Monday, 2021-09-06

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yosys-questionsjevinskie[m] .. Will give it a shot, thanks!03:28
jevinskie[m]Np, here is an example:
sajattack[m]Just a heads up, I ran into an error with sbt and jdk16, had to downgrade to jdk1104:30
sajattack[m]in case anyone else runs into the same04:31
tpbTitle: hastebin (at
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sajattack[m]I guess the litepcie kernel driver for linux-vexriscv would be different than the one for the litex-boards? Because it has more CSRs? Is that my issue?04:48
sajattack[m]and how do I pass the --driver down to litex-boards from way up in linux-vexriscv04:48
sajattack[m]how do I turn a csr.csv or csr.json to a csr.h05:01
sajattack[m]ahhh I think I might be onto something05:04
sajattack[m]I think I got it now, but I need a tool to send the linux bitstream over pcie uart05:11
sajattack[m]I don't think litex_term does that yet?05:11
sajattack[m]I wish the litepcie driver made a tty05:23
sajattack[m]or litex_term supported pcie05:27
sajattack[m]brb, rewriting litex_term in rust for litepcie xD06:23
sajattack[m]I already rewrote litepcie_util uart_test, now I just need the actual upload code06:24
_florent_sajattack[m]: LitePCIe hasn't really been tested/integrated with Linux-on-LiteX-VexRiscv so that's indeed possible some adaptations will be required. 06:39
sajattack[m]on it boss :P06:39
_florent_To load the Linux images, you could use litex_server in pcie mode and then litex_term in bridge mode06:40
sajattack[m]how hard would it be to ioctl in python?06:40
sajattack[m]I tried litex_server in pcie mode and got some errors06:40
_florent_but this could also be interested to use the LitePCIe MMAP interface and just let the CPU directly access the Host's memory to load the binaries06:41
sajattack[m]yeah that would be smarter06:42
sajattack[m]let me try the litex_server again to show you06:42
tpbTitle: hastebin (at
_florent_ok, the code should probably be updated (
tpbTitle: Issue 40785: `mmap.mmap(..., 0)` doesn't work as advertised in docs (fails with EINVAL); relies on compatibility behavior no longer permitted by [some] Unix OSes - Python tracker (at
_florent_instead of 0, can you try passing a valid length06:50
sajattack[m]what length is it then?06:50
_florent_the size of the BAR0, let me check06:51
sajattack[m]ok so like sys.stat or whatever06:51
_florent_The default side for BAR0 is 1MB in LitePCIe06:52
sajattack[m]k thx06:52
sajattack[m]it's 128KB for acorn I think06:55
sajattack[m]oh but that's in 128bit chunks06:55
sajattack[m]so 2mb I think06:56
sajattack[m]that gives me a new error... (full message at
_florent_Can you try to reduce it to 1MB?
* sajattack[m] uploaded an image: (4KiB) < >07:05
sajattack[m]1mb gave the same error as before and also 07:05
sajattack[m]hmm, you right... (full message at
sajattack[m]gonna turn off resizable bar in my bios and see if that does anything07:11
sajattack[m]derp, that wasn't it, I just had to unload the litepcie driver07:14
sajattack[m]this is bad too 07:16
* sajattack[m] uploaded an image: (45KiB) < >07:16
sajattack[m]I might go back to trying to do shitty uart, what do you think?07:18
sajattack[m]interestingly, this value is 0xf000104007:25
sajattack[m]which is slightly outside of the uart_xover address space I think07:26
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sajattack[m]well I guess I'll see if I can get my shitty uart coded before florent comes back07:33
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_florent_sajattack[m]: I created for the mmap issue08:43
_florent_I'm still with Python3.6 and it's probably has to be updated for Python 3.7+08:44
_florent_for litex_server over PCIe, maybe first try litex_cli --regs08:45
_florent_also, on the PCIe designs where I'm using LitePCIe, the idea is to reduce BAR0 size and just expose the CSR to it to allow the Host to control the board08:46
_florent_so we add an offset in add_pcie:
_florent_That then has to be removed when using the generated csr.csv:
_florent_you'll also have to do this in litex_term08:49
_florent_(sorry the PCIe integration on this is not yet very clean... that's not really a use case I've been using)08:49
sajattack[m]interesting, thanks for the info09:03
sajattack[m]I just don't want an extra damn cable going into my computer when the darn thing is already in my computer09:04
sajattack[m]I just hacked a -0xf0000000 on the address in comm_pcie and it looks like it's doing something? but the upload percent is stuck at 009:10
sajattack[m]maybe it's just incredibly slow09:10
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sajattack[m]I think it's uploading09:22
