Thursday, 2017-01-19

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xfxfav_wellington_1: still flickering?00:03
xfxfav_boardwalk: explain again please, don't understand00:03
av_plenaryxfxf: Alan says that the black magic card needs to be adjusted to keep the levels reasonable both in the room and on the stream and recording.00:06
av_boardwalkall ok fixed by Westpoint staff00:07
xfxfah, didn't realise the Blackmagic card had those options00:07
xfxftumbleweed: can you investigate if the gstreamer component has options for volume?00:07
xfxfdont change it live, change during break00:08
tumbleweedI don't see any such options00:08
xfxfsend my thx to Alan.  haven't needed to adjust before (usually digital sources don't have a volume option) but if the hardware/driver is capable then makes sense00:08
tumbleweedbut there will be volume controls on the camera00:09
xfxfyeah, that is maxed00:09
tumbleweedthen the best thing you can do is something in the gstreamer pipeline00:09
tumbleweedcompression or something00:09
tumbleweedI think CarlFK does compression during encoding?00:09
xfxfwould prefer not doing that, don't want to raise the noise floor00:09
xfxfyeah he does very light normalisation of audio00:10
xfxfI keep meaning to fiddle with the melt options to improve it00:10
xfxfboosting it in prod or in the pipeline will increase the background noise floor tho, which isn't ideal00:10
xfxfhow is the sound on the stream?00:10
xfxfif clear and loud enough it's probably good enough00:11
tumbleweedit was fine earlier00:11
av_plenaryThe young AV guy just ran up to say it was clipping on the stream.  I don't know why he knew and nobody else apparently did.00:11
tumbleweedhe listens to the stream :)00:11
xfxfok, clipping is bad, should fix00:11
xfxfprefer low volume to clipping00:11
av_plenaryIt is fixed, Alan reduced the input levels a bit.00:12
xfxfrad, ta00:16
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xfxfall rooms: we're noticing a/v sync is WAY off in a bunch of rooms.  are you guys noticing this?  wearing headphones + watching screens I hope?00:24
xfxfwellington1, boardwalk for sure, checking others00:24
av_tasman_aTasman A doesn't seem to have a problem00:24
xfxfthis is not someting easily fixed in prod (i.e. it won't be) so this is important00:24
av_boardwalklook ok to me00:24
av_wellington_1looks ok for me00:25
xfxfok, to me, it looks like audio is about 0.5 sec behind video00:25
av_tasman_aplease specify which rooms have problems00:26
xfxfmaybe specific to sreaming00:26
xfxfi can't tell easily because you guys are mostly on slides00:26
xfxfi'll come to rooms to check00:26
xfxfchecked all rooms - sync seems fine.  think it is specific to streaming only.  sorry for false alarm!00:34
av_tasman_bcmithro, tasman bc has graphical issues00:36
av_tasman_bcxfxf, ^00:37
xfxfheading there now00:37
mithroI'm in av_tasman_bc right now - not seeing any issues?00:40
av_tasman_bcmithro, xfxf fixed it00:41
av_tasman_bcinput1 on etc00:41
xfxfmithro: had to do 'input1 on' again, WER issues before that.  thinkpad with mDP dongle00:41
av_boardwalkgetting white noise in Boardwalk, not sure why00:57
jeaav_wellington_2: would you be able to reframe your camera a bit. i suggest showing the sign at the bottom, so we have less 'blank' space at the top of the screen00:58
jeathanks :)00:58
av_tasman_bcjea, is our room more quiet than other rooms?00:59
jeaav_tasman_bc: it is quieter, but I can hear it alright. happy for it to go up a bit if you can00:59
av_tasman_bcWe're pretty high up out of the sound board, and the gain on the yamaha is almost at max01:00
av_tasman_bcjea, ^01:00
av_tasman_bcxfxf, mithro: is the screen shudder race cond being worked now, or later?01:03
mithroshudder? you mean the single frame flicker or?01:04
av_tasman_bcThat's a race cond, yeah?01:04
av_plenaryWe've been getting some... something... in the projector capture in here.01:11
av_plenaryIt's... weird.01:11
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xfxfav_plenary: omw01:11
av_tasman_bcjea, we're as loud as others now?01:13
jeayes you are01:14
