Monday, 2017-01-16

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tumbleweedthere, fixed00:00
tumbleweedvideoteam_plenar: ^^00:00
videoteam_plenartumbleweed, oh, what was the issue?00:01
tumbleweednot entirely sure, but I restarted the camera source00:01
videoteam_plenarthe issue i'm seeing here is pulseaudio is going nuts00:01
videoteam_plenarappears to be crashing or something00:01
tumbleweedI don't think that was this issue00:01
tumbleweedthat could have been something else00:02
videoteam_plenarlook at syslog00:02
videoteam_plenarpulseaudio is fucked++00:02
tumbleweedthe audio is coming over the SDI00:02
videoteam_plenaris not happy00:02
tumbleweedpulse is just for your headphones00:02
videoteam_plenaryes, but it's not working00:02
videoteam_plenarand it seems to be crashing constantly00:02
tumbleweedthat's not the end of the world00:02
tumbleweedvideoteam_plenar: I'm guessing you are xfxf now?00:02
videoteam_plenarits kinda bad they can't listen to the audio00:02
videoteam_plenarand it's causing other issues00:03
videoteam_plenarlike the volume overlay is constantly flickering00:03
tumbleweedvideoteam_plenar: what did you do for headphone audio in the end?00:03
videoteam_plenarwe need to swap machines00:03
tumbleweedthen we should probably turn off the sound card again00:03
videoteam_plenarthis is the known potentially problematic PC00:03
videoteam_plenarplease swap it00:03
tumbleweedthat's non-trivial00:03
tumbleweedwe'll need to do it in a break00:04
videoteam_plenarack, i just mean ready the machine to be swapped in00:04
videoteam_plenartumbleweed, how do we stop pulseaudio00:10
videoteam_plenarsystemd foo is confusing us :P00:10
videoteam_plenari want to rmmod the onboard sound drivers to see if that's the issue00:10
av_tasman_bchow is the sound in tasman bc?00:12
tumbleweedvideoteam_plenar: I'll stop it for us00:12
tumbleweedfor you00:12
tumbleweedit seems you've already got it00:13
videoteam_plenarsorted it i think00:13
tumbleweed$ systemctl --user list-unit-files  | grep pulse00:13
tumbleweedpulseaudio.service                               disabled00:13
tumbleweedpulseaudio.socket                                disabled00:13
tumbleweedyour other PC is being weird00:14
videoteam_plenari think i sorted this00:14
videoteam_plenaronboard sound is faulty00:14
videoteam_plenarwith it enabled PC flakes out, i enabled it this morning00:14
videoteam_plenarwill reboot in break and disable in BIOS again00:14
videoteam_plenarworked around by unloading intel_snd modules00:15
xfxfall rooms good?00:28
xfxf(ryan here)00:28
av_tasman_bcwould like a pen please00:28
xfxfsure, anyone else want pens?00:29
xfxfi got lotsa pens00:29
av_wellington_2someone eft a couple up the front here, so I pinched one00:32
videoteam_plenaronly got one pen here ;(00:33
videoteam_plenarnvm is ok00:35
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av_wellington_1we are getting interference in here (ryan)00:59
av_wellington_1need venue av person00:59
videoteam_plenarshould be someone outside the room01:01
videoteam_plenarif not let know will ring someone01:01
av_wellington_1yep, he's here01:01
xfxfThe SDR radio guys are causing the venue av equip to crash...01:02
tumbleweedphew at least it isn't ours01:03
xfxfChatted with them, sorted01:06
xfxfWas getting hardcore interference on the mic in well 1.  Well 2 were doing a demo on sending out static in the next room :P01:07
tpbTitle: veyepar - Show: error-in-template Lca2017 (at
xfxfav_wellington_2: we're getting nothing from you, we also have notes that this session shouldn't be recorded.  what have you done to achieve that?01:22
xfxfi forgot to tell you guys what to do in that scenario :P  (it's log out of the machine - if the machine isn't logged in, nothing is recorded or streamed)01:22
xfxfalso confirm with us if that's to happen - we need to check our data01:22
xfxfI'm about to reboot Plenary mix to fix sound issue01:48
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av_plenarytumbleweed, i have no additional cameras after a reboot.  do we have to manually poke things?01:55
tumbleweedav_plenary: yes, I'll right there01:55
tumbleweedI was going to talk to you about that BIOS thing :)01:55
av_plenaryhaving wierd issues with voctogui too01:58