sajattack[m]slow as balls btw09:24
sajattack[m]not quite 9gbps09:24
sajattack[m]one 8-bit ioctl at a time09:24
sajattack[m]or maybe not09:24
sajattack[m]idk how litex_server works09:25
sajattack[m]--============== Boot ==================--... (full message at
sajattack[m]seems the libera bridge is a bit glitchy with long messages09:26
sajattack[m]I was showing a couple lines of the bios output, upload at 6%09:27
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sajattack[m]the linux image would fit in spi flash if we had a driver for it09:39
pftbest_florent_: Hello. I noticed that etherbone stops working when sys_clk is < 20MHz both on ecp5 and xilinx. Is there some easy way to fix this? Or I should switch to uartbone?09:43
sajattack[m]did it default to 115200 baud maybe?09:51
sajattack[m]that would be silly but I bet that's why it's so slow09:51
sajattack[m](talking to myself, not pftbest)09:51
zyppftbest, < 20 MHz or < 31.25 MHz? does it work at e.g. 25 MHz?10:11
pftbestit works at 20, but fails at 1010:12
pftbestI also tried 16 and it didn't work10:12
pftbestWhy 31.25? is it some special ratio?10:13
zypI would guess there's an overrun or underrun somewhere when it becomes too slow to keep up10:13
zyp31.25 is 1Gb/s divided by a 32b wide stream10:13
pftbestAs I understand GMII frequency is 125MHz10:14
pftbestBTW the ping works, but connecting from litex_server fails10:15
zypping is handled in the 125 MHz domain10:15
pftbestMaybe I can increase some fifo length?10:16
zypIIRC etherbone got a 32b wide UDP stream heading over into the sys domain10:16
zypor you could put etherbone itself in a faster domain and cdc the memory bus10:17
pftbestI added depth=32 parameter here
pftbestnow it seems to work at 10MHz10:24
pftbestzyp: thanks10:24
pftbestzyp: I added it at random and it helped, but I don't understand why :(10:28
pftbestneed to undo it and confirm again10:29
_florent_pftbest: with the current architecture, the minimum working freq will be 31.25MHz (125/4). If it works below, it's just luck (or effect of the internal buffering for small packets, but won't work for large packets)  10:30
zypyeah, and the more buffering you add, the larger packets it'll work for10:30
_florent_pftbest: there is no assert in the integration code, but I could eventually add one10:30
pftbest_florent_: ok, I see10:31
_florent_but even with working with increased depth, I would not recommend using this, it will cause you troubles later when you'll have long forget about this :)10:31
pftbestI just need to check some signals using litescope @ 10MHz10:32
pftbestand I don't like uartbone because it's slow10:32
zypyou know you can run litescope slower than the sys domain?10:33
pftbestBut it seems there is no way around it10:33
pftbestzyp: I know, but I need sys itself to be slow10:33
zypin that case I suggest putting etherbone in a faster domain10:34
pftbestzyp: Sorry, I don't know how to put some module in another clock domain. If I knew I wouldn't be running sys at 10MHz10:37
zypputting a module in another clock domain is the easy part, you just wrap the instance in a ClockDomainsRenamer10:43
zypthe slightly harder part is adding CDC to the signals10:43
pftbestzyp: But what about CSR and Wishbone bus10:49
pftbestAs I understand they will not just work as is10:49
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_florent_pftbest: LiteScope has a clock_domain parameter that you can use for this:
_florent_just create a specific clock_domain for your 10MHz logic and use it for LiteScope11:29
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pftbest_florent_: in my case changing the clock domain for litescope wont help. I am trying to enable DLL-off mode for DDR3 memory and run it at low frequency.11:49
pftbestI don't know how to move whole litedram to another clock domain, so I'm just trying to run whole "sys" slower, so I can probe the signals11:50
MelkhiorHello; for my design I have a bunch of set_input_delay/set_ouput_delay to deal with the unmatched length of traces on a parallel bus. So far I had hard-coded the path to the XDC file in, but now i need some adaptability12:21
MelkhiorIs there a way to add some extra constrain file to Litex ? (so XDC for Vivado)12:21
MelkhiorOr to specify the input/output delay per-pins ?12:21
_florent_Melkhior: you should be able to pass the extra constraints with platform.add_platform_command("...")12:29
_florent_Otherwise, for your parallel bus, if you want to have the best possible delays, make sure to use IO registers (will automatically be the case with SDRInput/Output)12:30
