Monday, 2022-09-19

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_florent_tpw_rules: With SDRAM, we indeed do not have automatic clock phase calibration, so this need to be adjusted from board to board (as you saw with your fix).07:11
_florent_tpw_rules: regarding memory inference, I would like to have proper memory specialization/generator in the future to be able to specialize for the architecture we are building for. For now we are just relying on the synthesis tool: Here is a N-KB memory, with M ports, please do your best with it :)07:14
_florent_somlo: strange for the failing variant. It however seems to be deterministic since you have 1/2 of data errors. This would be interesting to see if we also reproduce it in simulation with similar DRAM, if so, it will be easier to understand/fix07:16
_florent_somlo: This could be a Down/Up-Converter corner-case triggered by this variant.07:17
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somlo_florent_: both nexys_video and ecpix5 end up with a 128-bit wide LiteDRAM native port (they both have 512MB RAM, and use MT41K256M16 modules -- with "1:4" and "1:2" rates, respectively)12:08
somloso the `d` in `fulld`, `linuxd`, `full4d`, etc. stands for 128-bit axi mem bus, specifically used on those boards to avoid width conversion12:09
RowanG[m]Could someone enlighten me regarding ECLKs in the ECP5 the lattice sysClock doc leaves me with questions... 12:29
RowanG[m]So when a clock comes out of the PLL it's a PCLK. Currently I just use this PCLK in my design to also clock input/output flip flops and there doesn't seem to be an issue. 12:30
RowanG[m]Now according to the PDF OP and OS also generate an ECLK.12:30
RowanG[m]How can I access it?12:30
RowanG[m]Or is that done "automatically" as in if use the OP/OS Clk it will use the ECLK for the IO flip flops?12:31
gatecatit's automatic if you connect it to one of the ECLK-connected ports12:50
gatecatI can't remember if that includes the IO ffs or just the 1:4/4:1 serialisation primitives etc that have an ECLK port12:50
RowanG[m]Thanks @gatecate13:23
RowanG[m]gatecat: 13:23
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Guest11Hi, has anyone every got PCIe working with a Virtex 7 VC707 board?16:10
mikek_VA3TECHill all, I know this is embarrassing, I got Litex to compile with VexriscV for the Deca Board. But when I run lxterm I get this error... :(16:12
mikek_VA3TECTraceback (most recent call last):16:12
mikek_VA3TEC  File "/usr/local/bin/lxterm", line 11, in <module>16:12
mikek_VA3TEC    load_entry_point('litex', 'console_scripts', 'lxterm')()16:12
mikek_VA3TEC  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pkg_resources/", line 490, in load_entry_point16:12
mikek_VA3TEC    return get_distribution(dist).load_entry_point(group, name)16:12
mikek_VA3TEC  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pkg_resources/", line 2853, in load_entry_point16:12
mikek_VA3TEC    raise ImportError("Entry point %r not found" % ((group, name),))16:12
mikek_VA3TECImportError: Entry point ('console_scripts', 'lxterm') not found16:12
mikek_VA3TECDo I need to recompile and reinstall the lxterm executable?16:13
Guest11is lxterm the same as litex_term ?16:13
mikek_VA3TECoh wait16:13
mikek_VA3TEChold on...16:13
mikek_VA3TECno, you are right16:14
mikek_VA3TECit's litex_term!!16:14
mikek_VA3TECok, well it's still not working... but it might be the wrong baud rate..16:15
mikek_VA3TECI was following this...
