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jleightcap | so (i think) options are parsed 1. argv, 2. -s, 3. -p | 00:02 |
jleightcap | so passing source in (1) means any -I options in (2) (3) aren't reached | 00:02 |
jleightcap | and `read_verilog -Ifoo source` in (3) fails in (2) | 00:03 |
jleightcap | so it seems (2) is the only place this logic can go, but then I have to hard-code source | 00:04 |
jleightcap | parsed isn't correct, they're _processed_ in that order, rather :-) | 00:05 |
jleightcap | a CLI `-I` that applies to argv source would make this nice -- would a PR be welcome? | 00:08 |
lofty | Eeeeh, it possibly would, although I don't know who would take a look at it | 00:09 |
lofty | The default Yosys verilog frontend scares everyone | 00:09 |
jleightcap | is there a better tool for this? | 00:12 |
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jleightcap | i'd prefer not to exclude source with `include directives when sharing a script | 00:13 |
jleightcap | TCL script, maybe reading from environment variables? | 00:13 |
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Generated by irclog2html.py 2.17.2 by Marius Gedminas - find it at https://mg.pov.lt/irclog2html/!