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lkcl | Duality, building ghld-yosys-plugin has been a little tricky for the past year due to a double-whammy of API changes in both yosys and ghdl, with ghdl-yosys-plugin falling between two stools. i heard it's now been sorted if you pick latest-master-from everything. | 17:16 |
lkcl | but, i *also* hear there's a new option in ghdl, to output verilog, *built-in* | 17:16 |
lkcl | ghdl --synth --out=verilog | 17:17 |
lkcl | looks like anton blanchard's been helping on that https://github.com/ghdl/ghdl/commit/fad6dc991dea7a523ab7353a7dde28c71a6a2192 | 17:18 |
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