Sunday, 2014-02-16

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shikhermadrazr: One more question,Nathaniel reviewed my git-bundle(should i just call it a patch). He has made comments on some lines  of code. Does that mean he wants me to change these lines of code or he is just letting me know that so I should keep in mind the next time I submit a patch?00:02
madrazrshikher: Carol wins obviously00:03
madrazrshe runs the program00:03
madrazrshikher: and in this case, I don't have a stronger case than her to argue against00:04
madrazrshikher: so issue 2000 needs to be fixed00:04
shikhermadrazr: ok00:05
madrazrshikher: depends on the comments00:05
madrazrlink me to that review00:05
shikhermadrazr: Should I PM it or is it ok here?00:06
madrazrshikher: that is a public conversation00:06
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madrazrshikher: so here should be fine00:06
shikhermadrazr: My reply to that review has been deleted. Don't know who or why.00:07
madrazrshikher: nobody deletes replies00:08
madrazrshikher: may be it is sitting there in the mailing list moderation queue00:08
madrazrlet me go and check00:08
madrazrOh wow00:08
madrazrit was indeed deleted00:08
madrazrshikher: all the comments that Nathaniel has made needs to be changed00:09
madrazrlike now00:09
madrazrfor this patch00:09
shikhermadrazr: I just wrote my reasoning for each of the comments, Is that bad?00:09
madrazrshikher: it won't be committed to the repository otherwise00:09
madrazrshikher: arguing is never bad00:09
madrazrshikher: when you have a valid point that is00:09
madrazrwhen you yourself know that you don't have a valid point and still argue, then that would be bad00:10
shikhermadrazr: Ok, So I will start working on a new Patch for that issue.00:10
ayushkmadrazr: Please do the same for me. Daniel reviewed my patch. Here's the link -!topic/melange-soc-dev/rdZ9quCYSXw00:10
tpb<> (at
shikhermadrazr: True that.00:10
madrazrayushk: do what?00:19
ayushkmadrazr: Please tell me if I have to submit a new patch for the issue.00:20
madrazrayushk: of course you should00:25
madrazrbtw rule of thumb guys00:25
madrazrassume every review-comment as "needs to be addressed" before checking in00:26
madrazrunless otherwise stated explicitly00:26
madrazrshikher: ayushk: ^00:26
madrazrto all the other students00:27
shikhermadrazr: k.00:28
ayushkmadrazr: Regarding one of the changes I made to the code -  I didn't use the linker class and rather used the reverse function directly. Now what I wanted to do was to pass '?validated' as a GET parameter because validated checks if the confirmation message is to be displayed or not. So was I okay on my part?00:33
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madrazrand he left?00:40
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ayushkmadrazr: sorry, I am having some internet issues. So it keeps getting connected and disconnected.00:47
madrazrayushk: ah, no problem00:48
ayushkmadrazr: Can you answer the question I asked.00:49
madrazrayushk: no00:56
madrazrthat's not the pattern we want00:56
madrazrwe want you to use links.Linker class00:56
madrazrOh well, Daniel has said exactly that too00:56
madrazrayushk: Oh :P That "no" was an answer to your original question00:57
madrazrnot your meta question :P00:57
madrazrayushk: for your meta question, the answer is obviously, yes. I just did00:58
ayushkmadrazr: But how do I pass the 'validated' parameter? because without that the confirmation message cannot be shown.00:59
madrazrayushk: you don't01:00
madrazrayushk: you will do something similar01:00
madrazrinstead of calling urlresolver.revrese() directly, you call linker function and use the URL that it returns to construct the remaining part of the URL01:01
shikhermadrazr:  Do Program admin's exist in GSOC or GCI?01:03
madrazrshikher: without program admins there is no Melange :)01:03
madrazrshikher: they are everywhere01:03
madrazrprogram admins run the programs :)01:03
madrazralright everyone, I need to go (for a bit)01:04
ayushkmadrazr: Yeah man. How did I miss that? Ah, I did something really stupid. I just tried that and it works. Thanks for the help.01:04
madrazr5PM already and I haven't had time for lunch yet01:04
madrazrdarn, I hate weekends01:05
madrazrayushk: np01:05
shikhermadrazr: I am also going to sleep. 6:35 AM here. Will Discuss with you later today.01:06
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ayushkmadrazr: Go!!! I should also sleep now. Its 6:30 AM here.01:06
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madrazr1if anybody has questions04:46
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vivekjainmadrazr: hi07:12
vivekjainmadrazr regarding our previous discussion of create program i have tried creating new page for create program.But the problem is that ifor the gsoc-banner image to get displayed it requires program_key since image uses <a href="{{ home_link }}"><img src="/soc/content/{{ app_version }}/images/gsoc/logo/banner-{{ program_link_id }}.png" width="920" height="156" alt="Google Summer of Code" /></a> this path and in program_link_id the ke07:14
