Monday, 2022-07-04

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ShaturTo include my own cores into litex_sim I need copy `` and edit it?09:44
ShaturOr how can I try to simulate my board on litex_sim?10:23
_florent_Shatur: you can copy litex_sim  and customize it yes with your cores/peripherals13:18
ShaturThanks for the info!13:49
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DerekKozel[m]Has anyone looked at the Linux dma_buf interface and LitePCIe?21:56
somlo_florent_: I think the new "generic toolchain" changes are breaking (at least rocket) builds (on ecpix5):
tpbTitle: $ litex-boards/litex_boards/targets/ --build \ - (at
somlomy other attempt to build on the nexys video works (with vivado) -- but trellis seems to have a regression22:20

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