Wednesday, 2022-10-19

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whitequarktnt: having seen code by chipmunks i have to disagree :D07:32
whitequarkcare little enough and not even an US+ will save you...07:33
tntwhitequark: Ah, I guess you have seen "better" chipmunks and I'll have to defer to your expertise in the matter then :D07:59
mewtexperience of those chipmunks sounds disquieting08:17
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RowanG[m]I have a top entity that is generic because I want to use it on multiple board revision that are all the same save for a different ram chip that has differing number of banks. 17:00
RowanG[m]So I have a parameter on the top level module that specifies how wide the banks are17:01
RowanG[m]I can read the verilog fine from yosys but I'd like to set this parameter before doing anything else 17:01
RowanG[m]But I can't seem to do it. 17:01
RowanG[m]So I call yosys with the verilog file. 17:02
RowanG[m]And see this in the prompt:... (full message at <>)17:02
RowanG[m]and do `setparam -set BANK_WIDTH 10 $abstract\Wrapper`17:03
RowanG[m]which doesn't complain17:03
RowanG[m]but when I then continue the default size of the parameter hasn't changed17:03
RowanG[m]is there some other way I can do this?17:03
RowanG[m]I tried to do it with defines but this doesn't work for some reason17:34
* RowanG[m] sent a code block:
RowanG[m]This fails with: `./wrapper.v:17: ERROR: Failed to detect width for parameter \BANK_WIDTH!`17:34
RowanG[m]ooof this works I just missed the backtick...17:36
gatecatRowanG: try doing `hierarchy -top Wrapper -chparam BANK_WIDTH 10` after reading verilog but before doing anything else18:00
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RowanG[m]@gatecat thx :)19:43
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