vivekjainso any workaround for this ??07:15
vivekjainmadrazr: also for the menu items to get displayed it requires the arguments which are retrieved using program_key .For ex home_link ,dashboard-link,admin-link,etc are retrieved using that .. ??07:21
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madrazrvivekjain: give me some time08:35
madrazrI am really occupied with something else (also Melange related)08:35
vivekjainok no problem08:35
madrazrvivekjain: we don't want banner for create program page08:36
madrazrjust get rid of banner08:36
vivekjainmarazr: what about menu options ??08:37
madrazrvivekjain: also what is this table thing that you keep referring to?08:37
madrazrwe use App Engine datastore08:37
madrazrthere are no tables in the App Engine datastore08:37
madrazrI think it is also worth spending a bit of time learning App Engine terminology08:37
madrazrvivekjain: read the Google App Engine Python Getting Started page08:38
madrazrvivekjain: we don't want menu items too08:38
madrazrvivekjain: see how site edit page works08:38
madrazrthis page should work somewhat that way08:38
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vivekjainmadrazr: sorry for the terminology . Also after submitting the program page it is currently showing   you need to be a program administrator to access this page. Is it ok ??08:48
madrazrvivekjain: no08:50
madrazrit is not08:50
madrazrvivekjain: you need to test what is going on08:51
madrazrif the new program is getting created at all08:51
madrazrand if yes why are you seeing this message08:51
madrazrand if not why08:51
vivekjainmadrazr: I checked in my appengine datastore viewer the program is getting created.After that it is redirecting it to the edit page of that program.But for seeing the edit page of that program you need to be the prgram administrator of that program ..But sincce no program adminsitrator has yet been defined for this program so it is showing this message08:58
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madrazrvivekjain: how can one access create program page without being a program administrator?09:02
madrazrvivekjain: btw an important note here09:02
madrazrprogram administrators are defined for sponsors09:02
madrazra program admin who is a defined as a program admin for a sponsor is a program admin for all the programs that get created under that sponsor09:03
vivekjainmadrazr: in the appengine datastore in profile model isn't  is_admin entity defines the admin for that program ??09:09
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vivekjainmadrazr: the message is getting displayed  because the user which created the program is not the host for that program but ideally he should be the host for that program ..??09:37
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ayushkmadrazr: what is Daniel's nick?09:46
ayushkmadrazr: Please review my patch for issue #1590. Here's the link for the patch submission -!topic/melange-soc-dev/rdZ9quCYSXw . GO to the last post. I have made all the necessary changes as suggested by Daniel. Still if there are any, please let me know. thanks09:55
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madrazrvivekjain: is_admin in the Profile model is for org admins10:07
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madrazrthat determines whether the user with that profile is an organization administrator or not10:08
madrazrit is not about program admins10:08
madrazrvivekjain: if that user is not a program admin then how did the program create page even render?10:08
madrazrvivekjain: even the create page should not be accessible if the user is not a program admin10:09
vivekjainmadrazr beacause he was the progarm administrator of the program from which he is accessing that page .. i.e gsoc1410:09
madrazrayushk: what nick? IRC nick?10:09
ayushkmadrazr: yes10:10
madrazrayushk: I don't know. I don't even remember10:11
madrazrayushk: I haven't seen him here in several years10:11
madrazrvivekjain: I told you, it does not work that way10:12
madrazrgo back and read your IRC chat logs10:12
madrazrvivekjain: program admins are defined per sponsor10:12
madrazrnot per program10:12
madrazrvivekjain: a user who is a program admin for a sponsor X is a program admin for all the programs that get created under sponsor X10:12
vivekjainmadrazr:  sorry i mean the user was the host of that program  from which he was accessing the create program page ..10:13
madrazrvivekjain: so it is not possible for one to be program admin for gsoc2014 and not for some other program P unless they are under different sponsor10:13
madrazrvivekjain: what do you mean?10:13
madrazrhow can she access a program create page for the program that is still not created at all?10:14
ayushkmadrazr: How do I notify him of the new patch I uploaded.10:14
