Wednesday, 2022-04-06

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piegames[m]I need to do some optimization of large truth tables with multiple outputs. Is Yosys a good tool for that?13:49
piegames[m]I tried using Espresso but as far as I can tell I'd have to manually do some factorization of common terms afterwards, plus I'm not sure if the optimization is global when there are multiple outputs.13:50
tntHeh, funny I went the other way around. I ended up using espresso to get basic logic equations from truth tables and feed that to yosys because yosys alone produced not-so-great results.13:54
tntit might depend what your tables look like though. Mine were mostly "don't care" which is where I think espresso did a much better job at not caring than yosys.13:55
piegames[m]Test test (I think the Matrix bridge is down)14:11
piegames[m]I tried using Espresso but as far as I can tell I'd have to manually do some factorization of common terms afterwards, plus I'm not sure if the optimization is global when there are multiple outputs.14:11
tntAh well I guess I'm screaming into the void then.14:14
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piegamestnt: I'm back (good thing there are public channel logs ^^)14:16
xiretza[m]tnt: everything went through fine from my POV14:17
piegamesI want to use it to compress some small ROM, so no don't cares (except maybe for unused addresses) but plenty of redundancy to optimize out14:34
piegamesFrom reading the help page the `opt` command is probably not strong enough to do that14:34
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jixpiegames: playing around with abc's various optimization passes is among the things I'd try15:58
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