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Guest11then "litex_term --speed 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0" should work16:20
Guest11but that board uses a JTAG-UART!? So you might need the "--jtag-name" parameter for litex_term, not sure though. According to the readme not. Correct USB port selected?16:22
mikek_VA3TECSo I am using the external serial...  GPIO serial..16:23
mikek_VA3TEC#GPIO Serial16:23
mikek_VA3TEC#Subsignal("tx", Pins("P8:3")),-> pin 03 (White C96 cable) GPIO0_D016:23
mikek_VA3TEC#Subsignal("rx", Pins("P8:4")),-> pin 04 (Green C96 cable) GPIO0_D116:23
mikek_VA3TECbut i could be wrong..16:25
mikek_VA3TECI run this.... ./ --uart-name=gpio_serial --build --load16:25
mikek_VA3TECwell this one instead  ./ --uart-name=gpio_serial --build --load16:26
mikek_VA3TECI also could have my tx - rx reversed..16:26
mikek_VA3TECGOT IT!!!!!16:27
mikek_VA3TECGuest!!!  Your a genius!!!16:27
mikek_VA3TECnow i need to get a boot medium... Any idea's??  16:28
mikek_VA3TECHow Do i Load DOOM?16:28
mikek_VA3TECI think Bruno Levy has something.. 16:29
Guest11litex_term --doom ?16:29
mikek_VA3TECi need the linux bin file...16:29
mikek_VA3TECBRB lunch ready...  Thanks again!!!  :) smiles...16:30
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VC707Has anybody every used me with Litex?17:07
VC707no anybody at all. The only thing that is working for me is the UART and DRAM17:08
VC707no PCIe17:08
mikek_VA3TECsame here17:08
mikek_VA3TECwhich board?17:08
mikek_VA3TECwoah... that a big board17:09
mikek_VA3TECdo you compile anything with it?  did you look at the verilog code?17:10
VC7075.2€ ? Sounds about right but bought by the University17:10
VC707Yes I did, I also applied constraints from a Xillybus design that is known to work with exactly that board. I guess that made it worse, now it crashes the PC :D  but before that, I only got 0xFF from the board17:11
mikek_VA3TECwhat your Litex command line that you are using? you have the enable a lot of stuff I think..17:11
VC707I just need a fast way to transfer data from a host to the DRAM of the board17:11
VC707and back17:11
mikek_VA3TECany jtag ports?17:12
mikek_VA3TECyou can run a GPIO at like 1Megabuad.. you just have to specify it in litex target file..17:13
VC707the has a "--with-pci" toggle but that is broken, after fixing it and other constraints, its generating the bit file17:13
mikek_VA3TECcool...  Did you do a pull request to Florent?17:13
VC707With the jtagbone it appears to be writing fast (about 10MB/s), but reading is super slow.17:14
VC707not yet17:14
VC707and sometimes it has timeout errors17:14
mikek_VA3TECAh cool Good, Did you calibrate the Ram??   mmight be something with that...17:14
mikek_VA3TECagain I am still learning...  17:14
VC707that is done automatically, the DRAM works fine17:15
mikek_VA3TECwhat do you get for a data rate?  Around 10MB/s?  just curious..17:15
VC70780MB/s read and write from the C app running on the default Virtex CPU17:16
mikek_VA3TECoh yeah, I meant with Litex... are you able to do a calibration of the ram that way? or it's automatic...17:17
VC707the RAM calibration is done with a snippet of C-code that is provided by litex.17:19
mikek_VA3TECand your Ram reads were good....  I am assuming...  yup beyond me...  Sorry wich i can help..  17:20
VC707yes they work well, transfer with UART is also fine but slow (80KB/s)17:21
mikek_VA3TECI am still struggling with getting a demo bin file to run...  :(17:21
mikek_VA3TECwhat speed did you connect with?17:21
VC7072M worked at some point but then stoppen working17:22
VC707I have a shorter cable now, maybe I try again17:23
mikek_VA3TECyes.. ok good..  But with the higher bit rates i find the grounding and shielding is very important...17:23
mikek_VA3TECshorter cable and really good shielding and grounding..17:23
mikek_VA3TECany EMI in the area will kill your data rate...17:23
VC707okay not the front USB ports, got it17:24