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xfxfall rooms: make sure presenters plug their laptops into power.  i think what's happening is laptops are going to sleep... and when they wake up they re-activate their displays01:19
av_tasman_bcand the opsis never see a clean disconnect/reconnect or something?01:20
av_tasman_bcopses* (for plural?)01:20
xfxfthere's a bug with the opsis gateware currently which impacts some laptops - when we run in and type something on the laptop at the front + it then fixes01:20
xfxflaptops on power mean they shouldn't go to sleep or turn off their displays (or at least as quickly...)01:21
jeawe are going to add extra signal detection in later (ie. when an EDID is requested, do a reset if needed)01:21
xfxfalso, if you didn't see before, make sure people don't put their wireless microphone belt packs in their rear pocket01:21
xfxfpeople are sitting on the belt packs and damaging the mics... :/01:21
xfxfvenue has already had to swap a bunch, they don't have any more01:21
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av_wellington_2the bof session in here will use the audio during the lunch break, don't record.01:28
xfxfmark that on the sheets01:29
xfxfoh, wait01:29
xfxfif it's a BoF during lunch, it's not on the sheet01:29
xfxfwe'll ignore any recording files not associated with a talk01:29
av_tasman_ashould they log off?01:29
xfxfso is fine01:29
xfxftumbleweed: are we safe to log off now?01:29
xfxfi think so, let me check01:29
tumbleweedxfxf: yeah01:30
xfxfso, yes, do that01:30
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av_wellington_2Rob here - not sure if team saw that, so I'm logging off for them01:32
tumbleweedI'm starting syncs01:33
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tumbleweedor I was, lunch got in the way, back to syncs...01:58
CarlFKoh hell.... the default is not to replace youtube .... so when we reencode, post_yt skips it and moves onto the next step.02:05
CarlFKadding replace=true to veyepar.cfg on gw1 (where post_yt run )  so that is now the default.02:09
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CarlFKtumbleweed: where is post_yt running?02:17
xfxftumbleweed: has rsync stopped on the recording machines now?02:18
CarlFKI need to restart it so it re-reads the conf file02:19
xfxfalso wondering whether the issues you guys have seen in the past with ffmpeg dropping out might be related to rsyncing files during the day - if disk I/o is starved I can see voctocore dropping that sink02:19
CarlFKtumbleweed: nm, found it.02:19
av_wellington_2audio is coming through on headphones but not on venue speakers02:20
CarlFKav_wellington_2 on way to you02:20
tumbleweedxfxf: yes, we didn't get plenary finished, but the others did02:24
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chris-plenaryAny rooms need an extra?02:29
av_plenaryRestarted voctogui for A/V desync.02:29
xfxfav_plenary: thx02:31
av_plenaryIt's still desynced.  Can someone check the stream, make sure it isn't also screwed?02:31
xfxftumbleweed: i have vague suspicions inducing high disk i/o (rsync) during launch is causing issues - can we pls only do in evenings from now on?02:33
xfxfav_plenary: checking02:33
xfxfmight be your USB audio interface being stupid (which only affects monitoring)02:33
jeaaudio and video seems to be in sync for me on the stream02:34
av_plenaryOK, I'll just keep restarting voctogui and letting you know.02:34
xfxflooks OK here02:34
xfxfnext break i'll come reboot that machine02:34
av_plenaryRestarted voctogui.02:35
tumbleweedxfxf: logging out around lunch should make that a non-issue02:35
tumbleweedbut I think only one room did that02:35
xfxftumbleweed: ack, i'm taking the paranoid view, it might be a non-issue, but i'd prefer to avoid doing it until we're 100% sure that's not causing any desync issues02:36
xfxfoh, right, sorry - indeed, pretty sure all were left in02:36
av_tasman_aseem to be getting a flicker of the slides here02:36
xfxflogged in*02:36
xfxfa: coming02:36
tumbleweedalso, tomorrow we probably need to sync during lunch02:36
tumbleweedtime is always tight02:36
tumbleweedxfxf: take a new remdere02:37
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xfxftumbleweed: as long as we log out and log machines during lunch, np02:40
