Wednesday, 2017-01-18

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xfxfav_boardwalk: unsure, keep a eye on it00:00
av_wellington_22for info have chatted to presenters and they would rather put mute on when it suits them. They accept that the video will be impacted but said "it's a workshop, not a talk - it might nor suit video well00:02
jeaav_wellington_22: yes, that is fine00:04
xfxfav_wellington_22: it's ultimately up to them for workshops, just make sure you note it on the sheet00:05
xfxfalso remind them that even though they might not care about it being recorded, i bet there are people who do care00:05
xfxfi personally don't like recording tutorials/workshops but when I don't record them lots of people complain...00:05
av_wellington_22yeah - will have another chat with the chaps on the side00:06
xfxfbut yeah, they don't always translate that great to video, lots of dead air00:06
xfxfbut people seem to watch them...00:06
xfxfav_wellington_22: i'm hearing reports there is/was feedback/ringing from the mic in that room - have you placed the lav mic up high / pointing at the person's throat?00:08
av_plenary_g1av_plenary: I've just noticed the next session here has two presenters, so I'll wire them both up with lapel mics.00:08
xfxfif the mic isn't placed properly and you raise the volume too much you're gonna have a bad time00:08
xfxfav_plenary_g1: sure, just make sure AV at the back is aware00:09
av_plenary_g1That's why I sent the message to them.  <grin>00:09
av_wellington_22yip, mike looks ok. AV chap from the hotel has adjusted settings on the board and seems happy00:12
xfxfsuper happy with venue AV, they've been great00:15
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tpbTitle: veyepar - Show: Lca2017 (at
mithroI've needed to do an "input1 on" on the opsis in plenary the last couple of talk00:38
av_plenary_g1av_plenary: Lucky you, two presenters, they're going to be moving around a bit, they've promised to stick to about the right-hand third of the stage.  Perhaps lots of long-shots...00:38
av_plenaryav_plenary_g1, mics are off says AV guy.  If you want to turn them on, he can mute them from here00:38
xfxfmithro: should we be changing the cable and/or opsis?00:39
av_plenary_g1av_plenary: I'll let them know, and do a sound check now.00:39
mithroxfxf: I wouldn't00:39
xfxfav_plenary_g1: plenary is different from other rooms, leaving mics on is OK because we have a dedicated venue dude handling the desk up there00:39
av_tasman_bcxfxf, if you need another edit volunteer, there might be a spare in av_tasman_a00:39
av_tasman_bcmithro, noted00:39
xfxfoh, great, thanks00:39
mithroWe are getting a lot of sound inside Tasman A (from I assume Tasam B/C) - not really sure anything can be done about that00:43
tumbleweedask the speaker to tone it down?00:44
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av_tasman_bcWe're a bit quieter now00:45
av_spare_g12 too long :(00:45
tpbTitle: veyepar: Managing performance parameters through systemd (at
av_tasman_bcCamera -> Opsis -> Mixer just flickered00:55
av_tasman_bcLooked like left and right side of picture swapped sides briefly00:56
jeaav_tasman_a: is there an unmuted mic in your room? there are reports of static in the audio, and I can hear something on the stream00:58
av_spare_g1 audio too soft up until 2:4000:59
tpbTitle: veyepar: Imposter Syndrome (at
av_tasman_ano, only the lapel thats in use00:59
jeaav_tasman_a: ok00:59
av_tasman_athere is static on the line when the main feed is muted01:00
jeaoh interesting. might need to get the venue to look at that01:00
jeahow long has that been around01:00
av_tasman_anoticed it when I entered the room this morning01:01
jeaok. not there yesterday?01:01
av_tasman_aunsure, new operators for this room01:01
jeano worries01:02
av_spare_g12 video was not shifted to speaker/camera01:08
tpbTitle: veyepar: Why Twisted Is The Best And How It Will Make Your Application Awesome (at
xfxfav_spare_g12: if a video can't be fixed, mark it as 'borked'01:10
CarlFKxfxf: #lca2017 @aurynn Human-Driven Development - aurynn shaw
tumbleweedjea: how often did youtube want key frames?01:10
jeatumbleweed: 4 seconds or less01:11
tumbleweedI'll try 2 seconds01:11
tumbleweedwhen a room is finished, let me know, and we can play withit01:11
av_tasman_ajea, we are close to finishing if you want to have a look at the system01:16
CarlFK   def mk_tweet(self, prefix, twitter_ids, video_name, authors, video_url):01:19
av_tasman_ajea, all mic's are now muted. Noise is still on the line01:28
jeaav_tasman_a: venue AV is coming to look in the break01:29
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av_tasman_aAV team have found the issue to be with the mixing desk. They have moved a few channels to improve the noise, though it hasn't fixed the issue completely.02:09
