Wednesday, 2024-08-28

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ZipCPUsomlo: Out of curiosity, what's the question?12:15
somloZipCPU: right now, the big one I have is how to *actually* pick appropriate values for the settings of a new part (step 2 in prjxray/docs/db_dev_process/newpart.rst); e.g., I want to add xc7k325t, so XRAY_PART should *probably* be xc7k325tffg900-2 (b/c "largest number of pins"); but beyond that, XRAY_ROI_TILEGRID, XRAY_IOI3_TILES, XRAY_ROI, and the various XRAY_ROI_GRID_[X|Y]* in the config script are assuming things I don't even know I don't know :)12:42
somlokept googling for some datasheet that might provide coordinate info for the various components on each chip variant, but that's likely *not* where this knowledge was actually scraped...12:44
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ZipCPUsomlo: Let me see if I can find out anything ...13:19
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