Tuesday, 2024-08-27

*** tpb <[email protected]> has joined #yosys00:00
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Guest95I want compile yosys on windows. So i use cygwin to run linux os.02:50
Guest95src/aig/gia/giaMfs.c: In function ‘abc::Gia_Man_t* abc::Gia_ManPerformMfs(Gia_Man_t*, Sfm_Par_t*)’:02:50
Guest95src/aig/gia/giaMfs.c:555:22: warning: ‘nNodes’ may be used uninitialized [-Wmaybe-uninitialized]02:50
Guest95  555 |             Abc_Print( 1, "The network has %d nodes changed by \"&mfs\".\n", nNodes );02:50
Guest95      |             ~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~02:50
Guest95is this normal?02:51
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*** FabM <FabM!~FabM@armadeus/team/FabM> has joined #yosys06:25
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somloanyone know of a good place to ask prjxray related questions? I tried #f4pga, but so far I got crickets...15:55
*** Adrien[m] <Adrien[m]!adrienpbma@2a01:4f8:c012:5b7:0:1:0:7e> has joined #yosys16:01
Adrien[m]same here -_-16:01
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