mikek_VA3TECAlso, if you can change your data rate but a few kilohertz you might be at a harmonic of power line... etc..17:24
mikek_VA3TECor any inverters or switching power supplies...17:25
mikek_VA3TECif you have a Spectrum analyzer around... see what's going in the lab..   but that''s a bit of overkill...17:26
mikek_VA3TECfor me I twist the TX amd RX together... but you may not be able to do that. depending on the cables..17:27
VC707I have just a regular USB cable17:28
mikek_VA3TEChummm....  how are you changing the speed?  17:30
mikek_VA3TECwhat target file do you have?17:30
mikek_VA3TECoh wait got it17:30
VC707--uart-baudrate 2764800 :D17:32
mikek_VA3TECyup.. good try a little lower...  2764400 or 2764000... but at this point shot's in the dark..17:33
VC707I'll try, thanks17:34
mikek_VA3TECwhere do you change the actual bitrate... I am trying to remember?17:36
mikek_VA3TECi know that i chaned it in the target file...17:36
mikek_VA3TECOh I remember now... it's in :q!17:38
mikek_VA3TECAny Luck??18:07
VC7072764000 and 2764800 are misses, I'll try 2764400 now18:16
mikek_VA3TECThese are just shot int he dark guesses...18:22
mikek_VA3TECyou can go a lot lower...  2Mb/s18:23
somlo_florent_: on second thought, it *might* have something to do with width conversion. I built a `linux` (64-bit memory axi port, which would have to be up-converted to the 128-bit liteDRAM port) -- memtest passed, kernel booted, but I started getting weird errors communicating with the sdcard18:34
somlothen I built a `linuxq` (256-bit memory axi port, which needs to be down-converted to the 128-bit liteDRAM port -- this is on a nexys_video)18:35
somlohere I got a failing memtest, never made it to booting linux18:35
somloanyhow, I'll update issue #1432 so there's a record of all this experimentation :)18:36
somloI wonder if I can find an older (pre-AXI-overhaul) commit in LiteX that still builds (might run into trouble failing to find a matching point-in-time commit for all the other bits and pieces, like litedram, litesata, litesdcard, etc.)18:44
somlo... and bisect from there18:44
somlothe advantage of having a single repo with lite[sata|dram|sdcard|etc.] in subdirectories might be that one can have a much easier time bisecting for regressions18:44
somlosince those bits are in separate repositories, it's hard "synchronizing" while jumping around in the main litex repo during a bisect18:45
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nickoe83I just build a pmod for usb to work with the         kwargs["uart_name"] = "usb_acm" i.e. the valentyusb.usbcore. It appears to work great, but when I do reboot in the serial console it will not reconnect? Why could this be?19:20
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nickoeOk, on better nick now..19:23
mikek_VA3TECHow many nick are there?  :) 19:24
nickoeone true only me :)19:25
mikek_VA3TEC36 or 83 of you! :)19:27
mikek_VA3TECI am trying to upload a kernel.bin file but it keeps failing...19:27
mikek_VA3TECdo I have specify the speed every time??19:27
mikek_VA3TECwell demo.bin19:28
mikek_VA3TECI am using litex_term..19:28
mikek_VA3TECCRC error19:28
nickoeHmm, on my other computer it does appear to work ok.   I use tio for the terminal.19:28
nickoemikek_VA3TEC Is it over uart?19:29
nickoeThe default should be 115200 IIRC19:29
mikek_VA3TECwell GPIO uart19:29
mikek_VA3TECI get the Litex> prompt.19:29
nickoeIf using something other than 115200 you may need to specify it19:29
nickoehmm, ok19:29
nickoeWhat board are you using?19:29
nickoeWhat does your commandline look like?19:30
mikek_VA3TEClitex_term  /dev/ttyUSB0 --kernel=demo.bin19:30
mikek_VA3TECdo I need the external Ram for the VexriscV?19:31
mikek_VA3TECI don;t think so??19:31
nickoeI am not sure, but maybe you can build with something like --integrated-main-ram-size=0x8000  ?19:32
mikek_VA3TECoh...  right....19:32
mikek_VA3TECok let me try that..19:32
nickoeIt is some time ago that I did this, I only just came back to play with this recently, so now I am just on a basys319:32