Melkhior_florent_: I tried duplicating the file line-by-line with add_platform_command, but it complains about my parallel signal with a 'KeyError'12:33
Melkhior  File "/home/dolbeau/LITEX/litex/litex/build/", line 409, in resolve_signals12:33
Melkhior    named_pc.append(template.format(**name_dict))12:33
MelkhiorKeyError: 'SBUS_3V3_D'12:33
Melkhior| Design Timing Summary12:33
MelkhiorIn the XDC, each signal of the group is specified independently (e.g. : et_input_delay -clock SBUS_3V3_CLK -min 0.838 [get_ports {SBUS_3V3_D[1]}] )12:34
MelkhiorNot sure if it's related - but the other signals before are fine12:35
MelkhiorSo I'm guessing the bracket is an issue 12:35
Melkhiornothing serious (I can just add a list of extra files in the platform.toolchain and specify that in my platform), just wondering what the 'proper' way was, if any12:36
MelkhiorAlso trying to make usable by third-parties, so the fewer patches to Litex the better :-)12:37
MelkhiorAs for the delay, the bus is just 25 MHz (technically, anything between 16.67 and 25), so the Artix-7 has no problem with timings12:39
Melkhior(those timings constraints are probably overkill... didn't know better so I did everything by-the-book ... ISBN 9781461229421 to be accurate ;-) )12:42
pftbestMelkhior: try to escape the braces with the double, for example instead of "{SBUS_3V3_D[1]}" use "{{SBUS_3V3_D[1]}}"12:50
Melkhioralready done :-)12:51
Melkhiorsorry I copy / pasted from the source file, not the exact line I feed to the tool :-(12:51
Melkhior_florent_: just realized I had a typo, I was only replacing *some* curly braces :-(12:52
MelkhiorTrying again12:52
MelkhiorHehe, always ask an expert; with all the curly braces properly duplicated, it seems to work12:54
sajattack[m]Any ideas why my PCIe UART xover serial boot keeps getting stuck at 99%12:54
Melkhiorthanks !12:54
_florent_sajattack[m]: is if with litex_term or your own code?13:00
sajattack[m]Any ideas why my PCIe UART xover serial boot keeps getting stuck at 99%13:00
sajattack[m]It's with litex_term13:00
sajattack[m]And a modified litex_server using address 0 instead of 0xf000000013:04
sajattack[m]I also tried wishbone-tool at zyp's suggestion but it didn't work and I found an issue mentioning they don't support the upload protocol yet13:06
sajattack[m]it just sits at 99 until I spam enter about 10 times and then it crc errors13:09
sajattack[m]waited probably 45m-1h at 9913:10
_florent_ok, can you try to set sfl_outstanding to 0?:
_florent_you can also try to increase the delay here:
sajattack[m]ok, it'll be about half an hour until I have a result13:13
_florent_it takes that long? 13:14
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_florent_to validate things, maybe try to load small binaries13:14
sajattack[m]got anything handy?13:15
_florent_just try to send any small random file you have on your computer, just to see it's able upload correctly13:15
_florent_at least if it passes the 99%13:15
sajattack[m]yeah it uploaded a 192 byte bash script just fine13:17
sajattack[m]the opensbi.bin is optional right?13:18
tntI don't think so.13:19
tntYou need a machine mode "bios" and opensbi provides that in recent linux-on-litex.13:20
sajattack[m]ok I'll try sticking that in there then13:21
sajattack[m]maybe it was getting stuck looking for that file13:21
sajattack[m]it seems happier now13:48
sajattack[m]and it reports 4KB/s13:49
tpbTitle: hastebin (at
sajattack[m]well that was an amusing diversion14:06
* sajattack[m] uploaded an image: (294KiB) < >14:15
Melkhior<sajattack[m]: congrats! nice to have 1 GiB for Litex :-) Presumably the FPGA is big enough for several cores, to justify the memory :-)14:30
MelkhiorBTW, if you don't have a 'better' way than serial to load the binaries, the 'C' extension will save a lot of space in Buildroot and is fine in VexRiscv14:31
sajattack[m]better to have motivation to develop an improved pcie loader :)14:32
Melkhior(better == microsd for non-memory-based root, == ethernet for memory-based root)14:32
Melkhiorhehe, yes PCIe would be 'better'14:32
sajattack[m]well it is pcie at the moment14:33
sajattack[m]it's just slow as balls uart pcie14:33
sajattack[m]rather than dma pcie14:33
Melkhior4 KiB is small though, you can get more than that - I was getting 20+ KiB/s with an old BeagleBone White as the data source14:33
MelkhiorOh, OK, thought it would be a 'regular' uart14:34
Melkhiorthis explains that 14:34
sajattack[m]this is a 200kLUT board 🤣
tpbTitle: hastebin (at
sajattack[m]oh wait that was the wrong one14:40
MelkhiorI can fit 4 VexRiscv RV32IMACFDBK comfortably in an Artix-7 100T, you should be able to reach the 8 HARTs limit easily :-)14:40
sajattack[m]I thought it was too low14:40
