Tuesday, 2017-01-17

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xfxfcan all ensure volume is appropriately up, most rooms are very quiet00:04
xfxfsuper occasional peaking into the orange is OK, as long as it's not read00:04
xfxfnormal peaking should be somewhere around the -5 mark00:05
av_boardwalkCan I turn the input for audio up without turning room sound up? People are saying it's already loud00:05
xfxfi.e. top of the green00:05
av_boardwalkCurrently doing intros and Lapel is not an option00:05
xfxfav_boardwalk: turning up the room sound doesn't affect the recording.  turn that down a bit, turn up the "1" gain knob on the top of the white mixer00:05
xfxfdo it slowly00:05
av_boardwalkSure, which one is the room sound?00:06
xfxffader on the far right.  if you're not sure i'll be down there in a sec00:07
mithroxfxf: https://github.com/timvideos/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/issues/4100:08
tpbTitle: Create a HDMI2USB GUI controller · Issue #41 · timvideos/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware · GitHub (at github.com)00:08
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jeaav_boardwalk: what was that discussion just then about recording/streaming?00:32
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av_boardwalkjea - they didn't want this to be recorded. Look puzzled that I'm using a camera00:38
av_boardwalkBut they haven't asked me, so I don't think it's an issue00:39
xfxfokay, this is so confusing00:46
xfxfwe need an authoritive source in this00:46
xfxfthe source data from the conference is meant to provide this, it's whacky00:46
xfxfi'll find out00:46
xfxfapparently they don't care whether it should/shouldn't be recorded, so recording/streaming is fine00:47
xfxfwe have the option of not releasing video we record... we don't have the option of releasing video we didn't record00:48
av_boardwalkjea turning PC off now, they're going into talks.00:49
xfxfav_boardwalk: if it makes your job easier, just pan out the camera and leave it00:49
xfxfokay, not to be recorded?00:49
av_boardwalkWell, at this point she thinks the final session will be recorded, but I'm told that is up to CarlFK100:50
av_boardwalkuntil then, not recorded00:50
xfxfjea is coming over00:51
xfxfapologies, this is confusing for us too00:51
xfxfminiconfs are strange00:51
av_plenaryradio labeled "network 2" has been left in plenary.  We have it up the back00:58
tumbleweedav_plenary: it's xfxf's, he'll get it at some point01:02
xfxflunch in green room when you guys are all done01:29
xfxfmake sure at least one person back around 10-15 mins before talks start (keep track of time)01:30
xfxfchaos occurs when the presenter gets there and starts fiddling01:30
av_plenarynext presenter is setting up but getting shudder on video - same as yesterday02:05
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tumbleweedav_plenary: on my way02:07
av_tasman_aCan we get some assistance here with HDMI problems?02:22
av_wellington_2we've had a mishap on the mixer.  can someone come down here quickly02:22
av_wellington_2never mind02:23
av_tasman_amithro / xfxf: Can't get display out of presenter's laptop.02:24
av_tasman_aHelp us, AV-wan Kenobi!  You're our only hope!02:25
xfxfbe thereomw02:25
xfxfall rooms good?02:43
av_tasman_aTwo thumbs up here.02:43
av_plenaryall good02:48
av_wellington_2ok here02:49
av_wellington_1yes all good02:55
jeaav_plenary: why is someone under the desk touching the laptop/opsis?02:56
av_tasman_axfxf: Tearing again on the next presenter's display.02:59
av_tasman_aWas stable for the previous presenter, now the next person's plugged in and it's back to its old tricks.02:59
av_plenaryryan here, how do you mean?03:00
av_plenaryissue on the podium on the left was the encoder/input1 output wasn't set right03:00
av_plenaryoh, sorry, other room :)03:00
av_plenarymithro, see above03:00
av_tasman_aStyle question: how aggressive should we be in muting the mics between sessions, when the wired-up presenter doesn't seem to want to do so at their end?  Are people watching the live streams listening in on our man's chats with someone else?03:07
tumbleweedav_plenary: yeah, I'd mute the speakers between sessions03:09
tumbleweed(until the sound check)03:09
tumbleweedotherwise it'll be streamed03:09
av_tasman_aFYI the next talk in here has no slides.  So it's all camera, all the time.03:39
xfxfnp, ta03:43
xfxfnote that on the sheets too03:44
xfxfthat goes for all rooms if not aleady obvious: if there's anything that is odd (i.e. a talk isn't on, no slides, whatever) mark it on the sheet03:44
av_tasman_aNoted like a note.03:45
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av_sparetumbleweed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/124951504:48
tpbTitle: Bug #1249515 “regression with session-cleanup-script triggering ...” : Bugs : lightdm package : Ubuntu (at bugs.launchpad.net)04:48
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av_tasman_aNo slides on this panel discussion, either.  Noted on the run sheet.04:49
av_tasman_bcaudio out of sync, I think04:52
