phoneI need something more solid to report upstream :)20:55
xfxf-phoneAlready had Richard (uni AV) fiddle with them a fair bit yesterday20:56
xfxf-phoneWhat @tumbleweed said is probably bang on but I'll report it anyway20:56
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xfxf-phoneall - please be back at rooms asap, presenters already in there testing without you21:19
xfxf-phone(grab morning tea before morning tea time)21:19
xfxf-phoneStill some time obvs, 10.40 is when things start21:19
xfxf-phoneBut 10.20 recommend latest you're back by21:20
lcaav-a2_we're missing recording sheets21:27
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xfxf-phone@CarlFK: ping above21:31
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lcaav-c1is there a trick to getting audio from laptop?  plugged into 3.5mm but we can't hear anything21:38
lcaav-a1a1 still has a hiss when all mics are muted21:40
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lcaav-c1all good re: audio21:42
CarlFKlcaav-a2_: can you confirm you have sheets now?21:45
CarlFKand everyone else too please.21:45
lcaav-a2_yep we have sheets, thanks21:45
BenTomall rooms have sheets21:45
lcaav-c2we have sheets21:45
CarlFKyay.. thanks.21:45
lcaav-c1we have sheets21:45
railslcaav-a3: this guy looks like a walker, zoom out and cut to slides if you ned to move the frame etc21:46
CarlFKlcaav-c1: you should have 2 page1's.  rip up the extra one.21:46
lcaav-c1all good21:46
railstry not to move the camera while it's live :)21:46
charcolThanks Carl21:47
xfxf-phoneDo all rooms now have at least 2 people? Please acknowledge21:47
lcaav-c1we do21:47
pavelowc3 ack21:48
lcaav-c2yep we do21:48
railslcaav-a3: hello?21:48
xfxf-phone(please be back at rooms 15 mins before talks start all, this causes us all stress if rooms are empty or only has 1 person and the presenter is wondering wtf is happening)21:48
tumbleweedCarlFK: look at win 1 of the tmux, the -d flag doesn't seem to be having any effect on adddv and tsdv21:52
railslcaav-c1: try to keep to adjusting the camera while slides are up, work together with your camera op and mixer op :)21:53
charcolHearing a high pitches kind of constant buzz that fades in and out. Different to room ringing. Hard to diagnose because laptop audio plus both lapels are going and can't mute things21:54
charcolBarely noticeable though21:54
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railslcaav-c3; did the presenter decline to be recorded?21:57
railsyoure hanging on slides a lot21:57
charcolRinging update: muting the laptop worked21:58
xfxf-phoneis the laptop plugged into AC?22:00
xfxf-phoneIf it isn't you'll get noise on the line22:01
xfxf-phone(the presenters laptop)22:01
wcmckee-phonekarl - talk id 14596 needs fixed on youtube, i encoded wrong time but fixed it now. it is still showing old video.22:27
tumbleweedCarlFK: ^^ handling it?22:30
wcmckee-phoneno rush22:31
tumbleweedlooks like he isn't so I will22:31
railslcaav-a1: your camera isnt focusing nicely :(22:33
railsare you on manual22:33
railslcaav-a1: stream loop between talks!22:34
lcaav-a1yeah, we noticed that. ryan is taking a look at the focus now22:34
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tumbleweedwcmckee-phone: re-uploaded22:47
xfxf-phoneA1 didn't do stream loop because I was fiddling with things. My bad22:48
railslcaav-a2, lcaav-c3 your rooms are dark, please notice that the speaker is not well lit22:53
lcaav-c3there are more front lights we could turn on.  Would that help?22:54
xfxf-phoneyes. As much as you can without washing out the slides.22:55
xfxf-phoneProb around 30-35%22:55
xfxf-phoneNote these bloody uni systems reset at arbitrary times so you will need to check and re-set levels during the day22:55
railslcaav-c3: VERY dark22:58
railsplease turn up lights22:58
tumbleweedwcmckee-phone: I reniced some things to get you keynote previews sooner23:02
lcaav-c3It's pretty bright in here now.23:02
xfxfpavelow: can you help c3?23:04
pavelowxfxf: on my way23:04
xfxfmaybe someone changed the camera exposure/gain (nobody apart from core should be touching camera exposure/gain)23:04
xfxfif you need help, let me know23:04
pavelowshould be better now23:06
xfxfexcellent, what was the issue?23:06
xfxfit doesn't look that much better tbh23:06
xfxfi'll come down and play with the exposure, i suspect it's been changed23:06
pavelowstream looks somewhat dimmer than the live preview23:09
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tumbleweedwcmckee-phone: Keynote previews are generated23:22
xfxf-phoneAll rooms: the person mixing the video should also be wearing the headphones. if audio and video are out of sync (we have noticed some recordings are) please tell us23:28
xfxf-phoneThese are difficult to fix and will cause us headaches if not resolved23:28
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tumbleweedcopying A1 and A323:29
railsa2 doesnt have a room monitor?23:32
tumbleweedcopying C123:34
tumbleweedand A223:35

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