Friday, 2017-01-20

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xfxfthe bad ones are av desync in the saved files.  fortunately the bug you're seeing only impacts the UI00:04
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av_boardwalkRyan, could you come to broadwalk to set the audio again?00:23
av_tasman_aissue with video output from presenters laptop - Ryan is looking00:45
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xfxfall rooms good?00:51
av_boardwalkfine here00:52
av_tasman_bcgood here00:52
av_wellington_1good here00:52
jeaav_boardwalk: does the audio and video look to be in sync in front of you in voctomix?00:58
vystrelaav_plenary is all good too00:58
av_boardwalk2yes it is in sync here00:58
jeaav_boardwalk: ok cool. just the stream being out again, which is fine00:58
av_plenaryRestarted voctogui for A/V desync.01:02
xfxfis anything else open on your pc apart from the recording things?  no browser etc?01:04
xfxfit happening once or twice a day i'm not _that_ concerned about, happening once a hour isn't good01:04
tumbleweedxfxf: I *think* we got more since VA-API, but it's hard to be sure01:05
tumbleweedat any rate, it seems to be gui only01:05
tumbleweedwhich is why I didn't roll that back01:05
xfxfif recorded files are fine, all good01:06
av_wellington_1just had a weird flicker in the recording01:14
av_boardwalkwe did too01:14
av_boardwalksplit second black screen01:15
av_wellington_1ours was like a tear01:15
* tumbleweed is in boardwalk01:15
tumbleweedseems to be a "once off glitch"01:16
tumbleweed(those words should wind up any engineer)01:16
tumbleweedall rooms: when you're done for lunch, please log out01:20
av_plenaryRoger dodger01:21
av_wellington_1will do01:21
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jeaav_tasman_a2: you need to check the camera a bit more, because we don't want the speaker going out of the shot if possible01:30
* tumbleweed kics off rsyncs01:32
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xfxfdefinitely do not let the speaker walk out of frame :/01:55
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av_tasman_aThe Presenters' slides are not showing properly again02:01
av_tasman_aOK, looking good again! No action required02:05
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av_tasman_acould we get support for the screen in here?02:11
av_tasman_aVideo has gone a bit cray, it was working fine 5 mins ago02:12
* tumbleweed is coming02:12
av_tasman_aAlso if someone from Venue could look at getting the front lights near the screen dimmed that would be appreciated. as this guest has a few dark slides and they are looking washed out.02:13
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xfxfav_tasman_a: how bad is it?  we really don't want to playing with the lights each session02:20
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av_plenaryAnd so we're back... from the Green Room...02:23
xfxfav_plenary: can you switch to a non-black screen?02:24
av_plenaryWe just walked in to find a black screen and a grumpy Ryan V02:24
av_plenaryI should have changed the video feed02:24
av_plenaryI should have voctogui'd hard02:24
av_plenaryIf I'd have known for just one second anyone was watching it02:24
av_plenaryGO ON NOW STREAM02:25
av_plenarySEND OUT THE VID02:25
* av_plenary stops now before he gets /kicked02:25
av_plenaryvystrela, Vicki needs to turn on her mic, apparently02:27
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av_boardwalkCan't see slides in Boardwalk02:28
xfxfav_plenary: you guys are very quiet02:28
xfxfav_boardwalk: down in a sec02:28
av_plenaryBummer.  I'll get Alan to feed us more.02:28
av_plenaryI'm not getting any video through voctogui on the movable camera.  Every time I select '1' I get a black screen.02:29
* tumbleweed can restart that source02:29
av_plenaryBit more level coming in, I can hear it a bit louder and the VU meter's a bit higher.02:30
tumbleweedoh, the primary camera02:30
jeaav_plenary: seems louder now02:30