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av_plenaryav_plenary_g1, are you getting video on the screen to the side?02:27
av_plenaryrestarted gui for sync again02:31
jeatumbleweed: still getting the issue every so often. stream keeps working though02:34
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tumbleweedjea: hrm, dunno02:54
tumbleweedwe are doing the h264parse thing every 2 seconds02:54
jeayeah, not too sure. I'm going to continue ignoring it for now02:56
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av_boardwalk2tumbleweed, need your help03:26
av_boardwalk2< ryan03:26
av_boardwalk2nm, sorted03:27
av_boardwalk2everything broke03:27
av_boardwalk2explain when back03:27
tumbleweedav_boardwalk2: looks like you lost your USB audio momentarily03:28
xfxfpulseaudio decided to suddenly mux multiple inputs03:31
av_tasman_ajust seemed to get a quick video glitch.  will watch out for any more03:42
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av_plenary_floorohai! figured I'd keep an eye on things from down here.03:44
CarlFKhello floor03:45
xfxfapparently the floors are sentient in hobart03:45
av_tasman_bcand running an irc client03:45
av_tasman_bcwhich is arguably more concerning03:46
jeatumbleweed: can i get docker on gw1 please?03:46
av_tasman_bccamera opsis just shuddered again03:47
jeaav_tasman_bc: but came back to normal?03:48
xfxfmithro: anything we should be doing?  rebooting the opsis's, or leaving them?03:49
mithroWhat is shuddering?03:49
av_tasman_bcl/r side of frame swapping for a frame or two03:50
av_tasman_bcvertical line of static in the middle03:50
av_tasman_asounds like what I had momentarily03:51
av_tasman_bcI posted it earlier, and captured in in vocto03:51
av_tasman_bcI can show you later03:52
av_tasman_bcmithro, ^03:52
mithroav_tasman_bc: Okay, please do03:52
av_tasman_ajust had another one here03:53
tumbleweedjea: you have a docker03:56
xfxfdoes this mean all encoding will now be pushed out to the cloud?03:56
xfxfhilariously we probably have enough outbound to actually do that03:57
jeatumbleweed: thanks :)03:57
jeaav_wellington_22: could you remind the presenters that people are using the live stream and following along, so they can't assume that nobody is watching04:02
jeathat is for the next presentation, don't worry about this one obviously04:02
av_tasman_bcjust happened again04:03
av_tasman_bc^^ purely for timestamping04:03
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jeaav_tasman_bc: ok, i think we might restart the opsis in the break and see if that helps04:03
av_tasman_bcit's both camera and presenters though04:03
jeaoh really? interesting04:04
av_tasman_bclast one was presenter04:04
jeaat the same time?04:04
xfxfmithro: i need a call from you as to what we should do04:12
xfxfreboot opsis, leave it alone?04:12
xfxftasman a and b+c reporting occasional 1 frame flicker04:12
xfxfi would prefer to reboot, but you may not for debug reasons04:12
CarlFKmplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video104:20
CarlFKxfxf: #lca2017 Opening & Welcome - @chrisjrn @o0karen0o
av_plenaryanother gui restart due to sync04:51
xfxfwierd it's happening to you and not the others05:10
xfxfbut thx05:10
tumbleweedthat room does have lots of sources05:11
av_plenaryout of sync again, got someone else to confirm (I'm not going mad!)05:14
tumbleweedI was watching the log, nothing was reported05:14
jeawatching the stream, i think it is alright05:15
tumbleweedav_plenary: after the talk, please log out and in again05:15
jeaif it is out, it is so slight that I am not worried05:15
av_plenaryrestarting the gui seems to fix it (if temporarily)  but will try log out and in next break05:16
av_tasman_bcdoes gui restart interrupt streaming/recording?05:16
av_tasman_bcor :(05:16
tumbleweederr, sorry05:16
tumbleweedgui restart doesn't05:16
tumbleweedlogout does05:16
av_tasman_bconly stops you sending input switch and cut commands, yeah?05:17
CarlFK"restart gui" is kinda vague05:23
tumbleweedvoctogui, presumably05:23
tumbleweedbut that was why you got a confusing answer from me05:24
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xfxfall rooms OK?05:27
av_plenaryok here05:27
av_wellington_1yep, but we're done for the day (nothing else scheduled)05:27
av_tasman_aok here05:27
tumbleweedav_wellington_1: log out, and I'll sync video back to our server05:28
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tumbleweedCarlFK: wellington1 has rsynced05:38
CarlFKtumbleweed: thanks05:39
CarlFKI got elected!05:39
tumbleweed /o\ ?05:40
CarlFKmostly good05:40
CarlFKIt means I need to show up every 2 weeks for the board meeting to approve paying the garbage bill05:41
tumbleweedCarlFK: I'll try to get wellington1 to do some sync_raxing of its videos from today05:43
tumbleweedthe bottleneck with sync_rax is I/O, so doing that on the laptops makes sense05:44