av_plenaryyou coming over?01:58
mithroav_plenary: are you okay?02:09
av_plenaryall good02:10
av_plenary(this is tumbleweed)02:10
av_wellington_2xfxf  which session weren't we to record?02:13
xfxfI'll be there in a sec02:13
xfxfav_plenary: someone should be down here helping the person plug in...02:14
av_wellington_1can we please get a usb c to hdmi?02:20
xfxfthere was one for each room02:22
xfxfSomebody has grabbed if it's it's not there02:22
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av_wellington_2there wasn't one here either - we only have display to hdmi and another one02:23
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av_wellington_2xfxf - I forgot to ask you about that session while you were here...02:27
av_boardwalkroom audio not working... recording is fine!!!02:32
tumbleweedav_boardwalk: on my way02:32
jeaav_boardwalk: is there any slides for your talk?02:34
av_tasman_aWe're getting some noise on the lapel mike in Tasman A.02:35
av_tasman_aAnd display problems on the projector but not on the feed.02:35
av_tasman_aAre the SDR peeps going wild again?02:35
xfxfi don't think it'll affect you guys - diff power circuit02:35
xfxftumbleweed is coming up02:35
av_wellington_2we aren't doing anythinghere02:36
xfxfav_wellington_2: howso?  as in, no recording needed?02:36
av_wellington_2no - we aren't affecting anyone - we aren't playing with toys02:36
av_wellington_2we're just doing a normal presentatin02:36
xfxfoh, haha, right02:43
av_plenaryhey guys cut list isnt responding - tried openi8ning/closing03:01
tumbleweedav_plenary: hit cut for me03:02
av_plenarygetting nothing03:03
tumbleweedav_plenary: try again?03:04
av_plenaryno dice03:04
av_tasman_bcis it the old cut list?03:05
av_tasman_bcare there multiple windows open?03:05
tumbleweedno, there is something more going on03:05
tumbleweedI'll be up to look in a few mins03:05
av_plenaryonly winow open03:05
av_plenaryno other ~cut lists open in htop either03:07
mithroI'm in boardwalk to handle Karen's no recording03:07
mithroHow are the other rooms?03:09
av_wellington_1all fine here03:10
av_plenaryall g03:12
av_wellington_2all good here03:13
av_tasman_aall good, although the presenter's laptop is having problems with the wifi...03:14
xfxfthere's a ethernet cable hanging on the podium in each room for the presenter...03:19
av_tasman_aIt was a spur-of-the-moment live demo, unfortunately.03:21
av_tasman_aMicing-up protip: Have the speaker tie back long hair if possible.  When it brushes across the mic it makes an awful noise.03:22
av_plenaryhey guys cut list not working again03:36
xfxftumbleweed is coming03:38
av_plenarythx :)03:38
xfxfhey guys, please enusre you're watching the VU meter in voctomix03:38
xfxfsome rooms have been a little quiet...03:38
xfxfalso ensure persons head is in top 1/3 of video, not in the middle03:39
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xfxfshould never be red, but should deifnitely be in the upper green (between -10 and -5)03:40
av_tasman_a... and turn down the system volume when your ears start bleeding...03:41
xfxfyes, do that, system volume has nothing to do with recording volume03:41
xfxfthat can be as high/low as you want (volume keys on the top of the keyboard)03:42
av_wellington_2helps to have a speaker that doesn't vary their voice too much...03:42
av_tasman_acapture's screwed here.03:44
av_tasman_aSuccess now!03:45
av_tasman_as/capture/HDMI in/03:47
xfxfav_tasman_bc: work with your room managers to make sure people don't sit in the front seat right in the way of your camera if possible03:48
xfxfi bet most of the room is free03:48
xfxfyour camera keeps focussing on some persons head in the front row03:49
av_tasman_aBald spot?03:49
xfxfav_wellington_2: we don't see anything, you have it switched to blank?03:50
xfxfswitch it back to the camera if nobody has a laptop plugged in or we might think the stream is broken :P03:50
av_wellington_2it appears fine here03:50
av_wellington_2was on camera, now on laptop03:51
av_wellington_2now camera03:51
xfxfsorry, av_wellington_103:51
xfxfhelllooo av_wellington_103:51
xfxfplease confirm all OK?03:51
av_wellington_2just sent someone next door03:52
av_tasman_aSo it should be camera if no projector, projector if no speaker, and switching back and forth during the talk?03:52