sajattack[m]maybe this is actual usage
tpbTitle: hastebin (at
sajattack[m]I don't understand the logs very well14:42
sajattack[m]ok I will try 8 core next14:43
Melkhiordepends on your use case I guess, I recompiled a bunch of stuff (to test the B and K extension I had added) so more cores were better14:48
Melkhior2 or 4 has been tested a lot ... 8 might be much less charted territory14:49
sajattack[m]I don't really have a use case14:53
sajattack[m]I'm just goofing around14:53
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_florent_sajattack[m]: congrats :)15:01
_florent_sajattack[m]: the upload is still very slow15:01
sajattack[m]it was all your hard work :P15:01
_florent_have you finally changed litex_term parameters?15:02
sajattack[m]I changed the sfl_outstanding15:03
sajattack[m]should I change the other one too?15:03
_florent_ok, since you'll have to pay the PCIe latency for each frame, maybe you could to increase it now that you got a first version working15:04
_florent_have you also increased the delay?15:04
sajattack[m]I haven't yet15:04
_florent_BTW, I want to add an auto-calibration for these parameters but haven't had time yet15:05
sajattack[m]should I increase the payload length too?15:05
_florent_not yet15:05
sajattack[m]1e-4 a good delay?15:05
_florent_you can try it and then increase sfl_outstanding to 2, 4, 8, etc...15:06
_florent_when increasing sfl_outstanding fails, try to increase the delay15:07
_florent_I think you should be able to get almost equivalent speed than with USB FIFOs (400-500KB/s)15:08
_florent_BTW once you have something you are happy with, would you mind filling an issue to summarize the changes you made? This way I'll make sure to address the issues15:09
sajattack[m]any sfl_outstanding greater than 0 causes it to get stuck at 9915:23
_florent_ok, I'll try to do some tests15:37
sajattack[m]my best results are 0-delay, 0-outstanding, 255 payload15:50
sajattack[m]still only 8KB/s though15:50
sajattack[m]I'll try using a non-hipster kernel15:52
sajattack[m]maybe some of my tickless bullshit is breaking it15:52
sajattack[m]that gets it up to 1015:59
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jevinskie[m]sajattack: do you happen to be using this alinx atrix board? I’ve been meaning to bring up litex on it for the last month since I’ve had it
tpbTitle: [AX7A200] XILINX Artix-7 XC7A200T FPGA Development Board A7 SoMs - Artix-7 - ALINX Electronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (at
jevinskie[m]_florent_: Sorry about the noise, I ran the BIST again on the arty to get the logs for you and it passed fine. My brain and workstation were cluttered yesterday trying to clean up my diffs against upstream so I must have mixed something up.17:57
jevinskie[m]I managed to get BIST to pass on the arty at 200 MHz sys_clk for a peppy 1600 MT/s at CL 8 for about 1850 MB/s read!17:58
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_florent_jevinskie[m]: nice! So we still have some margin at 800MT/s (which is already > to the specified 667MT/s :) )19:44
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bjonnhI'm considering buying a board to start playing with FPGA and DSPs for audio19:51
bjonnh 19:51
tpbTitle: Xilinx Zynq-7000 SoC Development Board - Digilent Zybo Z7 (at
bjonnhwould that do?19:51
bjonnh(I want a fully open workflow if possible)19:52
bjonnhor is that overkiil19:52
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jevinskie[m]You might want a non-zynq part so you don’t have the additional complexity of the hard processors20:41
sajattack[m]<jevinskie[m]> "sajattack: do you happen to be..." <- nope, I'm using acorn_cle_21521:08
bjonnhcan't you just ignoret he arm part?21:22
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jevinskie[m]bjonnh: I’m not familiar with Xilinx personally but read that you have to boot the arm to load the PL bitstream (while altera SoCs can be configured to boot only the fpga side)21:52
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sajattack[m]I made an 8 core rv32gc with 8 fpus and when I try to lxterm into it my pc reboots 😂23:09
sajattack[m]oh I also gave it l2 cache23:10
sajattack[m]but I don't think that matters23:10
sajattack[m]I think maybe it was just a bad flash23:12
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sajattack[m]Hmm, reflashed, still not happy23:38
sajattack[m]Maybe I'll go down to 4 fpus23:39
jevinskie[m]Need a pcie firewall :P23:42
tpw_rulesi have not ben having much luck with cle-21523:50
tpw_rulesit's inconsistent and unstable23:50
tpw_rulesno pcie weirdness, but it only works on some syntheses23:50
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