Saturday, 2021-08-07

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lkcli've managed to cherry-pick enough to get a build from symbiflow, by simply running a test, seeing what fails, and manually installing it.  the arty a7-100 example is11:37
lkclcd build/arty_100 && symbiflow_synth -t top -v /home/lkcl/src/symbiflow/symbiflow-examples/xc7/counter_test/counter.v -d artix7 -p xc7a100tcsg324-1 -x /home/lkcl/src/symbiflow/symbiflow-examples/xc7/counter_test/arty.xdc 2>&1 > /dev/null11:37
lkclERROR: Module $paramod\FDRE\INIT=1'0 contains processes, which are not supported by JSON backend (run `proc` first).11:37
* lkcl investigating11:37
lkclokaaay putting enough copies of the proc_* commands into the synth.tcl script for xc7 fixed that symbiflow/scripts/xc7/synth.tcl  (wd: /opt/symbiflow/xc7/share)11:56
lkclotherwise this occurs further down11:56
lkclERROR: Module FDCE contains processes, which are not supported by JSON backend (run `proc` first).11:56
lkclnext error: tracking down vpr11:56
lkclwhich shows great documentation on using it11:57
tpbTitle: VPR — SymbiFlow (at
lkclbut almost zero documentation on building it11:57
lkclno project named "vtr" here
lkclsome stuff here
lkclbut no command12:00
lkclanybody know where to find instructions online on how to download and build vpr?12:01
lkclthere's a command called vpr_common though12:02
lkclbut no, that's running vpr12:03
lkclthe symbiflow-arch-defs contains nothing resembling source code of what would build an executable12:03
lkclokaaaay, fiiinally.12:04
tpbTitle: Building VTR — Verilog-to-Routing 8.1.0-dev documentation (at
lkclokaaaay got it built.13:16
lkclls -altr build/arty_100/  13:17
lkcl3825896 Aug  7 13:16 top.bit13:17
lkclhooraaay! blinky lights!13:23
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mithrolkcl: You should start with
tpbTitle: Welcome to SymbiFlow examples! — SymbiFlow examples documentation (at
lkclmithro, thx. i've got a working base, now, which i can unpack and create an automated reproduceability script from16:28
lkclthat looks very similar to what went into this
tpbTitle: Using Xilinx Open Source FPGA Toolchain on Docker Containers | by Carlos Eduardo | Medium (at
lkclit was quite a... painful experience.16:31
lkclwe'll be creating some explicit build scripts for all the dependencies (vtr etc.) now that i know what's going on - making the need for conda unnecessary.16:32
lkclthat said, i'm delighted to see all the work has gone into this, to make it even possible.16:34

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