av_wellington_2wellington 1 isn't presenting atm apparently03:54
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xfxfok, if not presenting, please switch back to camera03:55
xfxfwe think things are broken otherwise03:55
xfxfalso tell us here03:55
xfxf+ write it on the recording sheet03:55
av_wellington_2maybe talk to them during the break03:56
xfxfav_wellington_2: your camera is pretty dark at the moment?03:56
xfxfav_wellington_2: has the lighting in there changed at all?03:56
av_wellington_2no change to lighting al day03:56
xfxfwierd, def looks darker now03:56
av_wellington_2but lighting isn't great03:56
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xfxfi think there's adjustments at the back side03:58
xfxfi'll come look03:58
av_wellington_1ok, we'll keep it on 1 between sessions04:00
av_wellington_1we're having some issues with HDMI on macs -- straight HDMI isn't working (monitor is detected on the mac, but not projected), but using an adaptor works fine04:01
av_tasman_aI think everyone's had a native-HDMI mac in here today, has had the occasional problem but an unplug/replug has worked.04:02
av_wellington_1Ryan's here looking at it04:03
xfxfmithro: input1 fixed it. status wasn't showing a valid resolution. apparently mDP dongles worked, HDMI direct didn't.. which is wierd. known issue?04:05
xfxfinput1 on, rather04:05
mithroxfxf: Which room are you in?04:06
xfxfwas in well 1, not anymore04:06
mithroxfxf: Could you radio me when things like that are happening? - I'm not necessarily looking at IRC all the time04:07
xfxfI did, you didn't answer04:07
mithroYour radio want getting through then04:14
av_wellington_2talking to one of the radio organisers - there is a chance that the next session (a panel discussion) will come off half-assed if we record it, so we'll shutdown the machine during that session.  Any complaints?04:19
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av_boardwalkour pc video is not getting to the recording!04:44
xfxfav_wellington_2: explain?04:44
av_wellington_2we will be recording this session04:45
xfxfav_boardwalk: tumbleweed heading down now04:45
xfxfav_wellington_2: the expectation is that we record everything with very few exceptions04:46
av_boardwalkour pc video is not getting to the recording!04:46
xfxfav_wellington_2: a presenter suddenly deciding they don't feel like having their talk recorded doesn't qualify - talk to us.  everybody signed a waiver when submitting a proposal granting permission04:46
av_wellington_2momentary difference of opinion between organisers - resolved now04:46
av_wellington_2it wasn't that the material shouldn't be recorded04:46
xfxfav_wellington_2: we obv will try to comply with what organisers etc want, but please check with us, don't just not record it04:46
av_wellington_2it was that the possible result could look half-assed04:47
xfxfpanels often do, shrug04:47
av_wellington_2we'll be recording04:47
xfxfsomeone will want to watch it04:47
xfxfgreat, ta04:47
av_wellington_1we're having problems with the display again -- not able to get HDMI or mini-dp to work04:47
xfxfi'll come down now well 104:47
av_tasman_aYoutube's very existence is proof that someone wants to watch *everything*04:48
av_tasman_aJust got a weird burst of what sounded like distorted someone-elses-talk for about a half second here.  Anyone else get that?04:51
av_tasman_aWe must just be haunted.04:54
av_tasman_aDoes Wrest Point keep a shaman on-call?04:54
av_plenary_g1Yeah but they're closed-source.04:57
av_plenarynot a big deal but every now and then the video "flashes" in plenary04:57
av_plenaryon - looks like it might be presenters laptop04:58
av_wellington_2xfxf, can you come down at the next break to have a look at our mixer?  We keep getting occasional sqeals of feedback.  Hugh seems to know what the problem is, but I'm not game to let him fiddle05:04
xfxfwho is Hugh?  venue AV guy?05:04
av_wellington_2LA prez05:04
xfxfi'll come down now05:05
xfxfguess is lapel may not be on correctly + you're gaining up the lapel mic too much05:05
xfxfsuper easy to do05:05
av_wellington_2have been trying to juggle a variety of voice volumes due to panel05:06
