Wednesday, 2023-03-15

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Guest57hi people08:30
Guest57i am getting error while executing make sky130A_pll in openfasoc, where i am trying to run my verilog file instead of pll.v08:32
Guest57it is not taking my module name, can anyone suggest on this issue please?08:32
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so-offishI am not sure if the nextpnr gui is showing me that one of my nets is shorted (?) I need to read the config file to see if it's producing something reasonable.18:45
so-offishIs there a cheat sheet for understanding the config file and following arcs18:46
gatecatI'd be very impressed if you managed to make a short circuit and didn't just find a GUI bug, tbh (the GUI isn't really well used)20:53
gatecatif you find the tile that's the problem in the config file you can check there is only one arc onto the wire you think has a problem, that's all you need to check20:55
gatecatif you can provide me a reproducible design, copy of the generated .config file and a screenshot of the problem including the tile and wire names then I can have a look tomorrow, too20:56
so-offishgatecat: thank you I will check that. I'm seeing if I can get the code released (there's nothing special about it, just a process).20:59
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