xfxflog in*02:40
xfxfI am accidentally words02:40
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av_tasman_bcI don't think there's much to be done for netsplits02:50
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xfxfhi guys, please make sure you guys do not have water anywhere near the equipment03:11
xfxfthe mixing desks are $20K each03:11
* av_plenary gets out the dehumidifier03:12
av_wellington_1xfxf: you're right; the laptop display isn't working03:12
xfxfwe would prefer no liquid anywhere on the desks at all03:12
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xfxfav_wellington_1: haha oh dear.  need me to come down?03:12
av_wellington_1yes please03:12
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av_plenaryCan someone check the stream, I'm getting some noise and crackle in the voctomix machine headphones, but nobody else up here is getting it.  Want to make sure it's just my headphones and nothing more drastic.03:24
jeaav_plenary: all good on the stream here03:26
xfxfav_plenary: i'll come next break and listen there03:27
av_plenaryIt was just one burst of noise for a minute or so, hasn't happened since.  Probably just the headphones being funky.03:27
xfxfdoesn't sound like a headphone thing03:28
xfxfplease note on sheet with approximate time it happened03:28
av_plenaryJust figured out I can make something similar happen if I push the wires on the headphones just the right way.03:29
xfxfah, there you go03:30
jeaav_tasman_a: please make sure you are watching the camera, because sometimes donna is walking out of shot03:31
av_tasman_awe know03:31
av_tasman_awe weren't sure we should pan around03:31
av_tasman_aok, we'll follow her wandering :-)03:32
jeaav_tasman_a: it does get hard. don't move it too much, but if you can see she might go out of frame, pan slowly03:33
jeafor donna we need two cameras, one from each side :)03:34
av_tasman_awe'll do our best.03:34
av_tasman_ayes please03:34
av_plenaryRestarted voctogui for A/V desync.03:40
xfxfperson should never ever walk out of frame03:41
xfxfif you need to pan or zoom out, do that03:41
xfxfthat's why there are two vollies per room... one operates the camera03:41
tumbleweedI think it's time to point out again.03:45
tpbTitle: Carl Rants - Live from the TOC (at
xfxfplease don't click on that from the capture machines03:47
xfxfit might cause desync issues :P03:47
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av_wellington_1presenters laptop is not visible in Voctogui (and by extension, the overhead)04:24
* tumbleweed is on his way04:24
av_wellington_1.... using debian - no system settings ui - using RandR04:25
tumbleweedthe best way :)04:28
xfxfall rooms good?04:51
av_tasman_agood here04:51
av_plenarygood here04:51
av_tasman_bcgood here04:51
av_wellington_1all good here04:52
CarlFKRed Two standing by.04:52
av_tasman_bcme too thanks04:53
av_tasman_ajust saw a quick glitch in the camera feed.  Isn't ongoing, Isn't affecting output. Just for information05:18
av_plenaryxfxf, *might* need help in plenary. Karen with vga05:32
av_plenaryxfxf, nvm, all good05:33
xfxfdo you need me?05:33
xfxfthere's a scaler at the front05:33
av_plenarythe image is shuddering05:34
av_plenaryevery so often05:34
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av_plenary_g2is that any better?05:36
av_plenaryav_plenary_g2, haven't seen it tear in a little while05:37
av_wellington_1we're done for the day05:39
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av_wellington_1we'll log out and you can sync05:40
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xfxftumbleweed: ^05:43
av_plenaryRestarted  voctogui due to desynced a/v - fixed it05:43
xfxfta. def need to look at that after the conf05:44
tumbleweedxfxf: yep, syncing05:49
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av_plenarysome 1/3 of a second dropouts abbout 15sec ago05:58
av_plenarycan hear through audio desk as well05:59
av_plenary(ok now)05:59
xfxfok, don't bother noting on sheet, nothing we can do about it05:59
xfxfif you can hear it through audio desk it'll be venue av equipment05:59
xfxfalan's probably already on it05:59