jeaav_plenary: we can see the issue with the opsis, but can't fix it without interrupting the presentation. we will deal with it after the talk05:06
av_plenary_g1not presenters pc?05:06
jeait might have an issue, but the opsis definitely has issues too05:07
av_tasman_aGetting weird noises again05:08
av_tasman_aLonger this time.  Should be in the video feed.05:08
av_plenaryok,we'll check after presentation?05:09
xfxfwe're paying for venue AV people, when one peers in, grab them to help05:11
xfxfAv HQ: can you please call them to visit Tasman A?05:12
jeaav_plenary: can you completely power cycle the opsis that was being used. that is, remove the power cable, plug it back in05:18
jeaav_plenary: tim is coming I think, but no guarantees05:18
av_plenaryTim is on the case05:19
av_wellington_1having hdmi issues again05:19
tumbleweedav_wellington_1: on my way05:19
av_plenary@Chris_plenary speakers mike is not on05:23
av_plenarystill getting video shudder in plenary05:25
tumbleweedav_plenary: we're discussing what to do about it05:25
tumbleweedthe question is how much to interrupt the talk by05:25
tumbleweedmithro is coming to interrupt05:26
av_plenaryno probs05:26
tumbleweedav_plenary: does it look good?05:31
jeaav_plenary: are you seeing the opsis now that tim has restarted it?05:31
av_plenary_g1seems stable now (fingers crossed)05:31
av_plenaryyip - looks good05:31
av_plenary_g1lightsa bit bright?05:32
jeaav_boardwalk: we can't hear you very well. please turn audio up05:34
av_plenarywill mention to lighting chap but he needs it bright for video quality05:34
jeaav_plenary: yeah, we discussed it with him yesterday. we just need the speaker to stay where they are at the lecturn05:35
av_plenaryyeah, will remind the speakers again - there isn't much room to adjust lighting further at this stage05:36
av_boardwalkSorry, speaker just attached microphone so it should improve now05:41
jeaav_boardwalk: thanks05:45
av_tasman_aProblem discovered: interference on the handheld mic.  We'll just punch it from here for now, and WP AV will change the channel tomorrow morning.05:46
av_wellington_1hdmi issues again05:48
tumbleweedav_wellington_1: on my way05:49
av_wellington_2are we allowed to chain presenters to the lectures?06:14
av_tasman_aDuct tape!06:14
av_boardwalkBall and chain06:14
av_wellington_2this presenter keeps waliking from the lecturn to the screen and back again...06:15
* tumbleweed has considered adding nerf darts to standard AV equipment06:16
av_tasman_a"Step off the dot, get a sucker between the eyes"06:19
av_wellington_2We have just finished the last session.  Did you want me to close this laptop down?06:26
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av_tasman_aWe're done here.06:30
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av_plenaryMust the AGM be recorder in P_lenary06:33
tumbleweedfor everyone else, when it's done, please log out of the mixing machine, and bring your printed sheets to the TOC06:33
tumbleweedav_plenary: yes, it's being recorded06:34
av_tasman_aThis is still logged in06:34
av_tasman_aI assume this room is done?06:34
av_tasman_aI'll logout then06:34
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mithroLoud noise in plenary06:44
tumbleweedgood or bad?06:45
mithroBad - No idea what it was...06:48
av_wellington_1all done here06:49
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CarlFKxfxf:                ~/Videos/veyepar/lca/lca2017/dv/plenary/2017-01-16/09_03_45.ts :start-time=01310.006:54
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mithrostuff in plenary just finished07:33
* tumbleweed syncs07:33
mithroRemind me to change the opsis in the podium at some point07:34
mithroThat requires me to move07:34
mithroI'm not sure I can do that :-P07:34
av_boardwalkextra session in this room07:44
av_boardwalkwill jot down times on bottom of run sheet07:45
av_boardwalkone AV person currently running the equipment here07:45
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tpbTitle: Opening & Welcome : Chris Neugebauer / Karen Sandler : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive (at
jeamithro: w70dPEpBEQI08:31
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av_boardwalkHowdy, this is Jas. I'm babysitting the boardwalk. My number is 0406452804 if anyone needs anything urgently etc.22:00
