Tuesday, 2025-02-18

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sajattackso I found this and increased it https://github.com/litex-hub/litex-boards/blob/ff133349a965c994bfade23e1b44e1ce7862b884/litex_boards/targets/sqrl_acorn.py#L11500:17
sajattackbut it's not clear to me if this correlates 1:1 to the csr map or if I have to connect them somehow00:17
sajattackalso I'm still downloading vivado00:18
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cr1901_florent_: Some measurements you might find interesting: https://github.com/cr1901/teraterm-litex/issues/1#issue-285935215105:15
sajattackdefault litex_boards/sqrl_acorn is failing pnr on vivado 2024.205:22
sajattack https://paste.sr.ht/~sajattack/777aff8c04326c05fca68482985487331b47c0b405:22
tpbTitle: 777aff8 — paste.sr.ht (at paste.sr.ht)05:22
sajattackshould it be 33 or 15?05:23
sajattacksame thing on user_led005:29
sajattackoh actually that's only because I lowered it to 15 and the led is 3v305:30
sajattackalso liteuart doesn't compile for 6.13.205:49
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