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GoldLeaderStanding By06:18
tpbTitle: veyepar: Life in the Armoury (at
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av_plenarySome interference here during this talk. Very little, just unaware of cause ~06:25
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av_tasman_aTasman A has now finished for the day.  I'll log off shortly and bring the sheet in to the TOC06:30
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jeathanks av_tasman_a06:31
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CarlFKxfxf: what?11:40
CarlFKjea: PING gw1 ( 56(84) bytes of data.11:46
CarlFKssh [email protected]11:46
CarlFKxfxf: what talk?11:58
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xfxfjea: where you at?22:00
xfxfto all: wellington isn't being recorded today.  have told well 2 not to log in, just one person is operating mixer for mics22:02
xfxfav_plenary: all good?22:05
av_plenarySide camera's glitchy, but I think Ben's fiddling with it.22:05
xfxfi'll come over22:06
av_plenary_g1im restarting side camera, do not switch to it22:08
av_plenaryRoger dodger22:08
av_plenary_g1you seeing it again?22:09
av_plenarySeems OK now.22:09
av_plenaryRestarted voctogui for A/V desync.22:12
av_plenary_g1keynote presenter apparently is a pacer22:13
av_plenary_g1i've told him to try and stay near his podium22:13
av_plenary_g1i'd suggest if he paces, just zoom out so you're framing his entire body on stage22:13
av_plenary_g1and fill the frame22:13
xfxfguys, zoom out22:26
xfxfchasing the top half of the presenter doesn't look great22:26
xfxfif he's a wanderer, just zoom out so his entire body is in the frame22:27
xfxfhis head should be near top, not in the middle22:27
av_plenaryWe have a plan... cut to wide shot when he heads back to the podium22:27
av_plenaryWe're just trying to get the main framing right22:27
xfxfzoom out please22:28
xfxfyou're cutting off his feet22:28
xfxfframe his entire body including head/feet inside of the frame22:28
jeabut don't do it while you are on that shot please22:29
av_plenaryWhat's interesting about his feet?22:29
xfxfthe current framing doesn't look good22:29
av_plenaryWhat about that last one?22:30
jeayes, that was alright22:30
xfxfthat's better, thanks22:31
xfxfbtw we wouldn't normally frame feet, but due to the angle of the camera in plenary, it's the only chance you have of making wanderers look half decent22:32
av_plenaryWe wanted to get closer on his face because it's so wonderfully animated22:32
xfxfthat would be good but you have to be super fluid with tripod movements22:34
av_plenaryThe plan was to use the side camera and slides more to mask his going back to the podium22:34
xfxfokay, i was commenting on because what i was watching didn't look too hot22:34
xfxfif you think you can do it well, you're welcome to try again22:34
av_plenaryYeah, we haven't practiced this before.  <grin>22:35
xfxfindeed, hence why suggesting easier framing22:35
xfxfwanderers are fun++22:35
av_plenaryPfft, easy is no fun.22:35
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xfxfsoz for being pedantic, keynotes i care very much about producing nicely22:44
xfxfi'm less pedantic with talks22:44
CarlFKkeynote shoes are a very important part of lca.22:47
xfxfI'm not going to hear the end of this one, am I22:48
CarlFKI can't see you shoes.  you are dead to me.22:49
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av_plenaryI love it when a plan comes together.22:58
CarlFK                                 Mostly Erlang - Chicago Erlang Conference23:23
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av_tasman_aThe Presenters' slides are not appearing in voctogui23:31
av_tasman_a... the Presenter is using Windows and the OS can "see" the external monitor23:31
av_wellington_1native hdmi isn't working here (laptop detects the output, but isn't displaying on it)23:34
tumbleweedav_wellington_1: how's that?23:36
av_wellington_1yep, all fixed23:36
av_plenaryRestarted voctogui for A/V desync.23:49
xfxfhooray desync23:49
av_plenary<shrug>  Bugs gonna bug.23:53
av_plenaryBad bugs are the ones you don't have a trivial workaround for.23:54

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