jeaav_plenary: do you need us to come up to fix the main camera?02:30
av_plenarytumbleweed: Weird thing is, the preview shows video, but it doesn't go onto the "main" screen.02:30
tumbleweedyeah, seen that before02:31
tumbleweeddoes restarting the guy help?02:31
av_plenaryjea, I don't think it's the camera.02:31
av_plenarytumbleweed, Let me try.02:31
av_plenaryNope, restarted voctogui, still nothing when I select '1' on the main display02:31
av_plenaryPerhaps it's just a GUI thing and the stream is getting the video?02:32
av_plenaryAudio is still fine either way.02:32
av_plenaryCan someone call me and we'll coordinate a stream check (I'll flick over, check what's going out on the stream at that second)02:32
tumbleweedthe noly thing I can do is restart the source, which will mean an audio glitch02:32
tumbleweedjea: ^^02:32
jeadoing now02:33
jeagetting black on the stream with the main camera02:33
* tumbleweed is resarting it02:33
jeaso i guess we would have to restart the core02:33
tumbleweedis that better?02:34
av_plenaryLet me see02:34
jeaaudio blip happened.02:34
tumbleweedok, it'll have to be core, then02:34
jeastill black from camera02:34
tumbleweedone sec02:34
av_plenaryYeah, I heard the blip and the preview went green for a second02:34
av_plenaryBut yeah, camera is still black on output02:34
jeaav_plenary: be ready to restart gui if core is restarted02:34
tumbleweedback now?02:34
av_plenaryWill start GUI again02:34
jeayep, working now02:34
jeaon stream main camera is fine02:35
av_plenaryThanks peeps.02:35
jeathanks tumbleweed02:35
av_plenaryvystrela, looks like Vicki's got the beltpack on her back pocket?02:37
vystrelais it bad for signal strength?02:38
av_plenaryYes, if she sits on it and breaks the aerial.02:38
av_plenaryThat belt pack's already a bit wonky, apparently.02:39
vystrelashe was extremely against anything but back pocket, promised not to sit on it02:39
av_plenaryAh, OK.02:39
av_plenaryAs long as she knows if she breaks it, she bought it.  <grin>02:39
vystrelaI made it quite clear that sitting on it would be Expensive and Bad02:40
xfxfall rooms good or need assistance?03:19
av_plenaryAny chance of a foot rub?03:20
av_wellington_1we're fine here03:21
av_tasman_bcgood here03:21
av_tasman_bcsecond the foot rub03:22
av_plenaryRestarted voctogui for A/V desync.03:24
av_plenary(Was hoping the core restart might have fixed it... apparently not)03:24
jeaav_wellington_1: do you see a black bar at the top of his slides in the room? trying to work out if it should be there or not03:26
jeai'm guessing yes, but it looks a bit unusual03:26
av_wellington_1yes i do03:26
jeaok good03:26
jeaat least it is consistent :)03:26
av_wellington_1yep :)03:27
xfxfhi all, when everything ends, just log off the PC and bring back the recording sheets to AV HQ03:45
xfxfmost of the core team will be in the closing presentation, we might need some help with lightning talks (micing people up etc)03:45
xfxfwe (core team) will pack the gear up - we need to seperate the venue equip from our equip, and inventory it03:46
xfxfthx all for your help this week, you've all been amazing03:46
av_wellington_1do we still call AV and let them know the room is done?03:46
av_boardwalkYes, that's what the network fellah told us to do, call 10103:47
av_boardwalkwhen we're done03:47
xfxfcalling 101 is fine, that's us (LCA)03:48
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av_wellington_1we're done; logging off and bringing the sheets up.03:59
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av_tasman_bcfinished in tasman bc now04:05
av_tasman_bclogging off04:05
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av_plenaryRestarted voctogui for A/V desync.04:08
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av_plenaryChris is asking whether Jack or Rusty have the better shoes.04:37
av_plenaryOK, Chris is now making a compilation album, "shoes of LCA"04:38
av_plenaryThis is Friday afternoon at LCA AV...04:39
