Monday, 2008-05-05

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* llnz wanders home01:33
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nashHmm.. is there someone with server access here?01:41
nashmithro and llnz seem to be MIA01:41
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llnzhi mithro04:11
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JLPahoy everyone05:12
* JLP sees the added ebuild from ezod and checks it out05:14
JLPhm i have drsheme installed, which is supposed to include mzscehem and yet the config can't find it05:20
llnzwhat's the message?05:21
tpbTitle: Nopaste - tpserver-cpp (at
llnzupload config.log up there05:23
tpbTitle: Nopaste - config.log (at
llnzi think i know what the problem is05:35
llnzlooks like the library has changed it's name05:48
llnzto libmzscheme3m.so05:49
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llnzJLP: do you have /usr/lib/ ?07:07
JLPllnz: yup in lib6407:10
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CIA-29llnz tpserver-cpp * r071340d0a341 / Hopefully fixed mzscheme test so that is works with new placing of libraries.07:17
llnzJLP: try that07:17
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JLPllnz: will do, as sson as i finish compiling some other stuff07:33
JLPIwanowitch: ahoy07:33
mithrollnz: actually there is no mistake07:41
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mithrothe first list is a list of the limits for the weightings08:04
llnzoh, well that wasn't clear08:06
mithroand each weighting could refer to something08:09
mithroIE a resource such as ship parts08:09
llnzthen why does it need a reference list? why not just a list of resource ids?08:12
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llnzcan you think of anything that will need something other than resources?08:12
mithrobecause it could reference other things08:14
mithroIE designs or similar08:14
llnzi note almost all will be first-class references, (ie only one type and id)08:14
llnzlike 99.999999999999%08:14
mithroanyway I'm heading to bed08:15
llnzso should i08:15
* llnz wanders off08:22
llnzlater all08:22
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CIA-29pluskid schemepy * r1eeae82198dd / (2 files in 2 dirs): Passed the test case for evaluating piece of code with nul-char inside.11:16
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CIA-29pluskid schemepy * r592988af287a / (3 files in 3 dirs): Passed the test case for evaluating piece of code with nul-char inside.11:35
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CIA-29pluskid schemepy * rf6558e3ade40 / (3 files in 2 dirs): Test case for conversion long between Python and Scheme passed.11:57
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llnzhi all18:20
vi1985hey llnz18:29
llnzhi vi198518:48
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JLPllnz: i get these errors running
tpbTitle: Nopaste - No description (at
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llnzJLP: odd, will look harder shortly20:08
llnzJLP: which distro? what versions of automake and autoconf? is pkg-config installed?20:27
JLPllnz: Gentoo, automake 1.10.1, autoconf 2.62, pkgconfig 0.2320:29
nashllnz: Should we right that down?20:48
llnzthat will not get you far at all20:48
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jphrmithro, JLP or llnz are any of you around?21:08
llnzjphr: i'm here21:12
jphrllnz: just wanted to know how closely the mentors wanted me to follow risk rules. I've played a game or two know and have more of a feeling for my limitations, and I have some modifications in mind.21:13
jphrllnz: it is "modified" risk, but i just don't know how much :P21:13
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llnzjphr: what ever fits really21:19
jphrmmkay, and as well I'm wondering after reading the execution order, is it possible to move a unit, do an attack, then move back all in one go?21:20
jphroh thanks goodness21:20
jphrThats all I need then for now, I best be back to my wife  :P21:21
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mithrogreywhind: ping?22:12
greywhindmithro: pong22:12
mithrogreywhind: I'm not having much luck with the filtering22:13
greywhindmithro: i need to commit a change in libtpproto22:13
greywhindbut i don't have that repo set up to commit22:13
mithrogreywhind: oh?22:13
greywhindgreywhind (09:33 AM):/Programming/ThousandParsecDev/libtpproto-py > cg-push22:14
greywhindWARNING: I guessed the host:path syntax was used and fell back to the git+ssh protocol.22:14
greywhindWARNING: The host:path syntax is evil because it is implicit. Please just use a URI.22:14
greywhindfatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly22:14
greywhindmithro: that's what I get.22:14
greywhindmithro: i have to go eat dinner, be back soon22:17
nashmithro: Can I get you to upload a new public key for me22:22
* nash was going to push some code, but then discovered he'd regened his keys recently22:24
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mithronash: sure!22:28
nashEmail it to you?22:28
mithroyeah probably best22:29
nashYou have mail!22:30
mithroshould I nuke the other keys?22:34
nashOnly the serenity one22:34
nashActually, not, nuke the others22:35
nashI need to give you another key for another machine anyway22:35
mithroall your other ones are dss keys?22:35
nashdss = dsa?22:35
nashI'll gen a new dsa for serenity then, and give you that one22:35
mithrookay then22:36
mithroonce you have one key up - you can update the others22:36
nashI have shell access?22:36
nashsecond round sent22:38
* nash remembers when ssh used to display a message about "taking time to generate keys"22:38
mithroverbal:/home/users/nash# grep nash /etc/passwd22:39
mithronash:x:1002:1002:Brett Nash,,,:/home/users/nash:/bin/bash22:39
mithronash: key should be uploaded now22:39
nashmithro: I had assumed $SHELL as /bin/git-shell or similar22:41
mithroit is for most people22:41
mithrobut I think we trust you enough to give you a real shell :)22:42
nashWell almost.. it is bash ;-)22:42
nashserenity%  grep 'nash' /etc/passwd22:43
nashnash:x:1000:1000:Brett Nash,,,:/home/nash:/bin/zsh22:43
mithroverbal:/home/users/nash# zsh22:43
mithro-bash: zsh: command not found22:43
CIA-29noegnud libtpproto-py * r97ebc6678cce /tp/netlib/ Modified GenericReference to more easily get reference values.22:48
greywhindmithro: see if that fixes the filtering22:48
mithro~seen JLafont22:48
tpbmithro: JLafont was last seen in #tp 2 days, 19 hours, 27 minutes, and 54 seconds ago: <JLafont> halloooo22:48
CIA-29nash galaxie * r97ec22dc4062 /object_param.c: Update object param to compile cleanly22:50
CIA-29nash galaxie * ra466763651d3 /tpe_orders.c: Documentation updates for tpe_orders.22:50
CIA-29nash galaxie * rb06a33a11d4b / (tpe_board.c tpe_gui.c): More doco updates.22:50
mithrogreywhind: a couple of questions22:50
mithro - the filter button doesn't appear to fit properly22:50
mithro - filters which have already been added shouldn't appear on the add side22:51
mithroI think "show filtered messages" should be on the message pane?22:51
greywhindmithro: it doesn't fit?22:52
greywhindmy reason for keeping filters on the left after they've been added was that the left pane is really "Add filters related to this message:", so it should still show everything related to the message. but i can see it the other way too.22:53
mithromaybe highlight the filters which are related to this message on the other side?22:54
mithroor you could have them already ticked22:55
greywhindmithro: i'll think about which would be best22:56
greywhindmithro: is it the font size of the button that's the problem?22:56
mithrogreywhind: you have a mac right?22:56
mithromaybe you should setup a ubuntu vmware to just test under that too?22:57
greywhindmithro: i have ubuntu dual-bootinb22:57
greywhindbut i haven't set TP up on it22:57
mithroyou should be able to use the same directories etc22:57
tpb<> (at
tpb<> (at
greywhindmithro: yeah, looks like it's probably the font size23:00
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