av_tasman_bcyes, it is04:53
av_tasman_aEarning my money on this panel... five people, two mics... twiddling these knobs like a boss.04:58
xfxfav_tasman_bc: sorry, ping one of us or call us if that happens... is it still out of sync?05:18
xfxfdoes closing voctogui and re-opening help?05:19
av_boardwalkOK, so FYI, this roundtable thing in Boardwalk wraps up at 4.40. Will someone else come down? The video will be Vicky wearing lapel and others talking by mic.05:22
av_boardwalkAlso the gui is doing its fancy rainbow thing, and I don't know how to change that.05:23
xfxfav_boardwalk: how do you mean will somebody else come down?05:24
xfxfi don't understand the request05:24
xfxfdo you need help?05:25
av_plenaryxfxf, I think we need help in plenary.  No video05:25
av_boardwalkYes, will there be two of us? Currently just me, which is fine because there's nothing going on05:26
xfxfav_boardwalk: we had a few no-shows today, so probably just you sorry :(05:26
xfxfav_plenary: omw05:26
av_plenaryoh, nvm xfxf, I think we have it, thanks05:26
av_boardwalkThat's ok actually, I think it should be straight forward enough05:26
av_boardwalkBut, jea I will need that rainbow thing changed before 4.40 is that doable?05:27
av_boardwalkOr can you provide instructions etc05:27
av_boardwalkDetails - both slide and video on gui are showing rainbow05:28
tumbleweedav_boardwalk: we can help you with that05:28
av_tasman_aI'd love to know why the room audio levels don't seem to change between the handheld and lapel mics, but I've got to cut the recording gain between 4 and 7 as the two mics get used to keep the stream audio normalised...05:28
tumbleweedfrom here, even, possibly :)05:28
tumbleweedav_boardwalk: you ready for it, yet?05:28
av_boardwalkWhenever's good thx tumbleweed05:29
tumbleweedav_tasman_a: sounds like something to ask one of the venue AV people. I don't know how they've configured those mixers05:29
tumbleweedcan we get one for you?05:29
av_tasman_aYeah, that'd be useful.05:29
av_tasman_aI don't recall it being quite this bad before he "fattened up" the lapel mic in the arvo tea break.05:30
xfxferm they've changed it from how i requested05:30
xfxftell me when the venue av guy is in there05:30
xfxfi need to talk to him05:30
xfxfroom sound should equal recording05:30
tumbleweedav_boardwalk: better?05:31
av_tasman_aAlthough there wasn't much switching between mics before so it was harder to compare.05:31
av_boardwalkGreat thanks tumbleweed05:31
av_boardwalkOh, actually the slide screen is still rainbow. I can see camera vision05:32
tumbleweedav_boardwalk: done05:36
xfxfav_tasman_a: thx for spotting, desk was apparently set different05:37
* av_tasman_a facepalms05:38
xfxfav_plenary: move camera down.  persons head is in centre of frame, not near top05:38
av_boardwalkOK, one last thing. Slide screen shows black although the speaker's machine has slide.05:39
xfxfav_wellington_1: i reckon your room volume is a bit too loud, i can hear echo quite loudly.  bring mics down a bit or the room audio down?05:39
xfxfav_boardwalk: be there in a sec05:40
av_wellington_1done is that better?05:41
av_tasman_bcxfxf, tumbleweed restarted ingest service a while ago - it's fine now05:41
av_plenaryaudio/video was out of sync but restarting gui fixed it, fyi05:42
av_wellington_1@xfxf, we reduced the room volume, it sounds ok from the computer headphones05:45
xfxfav_plenary: thanks for letting me know (anytime you do that let me know - it means the recording is fine, but it's useful data as it's a bug we need to fix)05:47
av_boardwalkLapel not working.05:49
av_boardwalkUsing mic05:49
av_tasman_aOK, back into familiar territory.05:52
av_boardwalkall good now (jea)05:53
mithroLightning talks happening in open hardware miniconf, computers all working first try06:06
mithroPeople having permissions to access slides, not so much :-P06:06
av_wellington_1we are starting to have random noises through the lapel mic.06:07
av_wellington_1it has happened twice now, about 5 mins apart06:07
av_tasman_aSpeaker's hair brushing against the mic?  We had that yesterday.06:07
av_wellington_1its not a brush noise06:09
av_tasman_bcwhat kind of noise06:10
av_tasman_aIt wasn't for us, either, it was a loud "pop" or occasionally a crackle.06:10
av_wellington_1our presenter is animated so she might have bumped it, will keep a eye on it06:11
av_tasman_bcWe're done - log out again?06:13
av_tasman_bcxfxf, ^06:13
av_tasman_bctumbleweed, ^^06:13
xfxfyes, log out once you're done06:13
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av_wellington_1Remember to bring your sheets back when your finished!06:14
av_tasman_aWe're done here.  Logging out and bringing the sheets over.06:20
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CarlFK1tumbleweed: https://bitbucket.org/3togo/python-tesseract/src/9ce0abe168297513d648406be5482b52d38d883b/src/?at=master06:30
tpbTitle: 3togo / python-tesseract / source / src Bitbucket (at bitbucket.org)06:30
av_boardwalkAlright, we're done06:30
av_boardwalkBring sheet and logging off.06:30
tpbTitle: 3togo / python-tesseract / Downloads Bitbucket (at bitbucket.org)06:30
