Sunday, 2021-08-08

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lkclmithro: i'm in touch with a couple of nixos developers as part of NLnet-sponsored "summer of nix".  i'm encouraging them to investigate nix-ing symbiflow.17:42
lkclinterestingly some of the dependencies i saw had been added to nixos a couple years ago17:43
lkclah yeah here
sf-slack<kd2cca> "hackerfoo" on github did some packaging18:00
sf-slack<kd2cca> Locally I have a few things in our nix-shell that may be of interest as well:
lkclkd2cca: nice! that's really appreciated, i'll pass that on18:10
lkclah brilliant, you've got yosys-symbiflow-plugin already18:11
lkclis there one for vtr as well, do you know?18:11
sf-slack<kd2cca> There is a shell but not a derivation18:12
lkclok. 18:12
lkcli have to admit i don't know what that means :)18:12
lkclok, nix-shell.18:12
sf-slack<kd2cca> Same for Surelog and Verible, shells but no derivations yet. (my project's verible is just a binary pull)18:13
lkclokaaay, found this
sf-slack<kd2cca> yeah, a shell is a general environment for local building. A derivation allows you to insert the project into dependency trees and such.18:14
lkclit's a good place to save time/effort, thx kd2cca18:17
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mithroMy experience with nix is that people stop doing stuff on the real project and spend all their time fiddlying with nix.20:09
lkclgiven the complexity and comprehensiveness of debian packaging's web-of-trust, it always makes me sigh when i see a new package manager20:34
sf-slack<kd2cca> Depends with Nix. 4 years ago when nix was still rough around the edges? Definitely. Now? Most of it is on rails once you get the hang of it. Can easily wrangle NPM, PyPI, etc, all together. It is quite nice.21:38
sf-slack<kd2cca> Now to be fair, I do resemble that comment some what, mostly because Surelog and UHDM showed up and I got itches to scratch :)21:40
mithroAlso nix doesn't solve packaging for Windows + Mac users either22:36

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