nickoeI have not tried to load non bootloader fw on it, but I saw that mentioned in the demo readme.19:33
nickoeBut I am not able to build the demo because I get:19:33
mikek_VA3TECno no, very good, That was a great suggestion!!19:33
nickoe   which I don't quite understand19:34
mikek_VA3TECLooks like your cross compiler is messed up19:34
mikek_VA3TECcan you just point to the RiscV one?19:35
nickoeAhh, ok, I was using an older toolchain path for the commandline19:36
mikek_VA3TECI use this for my RiscV19:36
mikek_VA3TECexport PATH=$PATH:/home/mikek/Documents/Cyclone5_SOC/Litex_directory/riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc-8.3.0-2019.08.0-x86_64-linux-ubuntu14/bin19:36
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mikek_VA3TECNICK!!!  I get LiftOff now!19:38
mikek_VA3TECbut that it...19:38
nickoeI did this:19:38
nickoe#export PATH=~/litex/riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc-8.3.0-2019.08.0-x86_64-linux-ubuntu14/bin:$PATH19:38
nickoeexport PATH=~/litex/riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc-10.1.0-2020.08.2-x86_64-linux-ubuntu14/bin:$PATH19:38
nickoeyou may need a clean build when you add that arg19:38
nickoeand maybe you need to rebuild the demo.bin after it as well19:38
nickoeI had similar issues once, but I think the alignment is different.19:39
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nickoeweeee donut via usb_acm19:40
mikek_VA3TECYES SIR!!!   WORKING !!!!19:41
mikek_VA3TECOWE you a beer my friend!19:42
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nickoemikek_VA3TEC great ! looking forward to it :D19:59
nickoehappy that I could help19:59
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mikek_VA3TECI have always said! Everyone from this channel is invited to my Cottage!!!  20:04
mikek_VA3TECHave a beer on my at my QTH.  Seadoo and Solar powered electric Floating Dock!!!20:04
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nickoemikek_VA3TEC  that sounds like a floating toilet, but google has other suggestions20:13
nickoethat being "seadoo"20:13
mikek_VA3TECit's a 12 foot x 12 foot dock that floast and you can take it into the middleof the lake!20:14
nickoeI assume you are in Ottawa... I am in Denmark, so quite a distance.20:19
mikek_VA3TECyour invited to Ottawa, and Quebec where the Cottage is! :) Next time you come to Canada.20:21
nickoethank you :)20:22
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mikek_VA3TECI Got my DECA Board to work with External SDRAM!!23:17
mikek_VA3TECSo proud!23:17
mikek_VA3TEClitex> mem_test 0x40000000 0x200000023:17
mikek_VA3TECMemtest at 0x40000000 (32.0MiB)...23:17
mikek_VA3TEC  Write: 0x40000000-0x42000000 32.0MiB    23:17
mikek_VA3TEC   Read: 0x40000000-0x42000000 32.0MiB    23:17
mikek_VA3TECMemtest OK23:17
mikek_VA3TEClitex> 23:17
mikek_VA3TEClitex> mem_speed 0x40000000 0x200000023:17
mikek_VA3TECMemspeed at 0x40000000 (Sequential, 32.0MiB)...23:17
mikek_VA3TEC  Write speed: 15.6MiB/s23:17
mikek_VA3TEC   Read speed: 22.1MiB/s23:18
mikek_VA3TEClitex> 23:18
tpw_rulesthe litex memory access speed always seems kind of bad. is that just limited by the cpu then? i hope the caches would enable better bandwidth23:19
mikek_VA3TECWell it's the MISTER External ram. I had to lower the clock rate to times 1... instead of X2. I was getting errors.23:21
mikek_VA3TECnot many but some...23:21
mikek_VA3TEClitex> 23:21
mikek_VA3TEClitex> mem_test 0x40000000 0x200000023:21
mikek_VA3TECMemtest at 0x40000000 (32.0MiB)...23:21
mikek_VA3TEC  Write: 0x40000000-0x42000000 32.0MiB    23:21
mikek_VA3TEC   Read: 0x40000000-0x42000000 32.0MiB    23:21
mikek_VA3TEC  bus errors:  0/25623:21
mikek_VA3TEC  addr errors: 0/819223:21
mikek_VA3TEC  data errors: 4/838860823:21
mikek_VA3TECMemtest KO23:21
mikek_VA3TEClitex> 23:21
mikek_VA3TEClitex> mem_test 0x40000000 0x200000023:21
mikek_VA3TECMemtest at 0x40000000 (32.0MiB)...23:21