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xfxfI need an extra volunteer to operate the camera at the top of Plenary urgently22:08
xfxfAnyone free?22:08
av_boardwalkFYI I'm helping a person setup in Boardwalk, apparently there is recording today. I wasn't aware?22:09
av_boardwalkAnyway, the lady's Mac keeps freezing and I don't know how to help her, so should I ask her to hang around or come back?22:10
av_boardwalkShe said that it's for the Community Leadership Summit MiniConf22:11
xfxfI need an extra volunteer please...22:12
xfxfI can't help other rooms while I'm here on camera in Plenary22:13
av_boardwalkI (tumbleweed) sent the boarwalk guy22:14
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mithroWas that a call for me?22:47
CarlFKmithro: opsis in Tas A needs love22:48
CarlFKmithro: may be the vga->hdmi thing22:48
CarlFKxfxf: gw1:/srv/gw1/video /home/carl/mnt/gw1/video nfs rw,sync,noauto,user 0 222:48
xfxfCarlFK: thx22:55
av_plenaryPia's projector has been flickering colors briefly, every 15 minutes or so23:01
av_plenaryunsure if computer or opsis23:02
av_plenaryI don't think I captured any in the stream/recording though23:02
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av_boardwalkCarlFK, no recording sheets for here but apparently it's meant to be recorded?23:15
CarlFKav_boardwalk: right - just the closing, which I'll try to make happen23:16
av_wellington_2no recording sheets here either, not that I'm in a hurry23:16
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av_wellington_2CarlFK, no, apparently boardwalk want all of today recorded (!)23:19
av_boardwalkOK so only the closing session to be recorded in the Boardwalk, that's fine23:19
av_wellington_2this room doesn't have sheets either23:19
av_wellington_2< ryan btw23:19
av_wellington_2oh right23:19
av_wellington_2only the closing23:19
av_wellington_2OK ,makes your lives easy!23:19
CarlFKthat is VM from Portlad, right?23:20
av_boardwalkOh, OK can you confirm CarlFK?23:20
CarlFK just the closing, which I'll try to make happen <- confirmed23:20
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av_tasman_aI think I have multiple problems in tasman A!23:25
av_boardwalkSince we won't record in Boardwalk, should we log machine off?23:28
av_boardwalkAnd back on for final session23:29
av_tasman_aits going okay now23:29
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av_tasman_aThe first session in here is a "fishbowl discussion".  Not sure what that means, exactly, structure-wise, but it's marked as needing confirmation for release.  Do I just get the primary (listed) presenter's release, or everyone on the panel or whatever this is going to be?23:35
jeaav_tasman_a: record it, then we will deal with the rest23:37
av_tasman_aOK, apparently it's not going to be recorded or streamed, according to the session presenter.23:37
av_tasman_aAnd mithro's apparently coming to make sure.23:37
av_tasman_aSo anyone who wants some extra-juicy stuff, Tasman A is where it's at.23:38
jeaav_tasman_a: Carl is coming23:38
jeaso is mithro23:38
av_tasman_aIndeed.  He has arrived, and is looking puzzled.23:38
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av_wellington_2the session is about to start here.  It's the gripping soldering session.  I'm thinking I should log off now, though I still don't have run sheets for this afternoon.23:44
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av_boardwalkSo, re Boardwalk, are we streaming the first session or should I log machine off, etc23:46
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av_wellington_2Please advise if Wellington 2 can log off and stop streaming23:47
xfxfav_wellington_2: yes, log off.  i think after lunch is recorded23:49
xfxfav_wellington_2: sorry, only just got back to HQ23:49
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xfxfall: you have phones on your desk, in an emergency, dial '101', it'll get AV HQ23:49
xfxfav_boardwalk: your audio is very low23:50
av_boardwalkxfxf: is that better?23:53
xfxfyes, thanks23:53
xfxfcan all confirm all OK?23:53
av_boardwalkGood for boardwalk I think23:54
av_plenaryplenary good23:54
xfxfAV HQ is now officially known as the AV Dungeon23:56
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