Monday, 2025-02-17

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sajattackI'm wondering what would be the best way to create a userspace/cpu-accessible framebuffer with litepcie, to make sort of a rasterizer card or something like that. I have an acorn which probably doesn't have enough io to actually drive a display (and no baseboard), has anyone tried something like this? I'm not too familiar with pcie or wishbone for that matter. But curious how someone would approach this07:50
sajattackis there a way to just map a block of memory that both can share under linux?07:51
tntsajattack: you can create a memory mapped without ( BAR ) that just exposes your VRAM.07:51
sajattackwhen you say vram, do you mean on the fpga or on my pc's gpu?07:52
tnton the fpga07:52
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sajattackyeah so that's kind of what I was thinking, how does the memory mapping work?07:54
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sajattackusing this example, is it just resource0 == the vram/dram?07:59
tntyes you could map bar0 directly to your vram or some part of it.08:09
tntyou could also define another BAR08:09
tnt(BAR0 is usually used for mmio registers)08:10
tntAlthough not sure if/how litepci supports multiple BAR.08:11
tntOk, it doesn't so you have to use bar0 (or a part of it).08:12
tntNote that this won't exactly be fast ...08:13
sajattackI found this issue about a similar thing too
sajattackhaha brrrrr
sajattackthis looks like it's for cuda though08:22
sajattackyeah so I guess just do the 54 one and access the memory with the cpu one pixel at a time?08:25
sajattackor try to find a way to map it to the gpu 🤔08:26
tntI don't understand what you mean. If you expose some RAM on the FPGA through a BAR, yeah, the CPU will access it through PCIe one pixel at a time.08:51
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whitequark[cis]i think you could maybe use MTRRs to make it cacheable?08:58
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sajattackvivado keeps failing to download lol09:18
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cr1901If you are a Tera Term user (Windows), and use LiteX, would you be willing to try this plugin?
cr1901It _does_ work for me, including the installers. But I don't have a second machine to try a "no dev env" install on.21:44

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