vystrelaav_plenary: hows russell's audio04:40
av_plenaryTwo thumbs up04:41
av_plenaryAlthough I think Alan was rating the shoes.04:41
av_plenaryAudio's a mystery.04:41
av_plenaryRestarted voctogui for A/V desync.04:54
av_plenaryLost video signal on lectern 204:58
jeathis is great04:59
jeaCarlFK: can you disconnect from tmux please05:00
CarlFKjea: doh.  soory05:00
jeaits alright. just using that for monitoring opsis during talks05:00
av_plenaryStill no video on lectern 205:00
av_plenaryvystrela ^^^05:01
jeaav_plenary: now?05:02
av_plenaryStill no signal05:02
av_plenaryMaybe he doesn't have slides05:02
av_plenaryOK now05:02
jeasorry, hard to coordinate this05:03
jeai'm seeing signal, but i can't see the slides themselves05:03
jeai now have communication with the other side of the room, so should be right from now on05:04
jeaav_plenary: left side video alright?05:07
av_plenaryYep, looks good.05:08
av_plenaryGetting glitching on the right podium05:17
jeaav_plenary: hopefully gone now?05:17
av_plenaryHas been solid for a bit now05:18
jeai can see that side preview screen, and the error rate for both05:18
jeaonly one i can't see is the left side preview05:18
xfxfmic is ringing slightly05:24
av_plenaryYeah, we're on it05:24
xfxf(ringing = on edge of feedback)05:24
av_plenaryTrying to feed more input to the stream, but... nope nope nope nope05:24
jearight screen is working, but is blacked out on purpose05:26
av_plenaryroger dodger05:27
CarlFK python --ready-state 11 --day 19 --upload-format webm05:28
jeaxfxf: rusty was not speaking for most of it. no sound was correct05:31
xfxflol yes I know, I'm in the room05:32
jeaah right05:32
xfxfI didn't say no sound05:32
* xfxf confused05:32
jeaxfxf: thought it was you on the radio05:32
jeaok, sorry about that. ignore :)05:33
vystrelaav_plenary: loud enough?05:42
av_plenaryIs what loud enough?05:42
jeavystrela: seems fine in the audience05:42
vystrelaav_plenary: thr current speaker05:42
av_plenaryIt's not great on the VU, but Alan can't push it any higher without blowing up the room05:43
jeayeah, we don't want that happening05:43
vystrelathere waa no good place without sticking to his skin :(05:44
av_plenaryBleeding for your art.05:44
xfxfAlan is doing great considering the challenges05:45
xfxfI'm down the front, will assist with mics05:45
av_plenaryHe says it's not that bad, actually.  $DEITY only knows what he's had to do in the past.05:45
vystrelawe have pc audio next06:13
av_plenarycopy that06:14
vystrelaav_plenary: ^06:14
xfxfCarlFK, tumbleweed: when this room infishes, should we move the recording PC to the main area or leave it where it is for now and someone will kick off a rsync?06:15
xfxffinishes*. lol infishes wat06:15
av_plenaryRestarting voctogui for A/V desync.06:15
jeaav_plenary: for this part, spend more time on chris than on the text, i think06:21
av_plenaryAye aye06:21
jeaand use the main camera too where possible. wide is good in transitions and to show clapping, but we want to showcase chris06:22
av_plenarygold leader standing by06:23
jeai can see you are doing this, but giving tips from having done others before06:23
jea(also, i'm watching from youtube, so i get a bit of a delay :D )06:24
av_plenaryI figure we're probably contractually obligated to stream these ones...06:24
jeagood idea to06:24
av_plenaryMoney goooooood06:25
jeaav_plenary: computer audio06:28
av_plenaryAudio isn't coming up06:28
av_plenaryIt's coming out of the laptop06:29
jeaok, fixed now06:29
jeayay for lots of audio controls06:29
jeaav_plenary: better to switch to wide or slides when zooming06:30
av_plenaryYeah, I would have except you get nearly nothing of the left lectern on the wide06:31
jeaslides then i guess06:31
jeajust doesn't look very good with the zooming, even if it is slow06:31
jeayou did pretty well though06:31
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CarlFK python --ready-state 11 --day 19 --upload-format webm08:41
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