Friday, 2022-06-17

*** tpb <[email protected]> has joined #yosys00:00
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* GenTooMan puts hay down for de horses??01:30
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bluesceadaHey can anyone briefly explain what is the exact overlap of abc vs. yosys? It seems abc alone can also do a lot what yosys can, right? And yosys itself typically just uses abc for a few of its features, such as logic optimization? Right?08:37
*** Duality <[email protected]> has joined #yosys08:51
Dualitydoes Yosys have VHDL support08:51
gatecatyeah, via the ghdl plugin08:52
DualityBut not on windows it seems 09:18
Dualitywas just curious09:19
lambdathe readme tells you how to build it on windows.11:02
Dualityyou are right I gave it a first glance and read Windows doesn't support dynamic loading and then just assumed 12:29
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*** kraiskil <[email protected]> has joined #yosys18:07
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*** nonchip <[email protected]> has quit IRC (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)22:02
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