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av_wellington_1All done here, returning to base06:30
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av_plenarydone in plenary06:33
av_plenarylogging out06:33
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av_wellington_2all done here.  will bring the sheets over...06:38
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CarlFK1xfxf: [swscaler @ 0x7f55c462f9c0] Warning: data is not aligned! This can lead to a speedloss07:59
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av_boardwalkall good in boardwalk but room audio not connected21:56
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av_plenary_g1good morning world22:04
jeaav_plenary_g1: which computer are you using IRC on?22:04
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av_plenary_g1wide cam22:07
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mithroGetting feedback in plenary22:29
mithroxfxf: /\22:29
xfxfav_plenary: please tell AV guy this22:29
xfxfacknowledge when you've seen this22:30
av_plenarywe're not hearing it22:30
av_plenaryAV guy says it's clean for him22:30
av_plenary_g1cant hear anything down here22:30
xfxfmithro: more info?22:30
xfxfthe guys upstairs will hear feedback on their headphones before you'll hear it in the room22:31
mithroxfxf: I'm sitting down the front in the room and definitely hearing a feedback/echo type thing22:31
xfxfor rather, it's significantly more obvious on headphones22:31
xfxffeedback isn't echo, elaborate?22:31
mithromaybe a ringing?22:31
mithroI'm not an audio person, I don't know how to describe it22:32
av_plenary_g1can hear 'fuzzing' ?22:32
av_boardwalkNot an AV thing, but I just saw a massive wind tip tables over upstairs, outside22:32
av_boardwalkWho do we tell about that?22:32
av_plenary_g1aka backround static is quite audible22:32
av_plenaryAV says again, can't hear anything abnormal22:33
xfxfav_plenary:  pls tell AV guy about above, may be a line isn't muted22:33
xfxfokay, it sounded OK when I was in there22:33
xfxfi'm not sure what we can do22:33
av_plenaryhe says if he can't do it, then it's something in the room22:33
av_plenarycan't hear**22:34
xfxfav_plenary: i'm getting complaints from other people in plenary now too22:34
xfxfthere is definitely feedback22:34
xfxfi'll come over and listen22:34
av_plenaryAV guy took a walk around the room and says it aircon22:36
xfxfoh right22:36
xfxfthx for fixing22:37
xfxfi had other people on twitter complain at me that there was feedback22:37
xfxfi just went in there, it sounds totally fine to me?22:37
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xfxfav_plenary: camera is very zoomed out, guy doesn't seem to be pacing much?  maximise use of frame22:51
av_plenarywill do next slide change22:51
xfxfremember can always switch to side camera too22:51
av_plenaryhow's that?22:52
xfxfyou've got 4 sources in voctomix, one is the side camera22:52
av_plenary_g1should be in voctogui22:52
xfxfor do you not see it?22:52
av_plenaryyeah, just asking how frame is now on main camera22:53
xfxfis better, thx22:53
xfxfi'd adjust the camera down a bit too22:54
xfxfbit of wasted space in top of frame22:54
xfxfmuch better, ta!22:55
av_wellington_2chaps, we're not seeing the camera video on the overhead projector (however can see the laptop input)23:00
av_wellington_2... the camera input is visible on voctogui however overhead projector constantly displays laptop output23:01
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xfxfi'm confused, that's expected?23:03
xfxfprojector is purely for laptop at the front23:03
xfxfi'll come down23:04
av_plenary_g1try restart voctogui?23:04
av_wellington_22no need - got it!23:04
av_wellington_22my bad23:04
av_wellington_22all good23:04
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av_tasman_awe have a laptop that doesn't appear to have 720p23:29
tumbleweedav_tasman_a: I'm coming23:30
tumbleweednotes for myself: xrandr --output LVDS-1 --scale-from 1280x720 --output HDMI-1 --auto --same-as LVDS-123:30
av_tasman_anevermind - she found it23:30
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xfxfav_tasman_a: may mean that the presenter can't mirror.  but tumbleweed will sort it23:36
tumbleweedxfxf: ducky was asking you where you want your volunteers23:37
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jeaav_wellington_1: can you get the presenter to take the lanyard off the podium please23:42
jeathanks :)23:44
xfxfav_wellington_1: what's the name of the new vollie?  (so i can put it into my sheets)23:50
av_wellington_1Tahlia white23:50
av_boardwalk2I just got a weird flicker on my camera input, thought I saw one earlier too. Will let you know.23:52
xfxfmithro: ^^23:54
xfxfassume you want to know about flickering on the opsis23:55
av_plenaryjust restarted gui due to sync, fyi23:56
av_boardwalkHasn't happened again, I'll let you know if it flickers again.23:58
av_boardwalkBut yes I wanted to know if that's expected or if it's an input issue23:58

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