Sunday, 2021-10-17

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sf-slack1<gergo> OK I managed to reduce it into a single 34-line Verilog input that is mis-synthesized with SymbiFlow. Which repo's issue tracker would I report this to?10:51
sf-slack1<gergo> Unfortunately, I still can't run `fasm2bels` on it10:55
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tpbTitle: Turning PathFinder Upside-Down: Exploring FPGA Switch-Blocks by Negotiating Switch Presence | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore (at
mithro@gergo -- Thanks for all your awesome work getting clash going with SymbiFlow17:32
sf-slack1<pgielda> @mithro @gergo yes, this is pretty cool work!18:16
mithrogatecat: Also
tpbTitle: Load Balance-Centric Distributed Parallel Routing for Large-Scale FPGAs | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore (at
gatecatthanks for the papers, mithro!18:30
mithroI have a few alerts around VPR and nextpnr18:30
mithroSadly I don't have the time to actually read and understand the papers it finds18:31
mithroSo I try and route them to people who do :-)18:31

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