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kscz | If anyone has the time/inclination, I am struggling to figure out why this code does not respond to ARPs - https://github.com/kscz/wyrm/blob/no_mcu/wyrm_nomcu.py#L480-L489 | 01:37 |
kscz | I'm trying to have verilog modules recieve directly from the liteeth stream without a CPU, but I can't seem to get anything to work when I don't have a CPU in the loop | 01:38 |
kscz | An etherbone module does work and respond to ARPs, so the Phy invocation is not the issue, but the liteEthUDPIPCore does not | 01:39 |
kscz | gah - getting pulled away - if someone does respond I'll see it in the whitequark logs! Back in a bit! | 01:47 |
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kscz | I feel like I have hit a wall - I have no idea why this doesn't respond to ARPs | 07:20 |
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