mikek_VA3TEC  Write: 0x40000000-0x42000000 32.0MiB    23:21
mikek_VA3TEC   Read: 0x40000000-0x42000000 32.0MiB    23:22
mikek_VA3TEC  bus errors:  0/25623:22
tpw_rulesbut still, that's 50MT/s i assume23:22
mikek_VA3TEC  addr errors: 0/819223:22
mikek_VA3TEC  data errors: 1/838860823:22
mikek_VA3TECMemtest KO23:22
mikek_VA3TEClitex> 23:22
tpw_rulesbtw please do not paste large blocks into IRC. it's annoying and can get you kicked23:22
mikek_VA3TEClitex> 23:22
mikek_VA3TEClitex> mem_test 0x40000000 0x200000023:22
mikek_VA3TECMemtest at 0x40000000 (32.0MiB)...23:22
mikek_VA3TEC  Write: 0x40000000-0x42000000 32.0MiB    23:22
mikek_VA3TEC   Read: 0x40000000-0x42000000 32.0MiB    23:22
mikek_VA3TEC  bus errors:  0/25623:22
mikek_VA3TEC  addr errors: 0/819223:22
mikek_VA3TEC  data errors: 4/838860823:22
mikek_VA3TECMemtest KO23:22
mikek_VA3TEClitex> 23:22
mikek_VA3TEClitex> mem_speed 0x40000000 0x200000023:22
mikek_VA3TECMemspeed at 0x40000000 (Sequential, 32.0MiB)...23:22
mikek_VA3TEC  Write speed: 17.5MiB/s23:22
mikek_VA3TEC   Read speed: 26.0MiB/s23:22
mikek_VA3TEClitex> 23:22
mikek_VA3TEClitex> mem_speed 0x40000000 0x200000023:22
mikek_VA3TECMemspeed at 0x40000000 (Sequential, 32.0MiB)...23:22
mikek_VA3TEC  Write speed: 17.5MiB/s23:22
mikek_VA3TEC   Read speed: 26.0MiB/s23:22
mikek_VA3TECOK sorry..23:22
mikek_VA3TECI should use Pastebin then?23:22
tpw_rulesthat's fine by me23:23
mikek_VA3TEChow can I check that's it's 50Mt/s?23:23
tpw_rulesit should say so when litex starts in the header23:23
mikek_VA3TECI am still struggling with getting a Linux application working..23:24
mikek_VA3TECok let me check.23:24
tpw_rulesyou can just use the reboot command to get it to print out again23:24
mikek_VA3TECSDRAM:65536KiB 16-bit @ 50MT/s (CL-2 CWL-2)23:25
mikek_VA3TECno long posts...  :)23:25
tpw_rulesso there is some overhead but theoretically you should get nearly 100MiB/s23:25
mikek_VA3TEChow do I do that? Sorry still learning here..23:25
tpw_rulesi don't know. it's a thing i've observed in litex in general. i just wondered if the channel knew the naser23:26
mikek_VA3TECI found this in the Init..  23:26
mikek_VA3TECMemspeed at 0x40000000 (Sequential, 2.0MiB)...23:26
mikek_VA3TEC  Write speed: 15.5MiB/s23:26
mikek_VA3TEC   Read speed: 22.1MiB/s23:26
tpw_rulesyes, it does a quick speed test during init to make sure the training worked (if necessary for your particular memory type)23:27
mikek_VA3TECthis is external hardware SDRAM so i would imagine that it's BW limited..23:27
tpw_rulesthat's not really a factor23:27
mikek_VA3TECI hear there is a calibration routine... where can I find that?23:27
leonsSo the Speedtest results presented there are a software Speedtest23:28
leonsYou need to build LiteDRAM with BIST enabled to have a hardware speedtest available as a command in the BIOS shell23:29
tpbTitle: #litex on 2021-07-23 — irc logs at (at
mikek_VA3TECis LiteDRAM separate from litex-boards?23:30
leonsYes, all modules are split into different repositories. LiteX just contains the basic infrastructure and code to glue things together along with CPUs and basic peripherals, litex-boards is essentially a collection of SoC instantiations fit for a selection of different boards, with appropriate constraints23:33
mikek_VA3TECAny Document ion on how to build LiteDRAM and then accessing it with litex-boards? I will start by looking at LiteDRAM.23:35
tpw_rulessdram does not have a calibration routine23:37
tpw_rulesleons: hi?23:37
tpw_rulesthank you for that link23:41
tpw_rulesi didn't think the vexriscv would be that slow with cache but i guess we will find out23:41
mikek_VA3TECAh ok, I found where it has the SDram hardware.. sdrphy_mod = {"xs_v22": W9825G6KH6, "xs_v24": AS4C32M16}[mister_sdram]23:46
mikek_VA3TECLine 129... 23:46
mikek_VA3TECBut mine is version 2.5  have to get the microscope out to read the chips..  :)23:47
mikek_VA3TECno long posts...   :)23:47

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