madrazrayushk: you don't have to notify10:17
madrazrayushk: we do read emails10:17
madrazrall emails10:17
madrazrinspite of so much traffic10:17
madrazrayushk: as long as you have replied to the same thread you are good10:18
vivekjainmadrazr: he is creating a new program with create program form... after creating that program only the user which are the hosts of that program can access edit page of the newly created program .So once he creates a new program he is redirected to edit page of that program..But the user which created that new program isn't the host which deally should not be happening ..10:19
madrazrI don't understand at all10:19
madrazrif a user is not a program admin10:20
madrazrfor a given sponsor10:20
madrazrshe should not be able to access the program create page at all10:20
madrazrif she cannot access the create page at all, then the question of edit page does not even come up10:20
madrazragain, repeating again and again10:21
madrazrno program admin for "that program" business here10:21
madrazrone is a program admin for all the programs under a given sponsor or none10:21
madrazrso if she can access a create program page for a given sponsor, she automatically becomes the program admin for the new program that she is going to create10:22
madrazrvivekjain: however, if this is not the behavior you are seeing, you definitely need to debug this10:23
madrazrsee what is going on10:23
madrazrmay be there is a bug in one of the access checks somewhere, I don't know10:23
madrazrI am just speculating10:23
madrazrbut you need to dig deeper10:23
madrazrvivekjain: ^10:24
madrazrayushk: also keep in mind that we (the Melange team) are in different timezones10:24
madrazrayushk: and it is a weekend10:25
madrazrayushk: in the US it is a long weekend10:25
madrazrMonday is a holiday10:25
madrazrexpect some latency10:25
vivekjainmadrazr: Thanks I will see what's going on ..10:27
madrazrvivekjain: cool!10:28
madrazrvivekjain: ask questions as you explore things10:28
madrazrvivekjain: don't get stuck10:28
vivekjainmadrazr: can you tell me what does this query means user and ndb.Key.from_old_key(program_key) in user.host_for   where user and program_key are passed arguments ..10:29
madrazrayushk: your new patch looks much smaller than the previous one?10:30
madrazrayushk: and there is absolutely no git metadata?10:31
madrazrayushk: you decided the code changes required is only this much after the code review?10:31
madrazrayushk: or is this patch missing something?10:31
madrazrayushk: can I just apply this new patch to Melange and everything should work as advertisd?10:31
madrazrayushk: also did you read my email on that thread?10:33
madrazrayushk: this is not a patch for 159010:33
madrazrayushk: although this is a welcome patch10:33
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ayushkmadrazr: The previous patch had many silly mistakes. I don't know why git metadata is not there. I again setup git after your suggestion.11:31
ayushkmadrazr: Please follow this conversation I had with nathanielmanista -!topic/melange-soc-dev/dbc1KXRi3Hw . He suggested me to do both the changes, ie, redirect to view profile page and display the confirmation message. I also agreed to the same.11:33
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madrazrayushk: did you modify your already sent commit?11:43
madrazrayushk: as in did you add the new changes using git add11:43
madrazrayushk: make a commit using git commit --amend11:43
madrazrayushk: and create a patch/bundle out of the amended commit?11:44
madrazrayushk: also what about that discussion?11:44
madrazrI have read it before11:44
ayushkmadrazr: here is a pastebin link to the commit - . I am sure that this one is the correct one. Please check. Also I've uploaded this patch to the ML also. Link -!topic/melange-soc-dev/rdZ9quCYSXw . The last post.11:56
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shikhermadrazr: what time will you be available after this bcz you must be going to sleep soon?11:57
madrazrshikher: I am about to crash11:58
madrazrshikher: I don't know what time I will be available again, I have a lunch invite from a friend11:58
shikhermadrazr: ok11:59
madrazrayushk: the last post was 2 hours ago11:59
madrazris there anything new that I am missing?11:59
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ayushkmadrazr: I think I have made a post. Should be the last one12:00
ayushkmadrazr: please check again12:01
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gsocbotpiyush_: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.17:18
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vivekjain@nathanielmanista:  I have attached issue no 2027 .Please review it..18:55
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ashishknathanielmanista:i have reported a simple issue (issue-2031),please look at it..20:17
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