mithroKeith's phone is causing phone sounds on the microphone it seems.. (in plenary)05:45
av_plenaryyeah, we can hear it too05:45
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av_boardwalkMy gui just froze, so I logged in again.05:53
jeaav_boardwalk: we were just dealing with some stuff05:53
av_boardwalkDid that fix it for you?05:54
av_boardwalkNo probs05:54
jeaif it freezes, don't log out, just close the gui and re open it05:55
jeaav_boardwalk: some more things could happen. be prepared to restart GUI of voctomix again if needed, but don't log out05:56
tumbleweedjea: is the boardwalk stream looking better now?05:57
xfxfwhat's the uptime on the boardwalk machine?05:58
xfxfthinking we should reboot daily05:58
tumbleweedwe did05:58
xfxfoh wierd05:58
xfxfwtf is with pulse on that machine then05:59
jeatumbleweed: looks a bit better. i'm think just leave it for now, and can deal with it later if needed05:59
* tumbleweed wil go back to killing pulses on logout05:59
tumbleweedI thought I didn't need to, with my systemd stuff05:59
CarlFKtumbleweed: how do I ssh to bigbox?06:09
tumbleweedCarlFK: same password as gw1 (or keys)06:09
CarlFKwat is the host name?06:14
av_tasman_aTasman A has just finished.  We'll log off and drop off sheets to the TOC06:17
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tpbTitle: git - Deploy software (or files) from git checkouts Ansible Documentation (at
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tpbTitle: 0.12.0+ds-2 : prometheus-node-exporter package : Ubuntu (at
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lca-chris-from-aHey guys will most likely miss keynote21:43
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av_boardwalkHey, does anyone have a micro hdmi adapter?22:05
av_boardwalkA presenter needs one smaller than the mini hdmi that we've got.22:06
tumbleweedav_boardwalk: I do, in the NOC22:07
av_plenarynote from venue AV, make sure the speakers don't sit on the mic belt pack as it can wreck the antenna22:09
av_boardwalkI have the micro hdmi now, will return it. The talk is in first session.22:11
tumbleweedav_boardwalk: I think the second session needs it too, spectronaut was asking for one22:12
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tumbleweedwe rebooted all the machines sorry :)22:36
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av_plenary_floorjea: is the audio level OK? Noticing the voctogui VU meter is down around -20, not up at -10 to -5.22:40
tumbleweedit sounds ok on my laptop, jea isn't here right now22:42
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av_tasman_bcis there a laptop I can use to test the projector?22:43
av_tasman_bctest one22:43
tumbleweedav_tasman_bc: yeah, we have one in the noc that you can borrow22:45
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xfxfvoctogui VY meter should not be -20 guys... please ask the AV guy to adjust up22:47
xfxfthe recording will come out super quiet otherwise22:47
xfxfav_plenary: ^22:47
av_plenarysorry, Alan says it's as much as he can give us22:48
xfxfwhy is it lower today?22:48
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av_plenaryhe hasn't changed anything from yesterday22:49
xfxfi'll come poke during break22:49
av_boardwalkIs Matt Oakes here today? Will there be anyone else here to assist in Boardwalk?22:49
xfxfI have not seen Matt yet, no :(22:51
xfxfwe're down to 1 volunteer in some rooms :(22:51
xfxfafter sessions have started this morning I'll poke ducky and see what we can do22:51
xfxfshortages in rooms means we don't have vollies to QA videos, which means we don't get videos out22:51
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av_boardwalkIn boardwalk, the speaker's slide is appearing wrong.23:33
av_boardwalkOn projector and my GUI23:33
av_boardwalkRyan is here now FYI23:35
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av_tasman_awe need help with a presenters laptop23:39
av_tasman_apossibly need a new hdmi cable23:39
av_wellington_1we're getting some blue flickering on the camera (possibly white balance?)23:39
av_plenaryxfxf: are you heading up here before the next session?23:39
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av_plenaryIs everyone fitting up their speakers with the lapel mic packs on the side of the waist, not the back?  We're out of spare lapel mics, so we can't afford to break another antenna.23:42
av_wellington_1still flickering... any ideas?23:42
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av_boardwalk1sound is going to speakers in rest area on broadwalk23:49
av_plenaryJust had to restart voctogui for A/V desync.23:51
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av_tasman_aour presenter keeps touching her face resulting in static :-(23:56
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av_plenaryDuct tape!23:56

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