Thursday, 2019-04-04

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futarisIRCcloudxobs: There is some discussion on #riscv about ...09:19
tpbTitle: | A security enclave for humans (at
xobsI should join.09:20
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mithroxobs: With have you considered doing a 3 DH key generation acceleration in the ice40?16:14
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mithroxobs: Do you think you could get away with 65nm?16:30
xobsmithro: the way I understand it, 65nm and 40nm are mostly similar, it's just a shrink. It's when you go below 40 that things get weird.17:18
mithroxobs: The DARPA guy was claiming he had gotten an open PDK for 65nm17:19
xobsAs for dh generation, depending on what you're talking about, it's the double ratchet that apparently makes things difficult for the Ice40.17:19
xobsThat would be nice, though you still need a foundry to implement it.17:20
xobsThe Betrusted approach means you can have someone use all the fancy closed source tools and proven approaches while still being secure.17:21
xobsI would love to see that pdk, though.17:23
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